He downloads and stores his music as FLACs

>he downloads and stores his music as FLACs
>he thinks he can tell the difference from MP3s
>he mocks audiphools with silly cables when he's just as stupid
explain yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:


>getting lossless digital files is the same thing as spending $$$ on actual physical you-can-touch-it stupidity

why are fruit loops taped to that cable?

By definition, 50% of the world's population have 2-digit IQ.

Many of them have fat wallets, too.

>implying SSD/flash disk space is free
>implying bandwidth is free
>implying wasting your time is free
nice try

>He stores media on an SSD

here's a challenge to all you audiophools who hoard FLACs.

listen to this mp3 clip:


All mp3s clip this frequency (and above) out because no one can hear it.

go ahead, put on your best set of cans/IMEs/earbuds or whatever the fuck you have and listen to it.

can you hear it?


I bet you can't.

So quit with that FLAC bullshit.

> tfw I can't hear it
I'm about to neck myself famallama
Imagine all the details I'm missing in my music because I can't hear past 20khz

>he downloads and stores his music as FLACs
>he thinks he can tell the difference from MP3s
>he mocks audiphools with silly cables when he's just as stupid
I'm definitely not as stupid.

>he thinks keeping FLACs is because of the inaudible higher quality
straight outta plebbit

it's for archival and peace of mind

I have a 1.2TB PCI-E SSD

So yeah I got a lot of space for media LOL

why did you upload empty audio files


what in god's name is this

>OP has anything beyond a lepai and some $20 headphones anyway

go ahead -- play some 4k video on your 320x200 4 bit monitor

Fucking btfo

>he doesn't know the difference between frequency limit and bitrate resolution

lies. unless you're 12, you can't heat it.

The difference between FLAC and mp3 isn't 100s of dollars. Also "muh you can't tell the difference" isn't an argument because it's still there whether you can observe it or not.

kek. you can't hear it.

>why did you upload empty audio files
it's not empty. open it with audacity yourself.

here's what it looks like.

unless you're a dog or a bat, you can't fucking hear it.

yet ppl download FLACs because it's in there.

I have expensive sennheisers and I can't hear it.

I also have a 4K monitor and your analogy is fucking bullshit because even if you have a sub-4K monitor, you can scroll around and see the pixels. yet you can't hear shit above 18kHz

every "you can't hear it" fag needs to read about the definition of lossless and what transcodes are, and then proceed to fuck off

just make the jump and then you'll realize why you should have been doing it all along. it's what i did.

>yet ppl download FLACs because it's in there.
>he thinks mp3s are the only other type of audio format.

I seed FLACs on my seedbox. I encode v0s to listen to on my devices from them. There's nothing wrong with either really. Whatever you have space for.


maybe you should fucking TRY TO LISTEN to all these high frequencies and realize that you can't fucking hear shit. and do a fucking AB test while you're at it to see how shit your hearing truly is and how you can't tell the difference between a 192kbps MP3 and 320kbps MP3 (let alone a FLAC).

>he thinks 1.2tb is a lot of space

>your subconcious can hear it
>it's how you can brainwash peepole

it is if you're talking about mp3s

>>your subconcious can hear it

Of course there is a difference when you look at graphs and use laboratory-grade scientific instruments to measure it. But you still can't hear the difference between a 192kbps MP3 and FLAC if you had a blind test.

The only difference people perceive is placebo because they know they are listening to FLAC (or annoyance because they are listening to 192kbps MP3).

If you play FLAC and say it's 192kbps MP3 then nearly all audiophiles would say the quality is shit. And if you did the opposite they would say the quality is great.

It is the same way that people can hear the difference when they buy $10,000 audio cables . While EVEN when you measure it, there is no difference.

your argument would be fine if you made it based on 320 kbps MP3

but 192 kbps MP3s have problems with artifacts and transients like high hats

bretty good music senpai

>22khz wav

What the fuck kind of mp3 cuts frequencies beyond 11khz? You are a fucking clueless moron.

