Daily tribute to the man that fought against the NSA and the US government, for our freedom

Daily tribute to the man that fought against the NSA and the US government, for our freedom.

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Grill is not pretty tho

She is still with him. And he's a fucking traitor. kys

That's right cuckboy. Bend down further, there's still some dirt on my boot.

I know. But traitor for what? For warning you that the government is spying massively with the excuse of terrorism? Amerifags...

He just spoke for 5 minutes in the end of a talk at 33c3. If you haven't seen it, I recommend the talk:

more pics of snowden's russian sleeper agent gf

He didn't even leave her, she's with him and now he's getting paid by the Russians

He didn't leave here. She lives with him in Russia now. Check her instagram.


>200,000k per year.
>doesn't get eyeglass frames professionally straightened.

He needs to get the Julian Assagne Treatment

You truly deserve to be gassed, you fucking shit stain.

there's nothing courageous about exposing people who work for your government and then running to the two biggest enemies of your nation.

Are you homo?

She's gonna get an medal for her services to the SVR and the Motherland.

He's not a hero.
He merely did the right thing.
What any conscientious patriot would do in the same situation.

i would commit treason for just one whiff of that girls butthole

Obanga is about to ass rape Russia with another round of sanctions so... rip Ruskies.

I'm proud to grew up in where he did.

Fuck yeah Maryland and fuck yeah fighting against tyranny.

The Russians offered more money.

Fuck snowden. He's a traitor.

so scary that nothing actually happened, I thought it was going to be changes

>lets just wait for some of the info damage regular people lives

Kek. Using an alt-right insult against an obviously alt-right poster. Irony abounds.

I can't stop surprising how the americans are brainwashed and take in their mouth every dick that your government order

sanctions that will get lifted in a few months
wow, good job

Yeah. And nothing happens. We are still controled and nobody cares

Aren't the alt-right mostly Libertarians?

Why would a libertarian approve of PRISM when they want as small of government as possible?

t. Green



I support his cause, but for 200k a year plus a qt grill I would sell my entire country to the NSA.

I wouldn't have told anyone. He sacrificed himself and ruined his life, and in return the American public shits all over him.

Since Trump and Putin are so friendly with each other, Snowden is most likely going to be extradited to the US and he'll probably get life in some maximum security prison.

For people upset about Snowden going to Russia, where would you prefer he went?

Anybody who allies with the US even slightly would toss him back to the US, and staying would just be suicide

Libertarians are fucking retarded

>buttblasted numale alt-right faggot dreaming of sucking milo's dick

americans are more afraid of muslims than they are of the us federal government. with that line of thinking, you don't deserve freedom.

you guys americuck getting fucked by russian..
ur election also rigged by russian

Damn, I didn't even think of that. I hope he can find somewhere else to go.

not just any woman. a white woman that isn't fat.

She is living with he in Russia. And he is afraid of being hijacked at any moment.

Yeah because muslims don't keep killing people in europe for "muh allah"

Toooootally an unfounded fear. Muslims are very peaceful

CIA nigger detected

I hope that never happens. That's true. Most people don't understand that he ruined his life and he won't put a feet in his birth country, for our freedom.

You can thank amerifat politics in the ME and their buttbuddies SA.

Relax, she is not american, thats why she isnt a fucking landwhale.

Also, did you guys watched the drama SNOWDEN with JGL? He tries very hard to have this deep soothing voice of Snowden but he still sounds goofy.

It was either Russia or China, no one else was strong enough to protect him.

He helped the American people see just how corrupt we are, even the most braindead normies can't even cry LE TINFOIL HAT now.

I think it's fair he tries his best to survive when the strongest country in the world wants him dead for exposing their crimes.

Snowden needs to be killed

I suppose I'm alt-right... I hate multiculturalism.... but I love Assange and Snowden .... wtf

Our election was rigged by the DNC.

Bernie won the primary but they threw out most of his votes because they wanted a corporate mouthpiece to make them rich.

Prove that you americans, are not retarded

So what's uncle Vlad gonna trade him for when Trump assumes office? He's worth way more that some russian agents, he's a symbol.

Libertarians are a pseud bunch much like anarchists.

Lolbertarians are retarded

Nothing, it's because he's a symbol they'll keep him.

Something the US wants from them that they'll NEVER get, a symbol of Russian strength.

He's a traitor working for the CIA and should never be forgiven for giving away the NSA's secrets.

Pretty much, that's why they're complaining about Russia, just to divert attention from their own fuckery. I mean it does make sense, they'd basically just be admitting to crimes if they admitted how hard they fucked Bernie.

And Bernie's still complaining about the electoral college. What a fucking weakling.

a) libertarians are retarded
b) the teaparty fuck ups who have since become alt-right aren't libertarians, though they think they are
alt-right people are fascists by definition.

Bernie is a coward, but I don't hate him for it.

It's hard to sacrifice yourself and your family.

If he kept running he'd lose family members and maybe his own life, it's not easy.

It's disgusting how our government is, how the DNC and Clintons are literally willing to kill innocents to keep this corrupt system alive.

Another brainwashed.
Keep thinking like that. Your country will get far with people like you. Enjoy your pseudo freedom, and your working class life, making the richs even richer

Bernie is a retarded communist who's never done anything

>Alt right

"Alt right" isn't a movement or group, it's just a bunch of retards from various ideologies. It most certainly is not fascist though.

Fascists regularly laugh and mock the alt right.

>there will never be a cunt filter on Sup Forums
ameritards, why are there so much of you?

T. Poorfag

Shouldn't you be at any occupy wallstreet event right now?

