So I heard most programmers are dependent on google to do their work but what exactly do they look up on google?

so I heard most programmers are dependent on google to do their work but what exactly do they look up on google?

I basically just look up trap images all day

>what exactly do they look up on google?
Anything they don't understand.

I looked up your sisters address/phone number, then i had a nice dinner with her. I don't plan on calling her again tho senpai

i mostly google for small details of stuff i don't do very often, for example how to match a string against a regex and iterate over each match in a certain language

this desu

always something i'm really unfamiliar with (like a lot of obscure windoes api shit) or something i use once in a while but forget the details like regex or curl options

The only regex you have to match is [^faggot]

That's a shit expression.

>but what exactly do they look up on google?
Blue waffles

Documentation or if someone have already solved your problem on stackoverflow

Lolcat xD

I love a good burger with a high salad to meat ratio. It's just so much more satisfying than those crazy meat abominations that are trendy.


Basically everything. I'm a composer of Google queries and hack it together in a somewhat working program

memes and stack overflow stuff (e.g. how to concatenate strings in python)

I use google as a reference book. I could read several pages of documentation. But chances are I can ask google a question and get a stackoverflow link with someone asking the exact same thing I want with detailed answers.

For what it's worth you can get by with Duck Duck Go as well, and you ought to use them instead, considering their massive donations to open source projects.

The difference in results is not big enough to be a hindrance.

It's especially convenient for irrational and contrived languages such as Python which defy common sense and logic. I very rarely look up C-related stuff and it's mostly just obscure standard quirks and definitions. Whereas with Python, one has to google even simple thing like how to iterate a list or how to read a file because there are too many ways to do it, each one with its own use cases. Not to mention that there are different Python versions and you have to take that into consideration as well. I image it's a similar situation for other meme languages.


I do the same. I'm not a programmer otherwise.

the design

Basically the parts of logic or the theory that they might need to learn about more in detail. A lot of times the logic comes from the math version [ and we just tack evaluations between our own way, if we code in any capacity ], like pointer arithmetic is done just as we are taught calculus, in American schools. The F of G relationtship represents the dereferencing of a value as *var. The top most function being F, you commit to any symbollic commands and and extract functions for evaluation. So, it's like doing the PEMDAS. The symbollic equations usually have a a dereferencing quality themselves where they create new graphs of the original rather than modifying the value. That could be thought of as parenthetical in the case that they separate any secondary processes as segregate because they then treat them as a whole new domain. So, then the differentiation of the "effect" of symbollic functions is acting more like a central warp of and even more concept rather than extending the length and reference of the original medium, as to be memory. So, then if something were to modify a value that exists between the twisty line and the long curve that trails into crazy straw land but it only happened due to the functions, we could create a cross product of the conjugate factors and use that list of relationships to mark types of info. In the case of pointer arithmetic, this would be like the basis for the return keyword, or for retyping a command parameter by adding a new manifold of compromise between two operations given that they find closure within the model the operations themselves provide. Even if only symbollically.

That matches any single character that isn't "a", "f", "g", "o", or "t"

*to any symbollic commands and extract expressions for evaluation

I'll google "msdm

Your on the right track

Who do you think is going to read this?

>iceberg lettuce
You enjoy diluting the flavor?

I dont put lettuce on my burger to taste the lettuce. I put it fo dat crunch, niqqa.

Sometimes I run into arcane compiler errors, and I google them to figure out what it wants from me.

was about to post this, it's for texture, not flavour.

retellings of manpages and documentation

I mostly use Google to learn about the functions in the libraries I'm using.

BBC is texture, just don't mind the flavor as well.

>Whereas with Python, one has to google even simple thing like how to iterate a list

for item in list:

>or how to read a file


Thats hard right...

Mostly ASCII table and C operator precedence

depends. If I'm coding C or ASM I can easily figure it out my self or just consult the manual.

its the other langauges with so much shit that no one can remeber it all that you need google for.