How does it make you feel?

How does it make you feel?

I don't get it

Me too.

The iPod was a success story that brought a quality music platform to the layman. There is little to no demand for this now, and the mobile market is not dominated by Apple.

Makes me wish that apple would prove the world wrong again.

Too bad jobs is dead and Apple has been getting worse ever since

You cannot "prove" the world wrong. The world is the majority and therefore "right" by default.

Feel what?


pretty fucking smug desu

>the mobile market is not dominated by Apple
That's because the iPhone is a high-quality premium smartphone. Most people can't afford it so instead they buy some shitty Android phone for $200.

well to be fair, smartphones have advanced quite a bit in recent years

a $200 phone has more than enough power/features for a normal persons needs

Any poorfag can buy an iPhone
Phone prices literally don't matter anymore with 2 year contracts

Come on, even Jamai's got one on contract layaway. In fact, iPhone is becoming today's Tommy Hilfiger/Nautica of the 90s

Just because an opinion is held by a majority, it does not mean that the opinion is correct.

i am feeling very warm right now

The iPod Nano was the first and last Apple product for me.
>shit controls (that circular thing)
>requires iTunes
>unable to download songs because filenames are multilated


prove what?


>tfw still have two weeks even though I ordered them on the 13th

Demand was pretty huge when all the initial user reviews were so glowing but yeah Apple sucks this year in terms of not making enough shit to meet demand.

I'd like to point out that Apple was a failure as far back as the Apple 2. The BASIC on the machine sucked, and they had to get Microsoft's version to do floating point math.

Apple got Microsoft to make applications for the initial Macs.

Apple continues to rely on Microsoft to make applications for the Mac so that they can remain competitive in the business arena.

Apple would be a dead company by now had Microsoft not bailed them out with a ton of money in the late 90's.

Apple said PowerPC was superior to x86 technology, but now they use Intel.

Apple said their OS was faster and more secure than Windows, but then they switched to unix with a flashy interface.

Seriously, Apple is run by a lunatic of a man who wants everything his way and only his way. This is why there's always been disaterously retarded hardware and software aspects over the years. One button mouse, window buttons at the top left, single file menu at the top in the day of true multitasking, etc etc etc. Apple is living in the 80's, on modern hardware.

What have we learned here? Modern-day Apples are overpriced Linux boxes with a flashy shell. The end.

Jobs said Microsoft's software was shit though.

it makes me feel as though wired magazine has some semblance of intellect, and apple completely failed the challenge, but they tout themselves as having succeeded

They did fail out of the hardware field, they're just on top of the tech-fashion field.

lmao, even niggers own non-stolen iPhones now

>$399 for 128GB

you would think ipods would have 1 gb for $100 by now

On a subjective issue like this then yes, it does.

? This is kinda true now though after steve jobs died they havent innovated or done shit just the same products for hipsters

The majority does not decide what's right. If 99.99 of the world population told me 2+2 is 42 they would still be wrong.

Still costs less to maintain over a 5 year period compared to Windows PC's. - IBM