Keep being poor dumb faggot

I hope that this ameritard thinking don't invade us like their McDonalds, Apple and other shit did

>He's a traitor working for the CIA and should never be forgiven for giving away the NSA's secrets to foreign powers.
he's a fucking coward for running away. If he had half the balls he thinks he does he would've planted his ass in the New York Times offices and given everything to them.
But no, he fucked off to russia of all places and gave away all kinds of info vital to american security to a god damn bond villain in exchange for asylum.
He's a hero for exposing how corrupt the intelligence agencies are and a pussy for how he did it.
He's that kid in school who ran to the teacher when there was a fight and then smirked at everyone who got in trouble from the safety of the teacher's leg. No one likes that kid.

I saw him live at the 33c3 today

hahaha just enjoy trump the russian puppet.

Nice way to completely invalidate yourself.

Democratic socialism =/= communism.

How did Ed get a girl that hot? He's a fucking dork.

t. nigger

What good things does the NSA even do?

Alt-right by its definition is a white nationalist fascist movement, but its intention was to sound more presentable to the media than anything related to fascism, white supremacy or white nationalist.

The misconceptions surrounding the alt-right are so vast that even people who claim to be a part of the movement don't understand this and when they do, that's when they start condemning cause they didn't realise what they got themselves into.

I wish we could kill him publicly

We need to borrow the Mexican's technique

>How did Ed get a girl that hot? He's a fucking dork.
t. meat-head

>implying they'll stick
>implying daddy trump won't make good deals with Russia

He's not required to become a martyr as a whisleblower, he'd be dead right now or half dead in Guantanamo if he didn't flee.

People who fight against injustice do not deserve this treatment

>Implying congress is a Russian puppet like the president

>Fascists regularly laugh and mock the alt right.
because all fascists team up and all fascists have the same ideology.
This just in: all football teams play the same game.

Sanctions that won't do anything because:
1. Half the world hates Burgerstan and doesn't give a shit about its sanctions.
2. Russia is used to living through poverty, even if you walled them off from the world.
3. Trump will destroy any sanctions since he wants to dissolve the great Ironic Curtain Red Scare that the Democrats are pushing today.
4. Nobody cares about Ukraine. Literally nobody. Better divide it between Russia and Poland than have that shithole continue existing.

Voting for Hillary would show the DNC they can get away with cheating and make or government even more corrupt.

Both options were trash.

Also Trump is a retard, but at least he didn't cheat.

You're a goddamn idiot for thinking it would be possible for him to survive anywhere in the US. If he planted his ass in the NYT offices they would have just sent in heavily armed police in no time.

It might be brave but it would be incredibly. By remaining alive, it keeps the conversation going. If he was detained already, maybe we still wouldn't be talking about the US govt. the way we are.

A traitor, right? I suppose you'd be perfectly fine with living in Stallin's Russia then? How about living the literal 1984.? That's what he tried to prevent. Oh, and by the way, have you ever heard of empathy and moral values?


He fucked off first to hong kong and then to Russia, I don't know what his final destination was. It was probably one of the South American countries he received asylum in, but the US revoked his pass port trapping him in Russia


No, they're a puppet of Exxon who just signed a deal for new oil explorations and investment with Vlad.
Keep being stupid and thinking they won't lift them day after he assumes office.

Bullshit. Despite what the schizophrenics think, he would've been fine. Even now, the public is pissed about him handing data to fucking ivan, not exposing the mass surveillance.

I want to creampie him

>White nationalism

One of these things is not like the other.

White nationalism and Fascism are not the same thing.

>Alt right
what movement might that be?

There's people from all over the political spectrum. It doesnt have a concrete set of values or means to bring anything about.

It's just a bunch of random idiots who circlejerk for Trump.

Hating Niggers or making memes about Jews doesn't make you a fascist. If it did, Stormfront would be a fascist forum instead of a lsughing stock of defenerates.

No self-respecting Fascist does anything but laugh at the idea of the alt right

I'm sure one day you'll be the one holding the reins of power, right? Not like the rest of us poorfags?

>he would've been fine


But I am holding the reins.

I am Rich and you're not

Because it's the only thing the US government got to stick.

They did successfully divert the conversation away from their heinous and illegal surveillance and towards a conversation about whether he's a traitor or not. See: playbook on DNC/State Dept leaks, Assange, and Russia.

When did Sup Forums start sucking the governments cock this hard?

I guess I can't expect ANY BETTER from neo/g/

>Also Trump is a retard, but at least he didn't cheat.
The stupidity of this post has left me literally speechless.

you guys talk about freedom and patriot and you ameritard okay with the elction being rigged by russian??

I will pick corrupt president over another country rigged my country election

I wasn't saying they are the same thing but the movements are obviously compatiable, no? And one thing they share in common is that both terms look very bad in mainstream media.

Russia didn't do anything.

Trump the retard won fairly against the cheater Hillary.

t. basement neet

How did Russians rig the election by revealing how shit Hillary is to the average Ameritard??!?

I don't think he'd be dead like most nutters here think, but he'd most certainly be in prison for a long time.

since Sup Forums grew more and more legitimately fascist as opposed to just edgy

if you want to condemn trump for anything, condemn him for the shady business dealings and all the shady shit the republicans are doing and want to do. both trump and clinton are corrupt as hell and both parties are

>elction being rigged by russian??
Didn't happen.

DNC was doing the rigging

>I will pick corrupt president over another country rigged my country election

Does Hillary being funded by Saudis and other countries count as your country being rigged, dumbass?

>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Everything they want to do is textbook fascism.
You're either retarded or a shitty troll.