Local gym has made it compulsory to use fingerprint ID in order to use facilities

>Local gym has made it compulsory to use fingerprint ID in order to use facilities
>Everyone must give over their fingerprint and a facial ID to use the gym
>Majority of people have already done it
>They've removed the card scanners, you have to give your fingerprint


I was so shocked when I heard this, its almost like watching the collapse of society

Other urls found in this thread:


>not having your own Olympic bar & weights

Don't use the gym.

Get your own gym at home. You can do just fine with only a barbell.

>paying to workout

I bet they don't enforce that it has to be one of your real fingerprints.


>using a gym

Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?


Do 100 push-ups, 100 sit ups and 2 mile run every day.

I wish americans would stop saying "holy [x]".

I can't go more than 1 thread without seeing it or that word "literally".

Literally, literally.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>literally 2016
>not doing push-ups day and night

>iPhone owning, meat-headed gym-goers can't into keeping a card on them when they go to the Gym
>Constant complaints to management
>Cards being given to non-members, with some cards being shared with 12 different people
>non-members abuse and fuck up equipment, and can't really be held accountable for it
>Cards get lost all the time and staff have to be trained in reissuing new cards and a stock must be kept
>verifications have to be in place to make sure cards aren't going to non-members who claim to have lost a card they never had
>Decide to go biometric to alleviate all above issues
>Some Asperger Retard thinks we're indoctrinating him into the Illuminati or some shit.

I've been using a thumbprint to sign into work since the early 00's. It's for everybody's security and convenience. Nobody is trying to sell you out to the FBI or some shit. The machine that stores the information about the thumb prints probably doesn't even have the actual images. They probably just have hash information created at the scanner when it finds 32 different, specific points on your thumb to refer against. And even if it does, once again, who gives a shit. Cancel your subscription to that gym, and go to another if this bothers you for some reason. If the CIA wanted your butthole, they'd have it already.

hey man I saw your filename and you might want to stop using duckduckgo if you want to escape the botnet, I'm pretty sure the guy that owned it used to own a datamining company. There are also a few other privacy concerns. Use searx.me, startpage, ixquick

>being a skinny faggot

No thanks.

>Nobody is trying to sell you out to the FBI or some shit.

Nobody is trying, but once you've shared that it's not in your control, and we live in a country where the government can secretly demand that from the company that stores it, and they nave no incentive not to

You vote with your money, asshole.

Every single time I hear someone bitching about a consumer product or service but they continue to shell out money for it I just want to punch them in the face.

hurr durr kolapss of sosiety.



>I've been using a thumbprint to sign into work since the early 00's. It's for everybody's security and convenience. Nobody is trying to sell you out to the FBI or some shit.

Kill yourself and go back to ribbit.

Already moved to startpage, I just had this image from a while ago, thanks.

le free market will decide everything meme

Kill yourself, this doesn't work when the majority of people are plebeians who are unaware of their safety being breached.

99% do not read privacy policies because they are ignorant but I'm sure you'll use some mental gymnastics to claim it's their fault and not the immoral company's fault for exploiting them!

Pro-tip, the world isn't filled with the exact same people with access to the same information.

I suggest you read up on 'Behavioural Economics' if you want to stop being a retard.

No fuckface, not the free market meme. This isn't about government control vs free market control.

This is about individual consumer rights and responsibilities.

If you, YOU (fuckface) give any more money to a business that is doing something you fucking hate, rather than seek out a new gym, YOU, fucking YOU have CONDONED their behavior because all the matters to a business is your money.

If you disagree with them doing this, you have to stop doing business with them, or you have to understand you've voted with your wallet and should shut the fuck up.


Except soon all the gyms will adopt this method in order to look more professional and compete with this gym.

They have to make money because of rent, electric costs, staff, equipment etc.

This may seem like le consumer choice, but soon it will not be, soon it will be compulsory.

You're not wrong. But what do you do when there's nobody selling the product you want to buy?

use a different gym, problemo solved

First of all, do you consider yourself a fucking oracle or something? How the fuck do you know, for certain, what ALL gyms will do?

Faggot bullshit.

Until they do, you're just choosing to be a little bitch.

You cope. And we're not talking about food and shelter here. We're talking about gym membership.

If you're going to sell out for every convenience then you deserve an Idiocracy type future.

Have some balls.

>being a huge muscular beast of a man

No thanks.

What exactly do you think the government will do with your fingerprint?

This was my immediate thought as well.

How exactly documents work in usa?
In my country every citizen needs three documents to have their existence acknowledged by the government, and basically everything you do in life will require these documents. It works like domino effect. The first one is the birth certificate, your parents should make this one when you are born. It's made both by the hospital where you were born,and the registration institute we call Cartorio. There are many in every town, it's where we make our documents. You will need your birth certificate for everything untill you make the CPF, more or less translates to "real person registration". It basically sets a 11 digit number connected to your persona,and stored in a big national digital system. From this moment, the system is aware of your existence. It's not just a piece of paper anymore, it's a log on an online database that government and institutes can access. After that, you use your CPF to get the most important document in your life,the one that will practically replace the birth certificate. The RG, general Registry. A document containing birth place, anniversary, gender, height, ethnicity, hair colour, eye color, parents names, civil status (single married widow) a small face picture and... Wait for it... Your fingerprints. All of them. Until some years ago the fingerprints were not digitalized and stored in a database, but since 8 years ago government started the biometric registration of all citizens. The process is slow and will take years, but more than 20% of the population have done it already. I'm one of those. Since four years ago the government officially has my fingerprints on its systems. I suppose that would be your personal nightmare

>he doesn't realise that we are heading to a society in which all buildings both private and public will ask for verification enter such as a fingerprint or a retina

Buy your own weights

>Protest against government
>Fingerprint and information used to blackmail you

>Protest against government
>Fingerprint and retina scan used to frame you for a crime

>Form political party to oppose government
>Get murdered along with all other members because our locations where tracked by companies forcibly made to hand over data

>Driving to a protest or meeting to discuss politics
>Get stopped by traffic cop and put in jail because CCTV detected my license plate over a bogus investigation

>Be a politician and oppose government decision
>Government secret police warn me that if I do anything or vote in the wrong way my wife will find out I cheated on her

>Be a politician and oppose government decision
>Security services have access to all your passwords and emails and threaten to frame you ruining your life and children's


Dude, you don't need an excuse to be a bitch or a faggot.

Suck all the dicks you want. It's a free country.


The point isn't that it will or does already happen (because if we had enough evidence to claim such things means we have enough to bring it to court, which we don't), but that it is possible in the first place. We must keep our personal (and with biometrics, permanent) data from being stored, for once they are stored they can be used and abused, mabye not by the gov and corps of today, but no one knows who (and what laws) will be in power in the future.

That sounds a little incredulous. What gym?


>>Protest against government
>>Fingerprint and information used to blackmail you
"Mister user, we know from a reliable source, that you only lift 1 pound dumbbells and can't do a proper assisted squat."

>>Driving to a protest or meeting to discuss politics
>>Get stopped by traffic cop
Why getting stopped if a self driving car can get you straight to the FEMA camp?

And why'd you cheat on your wife, you scumbag?