If you guys hate surveillance so much, why do you use Android?

If you guys hate surveillance so much, why do you use Android?

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Because I'd rather be spied on than use a shitty phone

I use CM without gapps. Checkmate.

Because custom ROMs exist.

>having a phone

Google spies on you and Apple's security is so shit that it enables everyone else to spy on you.

Don't really see any difference so I use the phone that sucks less.

because i'm poor

Because iPhones have been comfirmed to have backdoors thus has no real encryption at all.

Yes there are backdoors on even the latest iPhone 7, 7+ devices. No I don't want to get v& exposing them here.

So the NSA AND Pajeet is spying on you

You don't seem to know much about Apple.

Are you poor and angry?

>he doesn't build his own AOSP rom

Ubuntu Touch all the way bby
And it's not like iOS has no spying. Apple are still happy little PRISM bitches. It's just that the spying there only benefits big brother and not big brother and advertisers like it does on Android.

most corporate spying is benign

I personally believe in the freedom to opt into this shit rather than have it forced on you by default

>phone is primarily a mobile shitposting machine
>implying I have anything to hide
I get the reason for paranoia, but I don't need to worry about privacy on a phone that much. But that isn't to say I'm OK with surveillance, I hate it. It's just that I can tolerate it on a personal scale.

>having anything

All the iPhones have back doors. The Macs have it too. It's not supposed to a be a secret.

>And it's not like iOS has no spying.

>All the iPhones have back doors. The Macs have it too. It's not supposed to a be a secret.

>shitty phone
butthurt poorfag Pajeet detected

shoulda gone with copperheados

It's Android, JailCellOS or DeadOS. It's just the least shit

What phone you run, friend. Been wanting to switch but I don't wanna fight with chink shit and bleeding edge

Finally got around to flashing CM today, it's glorious.



This desu.

>I don't want to get v& exposing them here
If you're not under a gag order or NDA, it is perfectly legal to blab to the world about any device's security vulnerabilities, especially if you had any hand in discovering them.

Replicant is the freetard version of android if you want to go that way.

Jokes on you all I use blackberry os

I don't. I use a dumb phone. Not because of privacy (after all, any GSM device is a tracking device) but because:

a) I do all my computing on an actual fucking computer,
b) I'm a grown ass man, not a millenial teenage faggot that would get ostracized by other millenial teenage faggots for not subscribing to the latest phone fashion or not using Facebook.

I don't.

This so much.

Apple is worse. also

I do all my computing on a real computer too, but I also leave the house. So I've got a smartphone over a dumbphone for a Bluetooth PAN

It's ok not to have a smartphone.
Though you don't have to be obnoxious about it and be ignorant of smartphones capabilities and calling the younger generation "millenial teenage faggots" while also making a mistake in "millenial".

Given the option, no one would ever opt into it, no matter how benign it is.

Apple has the key used for signing firmware.

apple spies on users, android spies on users - I use blackphone

The dongle life is not for me.

>If you hate surveillance so much why not use a flip phone from 2005?

>If you guys hate surveillance so much why use a phone?

>>If you guys hate surveillance so much why use any electronic at all?

now that's overkill. Not using a phone is legitimate as literally 100% of them are tracking devices.

It seems you've forgotten, so let me remind you.


>According to internal NSA documents seen by SPIEGEL, the NSA has focused on accessing smartphone data. In a secret presentation, the agency ironically uses an image from the iconic Apple Macintosh ad aired during 1984 Superbowl, which referenced the George Orwell book "1984."


>The presentation went on to show Steve Jobs as "Big Brother." The NSA documents indicate that the agency can access a wide variety of iPhone geolocation features and other data.

>The implication of the presentation is that iPhone users are somehow complicit in their own surveillance by buying iPhones in the first place.


