Quitting computers

I have no self control when I'm on a computer, and waste a vast amount of my life. I've decided I want to cut computers out of my life for a while. Sadly I'm doing a CS degree. Any advice/thoughts?



try killing yourself, always work

thanks for your thoughts!

Kill yourself or take control of your life

> take control of your life
that's what i'm trying to do!

Get a life and kill yourself.

the hive has spoken

Tried killing myself, ended up reincarnating into the soul of a Mac user. Life not going too well.

Yeah there is no magic recipe to it.
Or tricks
or anything

If you cant do it you're a weak piece of meat that will be brushed away by the waves of time and forgotten by history

Improve your math skills in your free time :^)

I mean has anyone here tried completely stopping computer and phone usage? Would be very inconvenient, but also quite liberating.

(i realised its kinda stupid to be asking if people here have been successful at stopping computer usage)

Become an alcoholic

your trying to distract yourself again.

Try to actually do useful work instead of wasting time on places like Sup Forums. Easier said than done tho, i'm trying to do this and here i am, replying to some dude on Sup Forums...


Get a list of all the sites that you waste time on and redirect them to in /etc/hosts. You can always edit it, but the additional barrier might help.

Just do something productive whilst you're on the computer like map making, 3d modelling, or actually using what you're course has told you and programming.

If you want to get off the computer, get into something technology related but not about computers like electronics or photography.

If you enjoy problem solving get into something related to solving puzzles. Rubiks cubes are fun to solve and pretty relaxing once you can remember all the algorithms.

Or just kill yourself of course.

get a laptop and don't install steam or much of anything on it. Never play games or watch videos on it, use it purely for school/work.

Maybe that will put your brain in "workmode" when you're not it, instead of playmode like your desktop/main pc.

Install Linux with no DE, do everything from command line

Then you're doing it wrong asking about how to do it on a caribbean folk music forum

just get a gf