Here's an average v0 mp3 for comparison

>uploading to vocaroo for audio comparisons of all things
you do know that vocaroo heavily compresses (both kinds of compression; volume and file compression) audio right

>All mp3s clip this frequency (and above) out because no one can hear it.
You can't hear it, but you can hear how it harmonically interferes with the frequencies you CAN hear. It's entirely possible to simulate the interference so you still hear the interaction before dropping the inaudible frequencies, but, as far as I know, no media encoding does this.

As a musicianfag I know plenty of people who care about this shit -- typically people who play instruments at the upper- and lower-most registers, there are even some instruments capable of playing notes with frequencies outside the range of human hearing -- but luckily I'm not one of them. I'm still capable of considering their desires valid, however.

>beyond 11khz

Not him but that vocaroo is not 11kHz you retard.

>not understanding how sampling rates work

Holy shit are you fucking retarded. Amplitudes and frequency sampling rates are not the same.

You need to shut the fuck up. You're beyond stupid.

>In their heyday, researchers at Bell Labs earned 7 Nobel Prizes in total, and in 1960, the IEEE gave their “Medal of Honor” to Harry Nyquist, who had researched there for almost 40 years.

>Back in the 1920s, the Yale graduate had worked on an early version of the fax machine. By 1947, he had made his most lasting contribution: a mathematical proof that showed any sound wave could be perfectly re-created so long as it was limited in bandwidth and sampled at a rate more than twice its own frequency.

This is why the sample rate is double the actual frequency range. This is also why you are a dumb fucking faggot and shouldn't post.

>He doesn't have headphone made it Germany, Austria or Japan.
>He doesn't have a 99.99% oxygen free audio cable.
>He doesn't have a decent motherboard.
>He doesn't have a DAC.

>thinking FLAC is for listening purposes

Enjoy your sub-par lossy files for your mobile device which were transcoded from a lossy source.

Meanwhile I'll be rocking beautiful Opus encoded files on my mobile devices, which were encoded from a proper lossless source.

>that tfw when an OP with a laughing slut pic describes you perfectly
I-its for archival ;_;

So lets turn the argument around for mp3.
Why do mp3? Less space?
In the age of sub 100$ 3TB hdds and 10/10 optics for under 20$/mo.

mp3s were very welcome when our shitboxes had 64GB hdds and we had 54k dialup connections.


I don't even know why people argue for mp3.

literally anything can play mp3.
almost nothing can play flac.

>implying i dont download mp3v0

>using deprecated bloated MP3 in 2016 almost 2017
>still holding back technology because hurr
FLAC for lossless and Opus for lossy, everything else a shit.

No-one on Sup Forums actually does pic related. Most "audiophools xD" just have a decent USB DAC, and a good set of cans.

Most audio still comes in those bitrates because CD's come in those bitrates and there is demand for that level of quality. Its none of anyone else's business how a person uses their storage on their devices. It very rarely costs more to get the higher quality audio. Bandcamp lets you chose.

But then it also comes down to how pretentious an audiophile gets when talking to a 'normie xD'. As far as Sup Forums goes. The audiophiles have pretty much contained themselves within their own board, and sometimes come out to help in purchasing threads. This thread was probably made by some salty retard who blew all his kringlas NEET money on a grand audio setup, and after realised that he won't ever appreciate it.

All completely subjective. Of course an audiophile is going to talk up what they set themselves up with. But not everyone can afford to do/buy those things.
I enjoy organising my library and fetching good quality album art from the web. And only 3-4 bands, 1000 files, out of the 10'000 audio files in my collection are FLAC. The rest are 256-320kbps mp3's. Just 'cause' I bought them on CD.

Shitting on others peoples hobbies sure seems fun.

pc plays it
phone plays it
car stereo doesn't play it, but if its worth a crap it has bt audio
I noticed cheap as dirt ministereos also got bt audio lately

Anything else I missed?

>tfw you download your stuff in mp3 V0 to use on all devices

it cost $200 to store my entire 4000+ album flac collection

nigga plz.

>he spends countless hours looking at spectrographs because I'm the guy converting mp3 to flac