Hey it's you again

if it wasn't for Uber/Lyft I could probably do this

>iphone is shit and expensive
>apple is part of prism anyway
>android is shit and cheap
>google is part of prism

>ubuntu touch is shit and unusable
>canonical will never make a good thing our of it

>sailfish seems okay and botnet free
>proprietary UI but still better than android and ios
>not a single phone available in months

>firefox OS shit and DOA

>fire phone
>useless amazone memephone

>tizen seems the best option
>only sells phones in India

>blackberry is dead

This is the state of the phone industry right now. I tried ubuntu touch, a friend told me sailfish OS was actually good but I couldn't try it / order it. Still no news of Tizen for the Europe.

Smartphone industry is just shit now and we can only deal with it. At least with android you get custom roms, something cheap and that does the job (more or less).

Get a BlackBerry, buy far the best.

Dongles are botnet.

I actually really like my old blackberry

Never used an old BlackBerry extensively, have used my grandpa's here and there when I was younger (bought an 8830 World Edition at some point but it was DOA). I do love my Q10 and Passport though, I refuse to downgrade back to Android.

not landlines or phones without GPS or sim card


Thanks captain obvious, we're clearly discussing cellular devices.
>phones without GPS or SIM card
Even phones that lack GPS can be traced using the cell towers. It's less accurate but still gives a general idea of your whereabouts.

I put landlines as a fucking joke lighten up and I said without gps OR sim card, so without both, not without one oh also no phone can be tracked when it's used with a wide range frequency jammer

>If you guys hate surveillance so much

Who said we do? If you aren't doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.

I use a burner nokia phone

>I put landlines as a fucking joke lighten up
It was a dumb joke.
>and I said without gps OR sim card
If it's capable of a cellular signal it's capable of being tracked. Period.

>If it's capable of a cellular signal it's capable of being tracked. Period.
ok give me evidence a phone without gps or a sim card can be tracked



>The location of a mobile phone can be determined using the service provider's network infrastructure.
if there's no sim card theres no service provider and it's not pinging any cell towers

So emergency mode is practically magic then. Retard.

please tell me this is bait, in the UK each town gets one emergency dial in tower, you can't fucking triangulate off one tower

The UK is retarded then. In the US by law your phone must be able to use any tower for that purpose. It should switch to whichever is the strongest.

Android by itself is open source and has no privacy issues.

>if it's capable of connecting to a tower, it can be tracked
>y-yeah but if I disable my phone's ability to connect to the tower for normal calls and pretend that it can't still be used for E911 then everything's okay
Also CDMA is a thing, many cellphones have no SIM slot (with LTE now that's not really the case, a SIM is needed for it but the rest of the connectivity works fine.

Your phone may not be able to use more than that one tower but all the towers can still use you.

Yes, be good goys and buy an iPhone (tm), your data is safe with us!

How does the DTI bust pirate radio stations then? I don't think you have a very good understanding of how this works.

>How does the DTI bust pirate radio stations then?
are you fucking dense? they just check all the local pirate ships and see which one has a radio tower on it, fucking hell go back to Sup Forums

>anything with cloud shit
Pick only one.

>inb4, but apple said it's safe so it HAS TO BE SAFE!

Because I can use custom ROM's without GAPPS, can choose the bootloader, dont have a fingerprint reader. Plus I can root my phone which allows me to use a proper Firewall adblocker and Networkmapper. I can acceess my phone without using MAC OS or Winblows can SSH into my network and even use SSHFS. Try all that with an iPhone.
I know there's no escape from big brother but I dont have to make it too easy and throw away all my personal data. For me it's a compromise I can live with. Something between using 21st ct tecnology and protect my privacy on a level that I fell comfy with.

And do you anons tape over your front Camera, too?

>Plus I can root my phone which allows me to use a proper Firewall adblocker and Networkmapper. I can acceess my phone without using MAC OS or Winblows can SSH into my network and even use SSHFS. Try all that with an iPhone.
Can do all that besides the OS X and Windows part and possibly SSHFS.

Ethically, the process should be this way, and if it's internationally done, one faces little consequence. However, it is illegal in the United States unless invited to do so by a company. For instance, in 2011, Google and Microsoft have programs that authorize this behavior, but Sony did not. Sony sued Hotz for violating the DMCA and CFAA, as well as torturous interference (probably for breaking the ToS), and the lack of case law prior to this being in Hotz favor suggests that he would lose had they not settled out of court.

