/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

Break out of the botnet:

Learn more about Free Software:

Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

Other urls found in this thread:


Budgie is a mess. It's just screwed and chopped gnome. It's worse than cinnamon.

Hi everybody.

>mfw there are freetards in this very thread using google botnet captcha to post on a closed source proprietary software imageboard

Reminder that if you're not using one of these distros
> Arch
> Void
> Gentoo
> Funtoo
> Exherbo
> Slackware
> NixOS
> GuixSD
> Devuan
you need to leave Sup Forums and preferably end yourself.


Hello /fglt/, I have a question about lightweight distros. I am interested in getting a nice light gnu/linux OS on an old laptop, all I ever do on it is just browse sites and maybe torrent a few movies. What is the general consensus of Lubuntu for just doing that, or should I try Arch and just install it bare bones?

Spotted the archfag

Way to go you ruined the thread

If I plan on getting a job working on servers and workstations, should I install CentOS or would any GNU distribution do

Arch did nothing wrong

Isn't CRUX just a more autistic Arch?

We're just like you except not stupid.

It doesn't matter. You probably don't even need to use something as light as lxde.

>uses i3
>not stupid

I just installed Arch Linux, what now?

>from last thread
need to run two(or more) consecutive commands on terminal on the same path, and/or dependent on last command completion.

What I do:
Option A:
$command A&&command B

Option B
$command A
open another terminal, cd to working dir, type command B, wait, hit enter.

Option C(just thought of this one)
Shortcut to open new tab/terminal on current path
this along option B so no need to type cd.

any other option? I think I have some OCD when it comes with things like these problems. I can't just be a normal person and wait. sorry for my autismo

whats wrong with &&

That's not a distro. That's a book. Fucking imbecile.

>ability to switch between ten workspaces blazing fast

Not sure what you're behing, but maybe you're looking for a subshell.
(cd directory; ls;)
Your current terminal will stay like before.

-Often misstype, or just fails. Pain in the ass specially with more than 2 commands to find out what went wrong.
-Command A can be being executed while I type Command B.



brb testing

>not ricing your 4keks css

>using workspaces
not browsing Sup Forums

install gentoo

So. What the fuck does one of my tabs have to do with this?

>>using workspaces
do people still navigate their shit by clicking things on their system bar? That shit is fucking stupid.

Whenever I want to run a scrip on terminal, do I always have to go to the folder the scripts is located and run from there?
always "cd /path/to/script && ./script" ?
It's a good idea do make a alias such as script="path/to/script && ./script" to simply use it as a shortcut or is there a better way?
If I add this script to /usr/bin, will I be able to execute it from anywhere?

Also, when running from the terminal, I end up locking this particular terminal and getting output in it. The "correct" way of NOT getting output in terminal and not locking it would be something like this? Using telegram as an example:
alias tl="cd /opt/Telegram && nohup ./Telegram > ~/.logs/telegram.txt &"


Why is arch so bloated?

Posted in the old thread also;

Can I have a Window "display on all desktops" using the i3 windows manager?

1. Create ~/bin
2. Save: export PATH="${PATH}:~/bin" into your profile or bashrc
3. ????
4. Run scripts located in ~/bin from anywhere

If you don't want any output or logfiles, you can redirect everything [stdout (1) and stderr (2)] to /dev/null.

sh: >/dev/null 2>&1
bash: program &>/dev/null

+sh: program


it's not

plain i3 is pretty ugly, add some rice buddy

It's not vanilla but okay pal

And what about nohup, do I always need to use it?

>you can't deny a good distro just for that
you can. i also stopped reading at "bvg"

I don't get this Arch hate meme.

I know it is associated with some of the most obnoxious shitposters, but you can't deny a good distro just for that.
Those shitposters are just a small subset of its userbase and because they are mostly present on Sup Forums it's easier for you to generalize.
And even if they are the majority, even if they're all the lowest scum of the earth, you still can't deny this:
> Arch has a great package manager.
> Even though it's rolling release and has the newest packages, it's still quite stable (never had a problem).
> Official repos combined with the AUR have approximately as much packages as in the Debian repos.
> Even if a program is mising from the repos, the ABS allows you to easily make a package out of it and install it via pacman.
> Also, it spawned the greatest GNU/Linux wiki that mankind has ever known and 99.9% of it can be applied on any distro.

If the distro is good and works for you, who cares about it's userbase?
Nobody's making you interact with them anyway.

Overall I think Arch had more good than bad influence on the FOSS world and I don't think it deserves the hate that it gets.

>>/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:

Reminder to update this link because it reached bump limit, new link to GNU/Linux Games Thread

I'm drunk

The AUR is not an official Arch repo. It's the same as git clone literallywho's github repo.

people who cant own up to their mistakes. (not paying attention/reading)

Im running arch

So? It still makes installing those programs easier than on Debian for example.
Also, if you just git cloned literallywho's github repo on Debian, apt wouldn't know about it, but on Arch you can keep track of packages installed via PKGBUILD scripts with pacman.
It's basically the same concept as ports on *BSD.

Following these threads, Arch seems to break a lot. I don't want to have panic on every update. ;_; Or... are all these people doing something funamentally wrong?

im talking about the people who give it a bad rep

put you're scripts in ~/bin
mkdir ~/bin
most distros will add ~/bin to your path, once it exists, if you log out and in of your de.
otherwise, do it live.
PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" in .bashrc

You can build packages and install them with apt too.

run arch?

