Going to make my own internet when net neutrality is gone

When Trump gets rid of net neutrality, all of the good websites are going to be throttled, and all of the shit websites are going to be sped up.
This means that we only have on option.
We have to make our own internet.
It sounds difficult, but its not impossible.
I don't want to bother upstreaming with any current monopolist internet providers. I'm certain that they would not like our competition. So, the first step is to send a few satellites into orbit. I think that the Mexican space program would be the best candidate for this step.
Second step is to set up isp servers in key locations throughout the world.
After that, I need help figuring out what the next steps are. Or did I skip any steps? I can't do this alone, but if I have to, I will. They say you need a billion dollars to make a billion dollar company, but i have an euntraprunural spirit and a positive cheerful disposition, and a curious demeanor
with those three things, anything is possible.

Other urls found in this thread:


All of this "no net neutrality is going to kill the internet" talk is bullshit. Net neutrality didn't exist until 2015 but somehow we avoided all those horrible consequences, huh? That's because groups like Netflix got tired of paying extra for the massive amount of bandwidth they used, and got shills like yourself to back them up based on chicken little bullshit.

Trump is going to get rid of laws that enable ISPs to be monopolies. Government regulation is why comcast and AT&T can jew you over.

Is that true? Sauce?

>Trump doing anything at all



>le savior Trump meme

Your confusing his "break up the banks" with isp companies.

Kill yourself you goddamn niggers.

This is not what net neutrality is. Net neutrality is treating all packets, regardless of content, origin, or destination equally. It's not about one company or person not wanting to pay more to get more speed or something like that. It's about providers intentionally sabotaging another's traffic and asking for additional money because their service is better than yours.


I'm still confused. How does this effect the typical consumer of Sup Forums threads?

ISPs could slow down /ptg/ poster's "GNU/Linux ISO" torrent downloads down (or put a massive cap on torrent traffic) and the consumer could do nothing about it other than accept that their traffic is being slowed.

So everybody will have to get seedboxes in the netherlands?

>Net neutrality didn't exist until 2015
wtf are you smoking

net neutrality is not about that anyway, you fucking dumb burgerlander. Morons like you calling for decisions about shit they dont even understand at a basic level is what's ruining the world

I have a server there already, what would I do new?

>He doesn't believe in meme magic

They'd throttle that too guy unless your seedbox provider paid comcast's fee for "priority transfer rates"

gee no other hippie has ever had this idea ever

long answer: you don't know what net neutrality is, journalists memed you into thinking content providers are "blocking" shit you wouldn't be interested in anyway

short answer: Fuck off back to tor / l2p.

Other thing for you to think about as admin of your new hippie internet: you'd fold in a microsecond if you were offered just $100k one time and sell it to anyone

>make own internet

Why not elect better politicians tho?

fuck off

net neutrality means exactly what it says: providers treating all traffic equally instead of discriminating between sites and types of traffic

the homemade internet thing is bullshit indeed but stop acting like net neutrality isn't a big deal

We need to get rid of net neutrality. Honestly once it's gone your Internet prices will probably go down. Might even get faster speeds eventually too. Bunch of idiots.

this is a retarded solution, but net neutrality is a big deal and I really don't trust shitty companies to do anything for user benefit

u wat m8

Implying he will even do it to the banks seeing all the wall street guys in his cabinet

because America

>We need to get rid of net neutrality. Honestly once it's gone your Internet prices will probably go down. Might even get faster speeds eventually too. Bunch of idiots.
how the hell do you think that'll happen?

>greedy corporations are given more power to do whatever the fuck they want and create bullshit "premium" services
>they lower prices

We must fight to end packet racism.
All packets are created equal in God's image.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to facebook and read your news articles about how we need net neutrality plz.

ok but if you use a vpn they can't and if you're not already using a vpn you're a fucking idiot to begin with

>iImplying ISPs will not throttle VPNs

>implying an ISP will log every vpn server from every provider
>implying good vpn providers wouldn't pay a premium to avoid throttling or migrate servers to stop it
>implying I couldn't just setup a vpn on something like digitalocean that would pay to have their IP range to not get throttled

>If we don't enforce a law to combat something that hasn't happened without that law then everything will collapse
Really makes me think... About how we got into such a ridiculous bureaucratic fucking mess

It would appear that nobody seems to have any idea what net neutrality is. I read the wikipedia pages on net neutrality, and a host of articles, and still, I have no idea, what the fuck net neutrality is.

see i think you're the one who needs to go back to fb if you think net neutrality is bad for us

>the smoke detector on my ceiling has never gone off yet, why do we need those things