Solid drive

>solid drive
>hard drive
What's the next storage technology gonna be called?
>tough drive?

meme drive

quantum drive

Holographic drive

Depends on what it is obviously.

It's already here called Cloud

DigiDrive, but probably more likely what it's going to actually be when it gets made.


Liquid drive

Ploppy drive
Pls pls

Hyper Drive

They'll probably just keep calling them SSDs. The next gen will be that 3D-Xpoint memory that was developed a couple years back. It's essentially just slower RAM that doesn't lose data when it loses power.


That sounds like it'll be buggy as fuck for at least the first 3 years after release in the consumer market.

>slower RAM
>that doesn't lose data
My god, you're fucking stupid.
Leave this board

I said "essentially"

It's obviously not ram and works differently from ram, but it has speeds that aren't too much worse than ram, and is much more durable than flash. Not to mention the fact that they are planning to first release it in DDR4's memory stick format.

magnetized graphene drive


Soft drive

>Not to mention the fact that they are planning to first release it in DDR4's memory stick format.
you mean m.2?

I'm pretty sure he means NVDIMM, which you can count on to only be supported on white-box server boards from Dell/HP/etc.

I expect that the first Xpoint devices for consumers would be on PCIe cards or something.

NSA drive

Liquid drive -> Gas drive -> Plasma drive

>tough drive
Idk why, but this triggered me quiet a bit. Please kill yourself

Xpoint or NRAM.

The best drive

WW3 Will be saved on SSDs.
WW4 will be saved on clay tablets.

Mega Drive

You're a big drive

Quartz drives hopefully
Forget about storage failure.

Octane Drive

>WW4 will be saved on clay tablets.
I think you mean 'amorphous drives'.

Gas drive. Might as well gas yourself at this point

I vote for sss. Or just s for short.


4 wheel drive

Unknown Device

big drive

Brain Drive

Savy McDataface

the thing is, we just call it hard drive.
It's actually
HDD: Hard Disk Drive
SSD: Solid State Drive
so, the next one will be XXXXX Drive, the XXXXX being whatever the technology used will be.


Intel-Micron xProprietary Drive

I know, but this way the wordplay was at least viable.

based Germany, whatever that shit becomes, I'll just keep calling it Festplatte

but that's wrong.

what if we made a hybrid disk with the spinning speed of a normal hdd hard drive and put the ssd solid drive on top of the spinning to see it faster.

Hybrid drives already exist.

Liquid Drive > Solidus Drive > Naked Drive > Venom Drive > Punished Drive

What you shoved your face into a power sander?

Wait, so if the SSD portion transfers at 50GBPS, and the drive spins at 7000 RPM, we can multiply the 2 rates and get a speed of almost 350,000GBPS!

What's that in dollars?

muhdick drive

Well, assuming it's a 1TB drive at a cost of $70, and 1/4 of a 1TB SSD that would be $300, we can add the 2 costs together to get $370, and multiply that by 1.25, to get a total cost of $462.50.

Isn't there a Sex Drive?

Woah, the GBP really dropped in value then, fucking Brexit.

Yeah but it generally goes unused on Sup Forums

Bose-Einstein Condensate Drive.
BEC Drives when?!

I won't be happy until my BEC Drive takes up a whole room of my house and costs triple the amount of my current electricity just to run it.

Liquid State drive.
Plasma State drive.

Bubble chips

It won't be in consumer stuff for awhile though. It's currently in limited availability enterprise products.

They will be called SSDs



Well Intel has been pushing it back over and over for years, they FINALLY got the interface out on Z270 motherboards, I sure hope it's all fixed by the time it comes out
And yes user is correct, it's not non-volatile ram, it's just an SSD that rivals DDR2 speed and can act as ram

It's coming out on Z270 and I've heard it will be M2, but who really knows, M2 just barely reached ddr2 speed anyways

Quantom holographic drive

>tfw fell for the 4TiB RAM meme

designated shitting drive

shit, too late

Next one is Solidus drive, after that it's Liquid drive. Everything past that is debatable.

You might have responded faster if you had a faster storage device.


>drives are named after the storage medium used
>(magnetic) tape
>floppy (flexible) magnetic strip
>hard disk platters

There's literally nothing else you can expand upon...

Spin drive. If spintronics takes off.


PC drive

Nope, Cloud Drives are just HDDs or SSDs on a network location. Fuck off back to /r/tech.

>spinning NAND chips on a disk

Truly, the best of both worlds.

Too tough for you, faggot. Get back in the closet and start punching yourself until I tell you to stop.


That's gonna fuck the luddites up something proper.

obviously it will be a fucking soft drive

>It's obviously not ram
It literately is ram

Came to post this, quads confimrs it


Self-driving drive

she's married

that's the format, not the technology

crystal quartz drives

Nokia Drive



They weren't joking when they said being a woman is living life on easy mode.

Quads confirm.

transistor drive

nano drive

uses nanotubes

came here to post this

I've heard a lot about EM drives lately, so maybe that.

Cloud Drive
