How many of you can pass Google interviews?

Up to snuff on your algos?

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I can't invert a binary tree, so I'm fucked

My skin color and set of genitals not being in demand at Google is a bigger problem

what do you mean by invert a binary tree, care to give an example?

Oh... Uh... Nevermind about that. Don't call us, we'll call you

no, clearly you don't understand the problem if you can't provide an example of correct output. your question is too vague as it could mean several different things.this is how you fail interviews

Probably not me, as once they pull their file on me with all the search history it'll be all over desu

it's a meme you dip

kek my bad

>tfw interview coming up with G and FB

dont spy on me when you get the job pls

Ill see what i can do.

I've got a phone interview coming up too.
I will probably bomb it tho. I couldn't solve one of the questions in the coding sample test.

believe in yourself

Are you applying for a job or an internship?

I work at Google. If you know tree/graph traversal and manipulation, hash tables, and can give the time complexity of an algorithm you can pass a Google interview. In other words, you need only one college-level data structures and algorithms course under your belt.

Of course this basic level of knowledge disqualifies 99% of Sup Forums.

Why even work at Google, you won't do anything significant, you get paid a lot but half that money goes to living in fucking San Fran anyways, the turn over rate is insane too. Work for a small company in Tennessee or some other low cost of living place. I make 65K a year, live on the water and my mortgage is paid off, and no one's gonna take my job because the dumb Hicks that run and work in my company think I'm a fucking genius


Its challenging, but not impossible. I interviewed at all the big 4 companies last summer for internship, and each one was basically just a homework assignment from my data structures class in interview form.

Honestly, getting to the point of the in person interview is harder than the interview its self I'm my opinion.

If you cut your teeth out of uni with the 2 year meme at a big 4 company its almost a golden ticket to go anywhere you want afterwards, of course if you don't get the stupids and keep sharp during your tenure...

I mean yeah it's the John's Hopkins of cs but still fuck living in San Francisco. Also you'll get sucked into the unicorn startup meme

Just know someone in the company or get a referral. Someone in your school probably works there and would give you a referral even if they don't know you.

Most of Sup Forums is fucking stupid.

>It's 2004+12
>Gtk still doesn't have a file picker

How do lincucks justify this?

I'm from Robotics Engineering but will work for a Software company soon. With my basic knowledge of C++ and Soft Engineering I was able to pass the interview quite easily, but now I am worried about not being qualified for the job.

Could you provide me a GOOD book and/or a reference to study Data Structure and Algorithms?

Don't worry about that, they will teach you a lot as you are new. Just ask your coworkers for good documentation for the thing you will be working on/with which they (mostly) gladly help with.

I rather have a fresh graduate who has a hard time and asking me for books and information (showing that they want to learn) than some kid who fails and didn't ask anything.

This. I have an interview in a week or so and need a crash course in A&DS. Looking for recommendations

There's that one book for algorithms you know. You know the one 1000 pages long that there's no fucking way you'll finish before you start working. But it's there anyway,

I am a non-white trans-African male lesbian attack helicopter who identifies as a fairy female with a penis (referred to as masculinized clitoris) who is attracted to white female virgins under the age of 18.

When do I start.

Check Sup Forums' s wiki, it has some good books.

Thanks for meeting with us, we'll let you know in a week.

They always give a bunch of technical strawman reasons

> "but then we have to rewrite the mouse event system and interface with kbus, they arent stable yet"

so fucking what, rewrite it anyway or do it yourself. this is important, it's a basic fucking feature of a file browser. Windows has it, MacOS has it, everybody has it except us.

"no. haha, we dont do this. We have to wait until the rewrite of kbus v2 is finished and then we will do it"

3 years later, still nothing obviously.

I work at Google Istanbul and their series of interviews were piss easy lol

>I work at Google Istanbul and their series of interviews were piss easy lol
They don't hold t*rkroaches to a very high standard.

They take the candidates into a dark room, and turn on the lights. The ones that don't scurry away get the job.

You will not use any advanced algorithms on the job. It's just a meme that you're a better programmer if you know them. You should focus more on learning things like git, software design, and reading documentation.

This, as an (glorified) embedded programmer I never needed any advanced algorithms. Al that work is done by specialized mathematicans who can't even program a arduino to light up a led, which is why they need me (^:

And you'll be forgotten but not them. They're thinkers, you're a tool. lol


Well you take an axe to the bottom of your tree, it can only have two branches though if its blossoming you're fucked. You cut it and catch it, flipping it back onto its stump upside down. Easy right?

That woman sure as fuck can't.

Yeah, writing a few bits to a register and hooking up a few wires is really tough.

She's one of the HR people that gets you motivated and excited google isnt full of ugly beta losers.

Does Google HHRR check your browser history or anything?

"Now Mr. user let's see what you've been doing with your computer and phone the last 12 months... oh you watch a lot of porn, you browse Sup Forums everyday, my database also says you are still a virgin... ok, we'll tell you something in a few days."

Wait shit like O(n) what im doing in uni right now will be actually useful later?


No, just use a linked list and bubblesort for everything.

>How many of you can pass Google interviews?
I was called in for an on-site interview once after passing three phone interviews, but it required me to take two days off and fly to Zurich which was pretty much a huge inconvenience for me, so I declined.

One of the tests they had me do was basically identifying a fibonacci generator.

public TreeNode invertTree(TreeNode root){
if (root==null) return null; // line 1

if (root.left != null){ // line 2
TreeNode leftchild = invertTree(root.left); // line 3
leftchild .right=root; // line 4

if (root.right != null){ // line 5
TreeNode rightchild = invertTree(root.right); // line 6
rightchild.left=root; // line 7

root.left=null; // line 8
root.right=null; // line 9

return root; // line 10

>actually thinking someone writes a data structure or sorting algorithm in real life
kek, just use arraylists and .sort() like every sane person

Write, no. Decide which data structure/algo to use based on the application at hand, yes.

>just use arraylists
Pajeet spotted.

>can this data fit into a hashmap?
>if yes then use that
>otherwise use a list

Wow user so hard!

>every problem is best solved using either a hashmap or an arraylist

Why is a hash map better when a hash map is better? How do you know that if you don't understand big O of the basic data structures?

Hashmap is O(1) ezpz

No but it will be in interviews for more "abstract" positions.

That's wrong though. Hash table is O(1), hash maps are usually red-black trees (because they use less memory) which have average and worst case O(log n) search time.

>Why is a hash map better when a hash map is better?
>hashmap vs hashmap

But I guess in Java, HashMap is actually a hash table implementing the Map interface.


shh, you'll confuse the pajeet

I'd say like 99% are



Don't care.

All I care is that I get unlimited storage from them.

void invertTree(TreeNode *root) {
if (root == NULL) return;
TreeNode *tmpleft = root->left;
root->left = root->right;
root->right = tmpleft;