Fuck mark zuckerberg i will never use facebook

>fuck mark zuckerberg i will never use facebook
>uses instagram

My God. Seeing this like makes my blood boil.


I dont get it.

Instagram isn't the facebook jew?

>all social media is owned by facebook


Try Twitter in a language that isn't infested with SJWs.

That's nice, retard.

lol XD they're so dumb amirite XD

Edit: thanks for the gold guys

There's so many billionaires from questionable tech venues like Bezos, Gates, those Jewish guys behind Google, but only this guy genuinely creeps me the fuck out. It's like he's wearing a mask.

He looks different when he takes the tutu off.

...Facebook actually owns Instagram.

>but only this guy genuinely creeps me the fuck out. It's like he's wearing a mask.
Found the anti-Semite
Electroshock therapy should be used to treat racists


i think the dude you're replying to is an illiterate new fag who doesn't understand how greentext works

>>uses instagram
isn't that the photo filters for little girls to make "artsy" photos from 5 years ago?

there's no way that's genuinely relevant today, it's too old

Oculus is owned by Facebook also :(

>sparingly use a facebook account
>it constantly suggests i like/friend zuckerberg

>it's too old
That's why it's becoming more relevant. Normies are seeing it as the new trendy app to post photos to.

I have an account but don't really post much. Mostly use it to look at a few photography feeds and GoPro/Red Bull videos.

>have Facebook for tinder
>have instagram to see if tinder chicks aren't fat catfishes

Works every time

Sounds pretty reasonable actually, considering what vapid females are willing to give away on either service, it is a good idea to cross check things.

Makes my kike boil?

Instagram is really for three kinds of people: 1) celebrities to post pictures to their fans, 2) self-promoters shilling some shit product, and 3) attention whores who want to be celebrities of their own lives.

Instagram really distills the narcissistic part of social media cancer.

>you will never be able to talk about something that exists or doesn't exist without being called an "attention whore" or "shill"
look at me shilling cats

>talk about something
Instagram is the #1 attention-whoring-by-pictures slash self-marketing-by-pictures platform. It really has no other purpose.