What are the most important concepts to know for a CS student?

What are the most important concepts to know for a CS student?

Problem Solving.

How to google solutions and existing source-code to solve your problems


people who explain and those who don't?

>not the 10-kinds meme

All of this.

Did they have legal rights to use those images?

>making a meme yourself
>thinking it's so good you need to close the thread.

go fuck yourself

We have the legal right to start trying to come up with witty one-liners to make your point seem worse than it really is oh shit this isn't a one liner oh fuck this went downhill fast shit shit sorry.

>ethics for the information age
kek I took a course using that exact same textbook last semester.

>What are the most important concepts to know for a CS student?


>Anyone in a CS major wanting to learn how to write games is full of shit.
>Anyone in a CS major wanting to learn how to code is alright, but will probably fail out in data structures. Befriend these people.
>Smaller schools are better since you will have a much better time connecting with people (and better aid). Larger schools will block you outright from the major in favor of the education visa holder from China/India with a 3.9999999 GPA and wealthy parents.
>Hackathons are a great way to apply what you know on normie problems (eg healthcare, shopping, etc). Beware of MLH events, though, as they've been cucked since the middle of last year (MLH is in turned cucked by the dicks of hundreds of VC investors).
>The ACM ICPC is good if you want to learn more theory. I've encountered questions from past competitions on HackerRank interviews, so at least study some of the old problems.
>Only use StackOverflow for answers. Don't contribute over there. The community is more toxic than Sup Forums.
>Post some side projects on GitHub to show potential employers that you have interests outside of the classroom.
>Most tenured CS professors tend to pick books that can be easily pirated. Use this to your advantage.

And, last but certainly not least,
>Undergraduate CS is more about problem solving abilities than whether or not you can write your own NP hard algorithms on command. Even if you never wrote any code ever again, you would still possess beyond superior problem solving and deduction abilities. With these abilities in hand, you could potentially market yourself to a variety of non CS careers easily.

Hope this helps, OP.

I'd still fuck her.


Fizzbuzz, of course.

Have a vagina. 300K starting.

>Required for CS
List just went down the shitter.

Data structures and algorithms.

This. Maybe 10 years ago.

gentoo installation

>bottom right


Those two replies look the same to me

>What are the most important concepts to know for a CS student?
Never hire a woman for a job that a man can do better.

Gender equality

The 2nd post is the smartest. After all why reinvent the wheel over and over when you can just copy and paste existing solutions?

idk man there's women that will program circles around your dumb ass

Object Oriented Programming
>inb4 muh functional programming

Not the same user but I feel the need to correct your grammar.
there are*

Doesn't look like the black man in the background knows what he's doing.

Honestly, to get a job in the Bay Area, just become a trans woman. If you get fired, prepare to make millions from the lawsuit.

OOP really isn't *that* useful fambam. I think developers will actually get pissed if you come up with a really complicated class structure that takes a long time to figure out.

Single inheritance at most I think but... is it really that useful in everyday code?

>OOP really isn't *that* useful
>Most used programming languages are OOP
>OOP is more organized than the alternative
When will you fuckers realize that OOP is literally the antithesis of memery?

Let's put it this way: businesses would not use OOP programming languages over functional languages unless it were more practical.

OOP programming languages are more practical. You can split the work between classes, between namespaces, methods, can use inheritance so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel in very fucking program and you can actually fucking control what you are programming.

Functional programming is obsolete. Very few people are seriously programming in BASIC or Fortran anymore.

Stupid fucking hipsters.

Not using OOP doesn't mean using functional programming. My point is that anything besides single inheritance and even using inheritance is not always the best choice. Implementing a class with no inheritance and duplicating a little code is sometimes the best choice.


class Lion(Animal, Walking, Hairy, Large, Dominant):
def move_to(self, x, y):
super(Lion, self).run_to(x + 15, y + 10)

>Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which may contain data, in the form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods


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