Just because you're a tripfag doesn't mean you know jack shit about the law.


>If you guys hate pollution so much, why do you use commercially manufactured goods?

why is it when people post these screenshots they never include the fucking site title and address so we can read the whole article?

A firewall which refuses even the OS to go online? the bootloader of your choice an opensource OS with opensource device drivers? Monitoring all the Packages that go trough your network adapter, even on OS basis like you can do with wireshark? I don't think so. And very much fun while waiting for a JailBreak if there comes one for the current iPhone. There is a reason why people JailBreak they're phones

Here's andother one: I can swap my battery without loosing any screw

>worrying about law on an anonymous board for cantonese basket weaving

Firewall sure, bootloader no, I missed that part.
>Monitoring all the Packages that go trough your network adapter, even on OS basis like you can do with wireshark?
Pretty sure.
>And very much fun while waiting for a JailBreak if there comes one for the current iPhone
Oh no you have to put off your excessive consumerism urges!?
>Here's andother one: I can swap my battery without loosing any screw
That has literally nothing to do with iOS nor Android.


Because everyone on Sup Forums knows how to use google

>Oh no you have to put off your excessive consumerism urges!?
what? those are personal urges if anything. iOS is fine without Jailbreak desu but I simply prefer Android+Root since it's a small computer at that point but the iPad I own for school/recreational purposes is also fine for a "just werkz xD" experience. iOS a shit tho when it comes to RAM management on older devices, and my iPad Air from 2013 is already on Apple's obsolete list

>Oh no you have to put off your excessive consumerism urges!?
when using an S3

>That has literally nothing to do with iOS nor Android.
iOS is from Apple, Apple doesn't give you the option to carry a second battery to quickly swap it. Companys which sell android phones give you that option how's that not related? If you take out the battery you can be sure that the mic and camera is completeley off

Don't get me wrong, the thread was about why we use android if we want privacy. I dont wanna convince people to use or do something I use or do. if I am honest I owned an iPhone years ago and I told from my personal experience. But now privacy is more important to me than back then. If you want to keep your iPhone than keep it it's your personal preference and I respect that. Maby something changed since then, I don't know.

The thing is after I had an iPhone 3gs and was switching to an S3 I realised that iPhones are nothing I want to use again

>when using an S3
What do you expect me to say when you're whining about not being able to get your yearly upgrade?
>iOS is from Apple, Apple doesn't give you the option to carry a second battery to quickly swap it
Still entirely irrelevant. We're comparing software, not the hardware said software runs on.

it's pointless to compare only the software if you can't run it in a VM or on multible devices

Not at all.

custom rom fixed all the woes.

>taking out the battery assures mic and camera are off
I'm not a paranoid neckbeard who believes the government is after me for jerking off to cartoon dickgirl porn, but removing a battery from a phone doesn't guarantee much. If it's possible to get a gps signal from a phone without a battery, I'm sure it's possible to do many other things as well.
Do i think phone companies are doing this? No. but if they really wanted to I'm sure they could.

actually you are right


Also the Article says the chips were using the "Battery reserve" so you could have prevented this by actually removing the Battery

I would do that as well except it is nice to be able to browse Sup Forums anywhere, use it as an expensive GPS unit for my car, as well as a music player.

I use android because ios sucks and win10mobile has no apps and isn't built on linuxish stuff.

because a lot of the times the articles have fake titles, it's pretty much a 50/50 on real/fake article

>Which devices are currently supported?
CopperheadOS currently supports the Nexus 9, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P.

Best mobile OS.

That'd be BB10OS.

I used to think like this, but then all my friends started playing Android vidya and I just couldn't be the odd one out. So I installed Android on my PC, but it wasn't easy to use. I even tried emulators so I don't have to dual boot, but they were even less efficient. I eventually just gave up and bought an android phone. I just can't switch to anything else because muh games.


cant afford a premium brand, justifies being spied on because he can't admit it.


Your point is?