If arch is so good, why don't they add a simple installer?

i do. just hit the one year mark last month

Arch doesn't break often at all.

To weed out the weak, an not take all the fun out of installing it.

read the faq. no matter how big the distro gets, there'll never be an installer. You can write one though.

>Or... are all these people doing something funamentally wrong?
I never had problems with Arch since I switched from Debian.
I've had Debian break on me though (but that was probably my fault at the time).

was intended for

Thoughts to this:
lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2015-July/039443.html ?

Is it possible to do a debian net install over wifi?

I think so, read the wiki.

The shit userbase is indeed a problem. Once you instal Arch, you're one of them.

I think they are straight up lying or "memeing" or whatever. If you've ever actually used arch you would find that it's rock solid.

Butthurt tard upset about systemd.

Did you learn to read in school?

Yes. Good guess.

Obviously not.

Now that the meme about mom having to cancel your meetings because pacman broke xorg.conf again is generally accepted as bullshit, let's redirect our slander at the userbase.

no, it's an arch dev anwsering and debunking all the memes about kiss, minimalism, being lightweight, etc

read it faggot

Obviously not a good guess?
You got it first try, bro.

No it's a butthurt faggot flinging shit everywhere because hes pissed off about systemd. You read it again. I read it in 2015.

>he doesn't accept the truth when confronted with it

I see lots of people with very little to none GNU/Linux experience hop on to Arch here for those internetz points.
I've used Ubuntu for about 6 months before I was fed up, after that I used Debian for a couple of years (and Fedora, but not too long).
I had no problem installing Arch the first time (did it under 15 min probably) while I hear people complaining about it here all the time.
I think most of the time someone complains about Arch "breaking" it's somehow his own fault.

Like I said, when I was inexperienced, I even managed to break Debian stable.

Whats your experience with Arch so far, compared to other distros?

>Arch has *never* been minimalist
So, basically, current devs are idiots?

Abandon Arch.

Most FSF approved distros runs systemd and you still won't have a choice if you use something that depends on it.

Except GNewSense, the distro Stallman uses.

Nice try anyway.

Should be renamed to Dependency hellian.

i used it for 2 or 3 years. There's nothing wrong with it. I like the way it handles .conf files on updates especially. (arch wiki pacnew)

The post isn't about systemd holy shit. Learn2read.

not debian's fault, here's why:
breaking debian based distros is easy
beginners usually add all sorts of shady ppa's, which mostly also contain different versions of libs and all that jazz. if the user then tries to update or install something, he's running obviously into conflicts and then complains that debian is shit

I have yet to see something break.
So far it's been really good and I like it more than Debian.

Try reading the whole thread. It's about systemd.

> dependencies aren't made optional
whenever possible
Debian is much worse in that regard.

Not really, apt has flags to disable recommended dependencies or suggestions. Most people just don't use them.

That's not a distro, thats a driving sim
I'll always use ubuntu variants just because I'll always be a newbie and only scratch the surface of what linux actually is.
Is there anything wrong with that?

Question: Why, every time when the topic reaches Arch faggotry, Archfags start hating on Debian?

He didn't post the whole thread. Stop trying to change the topic to systemd, faggot.

I'm on Arch, btw.

I still don't get the point of trash talking about arch linux personally.


>someone complains about arch?
>it's the invisible debian boogyman

>someone complains about debian?
>it's the sivisible arch boogyman

red team vs blue team in eternity

What about Fedora?

Well google it then you fucking retard. And in the meantime quit telling those who actually DO know what it's about what it's about.

>it's still quite stable
this meme is quite funny. In 6 year of using linux, the most unstable piece of shit I had was ubuntu. Debian had old packages so I had some issues with it. Fedora was nice tho.
Arch never crapped on me in 2 year

Friendly reminder to post your meme papes here:

Luckily not everyone is unable to read like you. Feels comfy. :^)

I (this guy ) read it.
So what?
For now I have no problems with the developers' decisions.
If that changes I won't hesitate to switch to another distro.

The developers don't feel the need to cater to users and that's part of the reason why Arch is what it is.
They will make some basic decisions (maybe they won't leave the users any freedom there) but the rest is up to the users.
Thosse who disagree with the developers' decisions are free to leave.

I never said it Arch provides as much freedom as Gentoo or some other distros.
But I am fine with it.

This is a warning and I am going to make it clear for the non-technical people. The pseudo object oriented framework DBus, can expose a chain of processes and is network enabled and as a remote procedure call can be issued actions through the network like systemd. This is madness. The control over cgroups systemd has gives extraordinary advantage from developers over users as to debug these frameworks from the userland, without offering additional security because remember that developers always challenge anyone to fork the project instead of accepting legitimate bugfixes to be done.

Moreover, systemd makes possible to random processes snoop into your desktop and take snapshots if you use wayland thanks to the wayland implementation using a fbdev backend.

I don't criticize the DBus object path or than it can't expose connected processes, it would be interesting to have an OPTIONAL object oriented framework, but the remote procedure calls, the cannibaliztion and extreme intrusion of systemd, and adding to such an intrusive framework in the hands of such dubious corporation like RedHat, is very dangerous.