Font Thread

Name a better font than GOAT-tier inconsolata.
>professional advice: you cannot


What about this font?

What I dislike about every Inconsolata variant that I've tried is that it's too small. At font size X it looks like what other fonts look like at size X-1 or X-2. Having to constantly fiddle with the font size when switching to/from Inconsolata really triggers my autism.

>not using terminal profiles

I'm still using Terminus after all these years...

can't argue with that

Terminus is also a great font user

You really like this photo, huh.

Go Mono

They still need to work on the bold variant though

I don't know if my eyes are just *too* adjusted to Terminus or what. I literally find it difficult to code using other fonts.

Hack or Ubuntu mono.

Deja Vu Sans Mono

Roboto Mono


Nothing matches Terminus for me so far.

GohuFont mustard face.

minion pro for reading.

Menlo in terminal, this everywhere else. I use Go Regular for all my UI too.

Hard to read for me.


Tewi and Terminus are both better.


I really like this font on terminal

Someone here showed me pragmata pro. It is likely the best programming and terminal font available.

I love Source Sans Pro, but use Open Sans and Geomanist from time to time. But that's for non-terminal related stuff