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Ehh.. it has its uses

*Should I turn my laptop into a thin client for my desktop or should I just SSH in when needed. I like the idea of keeping my operating systems synced in some way.

yep, surveillance, censorship, media control

So I fixed it, you would never guess, it was a monitor setting.

And of course, this crops up another issue. The DPI settings get fucked up when I keep the monitor plugged in across restarts, so when I log in the text is fuckhuge for my laptop screen.
This seems lika a simpler problem, but I just thought I'd ask.

What's the problem?

I only use it for Messenger. But I'm the surveillance part will still stand. I might setup an IRC server for a few friends

>What's the problem?
Looks like he's just confused by having a different PS1

If GNU/Linux is an extension less system, and /usr/bin/file is able to pick up what type of file I have, how come I still need to specify an extension for source code files (mainly compiled languages)?

do you?

uhh, yes?

There is probably a flag to specify that the input file is a ".c" file but the man of gcc is too huge.

That's not OS related, but program related.
run this: gcc -x c hello_would

Yeah, that was it. Thank you.

>an OS is not a program
I came.

ACKTCHUALLY an os is just and application, started by init

I just came here to let you know that I'm using Arch Linux.

Cool kids use Void now.

qBittorrent hasn't been using my system theme since around November or so (Arc Dark GTK2) and I haven't bothered doing anything about it until now. How can I make it use Arc Dark again?

$ sudo pacman -S qt4 qt5-base qt5ct
$ git clone
$ cd qt5-styleplugins
$ makepkg -cCsi

Try Signal, it's easy

no thanks

$ sudo apt install qt5-style-plugins
You're welcome.

How do I install linux on this

$ sudo lsblk -f
$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdxY

Any way to get global hotkeys on cmus? They were my most used feature on foobar2000

Can someone help

>terminal won't start in Mint 18.1
>look in Cinnamon menu
>new program in addition to Terminal called LXTerminal
>Never installed it
>it starts fine

What the fuck is this

Should I be worried?

NSA is watching you masturbate on cp now

Why is Solus supposedly so great?


Kevin, ask your users.

>transporting guns in plastic cutouts
>not foam
i see why americans treat guns like toys now.

does (k)ubuntu have a system restore thingy? My install is fucked up when I tried to install proprietary drivers. I can still access the tty but it doesn't load up the desktop.

i forgot my debian (stable) password from my installation 3 months ago, what do I do

Can I use neovim to copy and paste from the system clipboard? How is it done? Do I need to set up the nvimrc?

Well in regular vim the + register is the system clipboard. So think "+Y to copy the current line into the clipboard, or "+p to paste. You can also use the * register. In Windows, they're the same, but they are different in Linux for reasons I can't remember.

Ok, so I just finished installing Ubuntu, customized some stuff, and am wondering why doesn't Sup Forums x properly work.

Either way, is there a "best" music and video player for this, as well as office-like programs? Or are the pre-installed ones already good enough?

I also think I accidentally formatted the Ubuntu partition while trying to format my pendrive, but I'm posting this from Ubuntu, so I'm not exactly sure what happened.

mpd + ncmpcpp

rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf

I can't into installing ncmpcpp, but the other 2 apparently come preinstalled already, thanks.

You need to setup mpd correctly to be able to use ncmpcpp.

>can't install

Pic related, my vim airline has shitty rendering (the arrows are ascii instead of being drawn like on the bottom of the pic), how do I fix this ?

You need a patched font for this.
Search for your font + powerline.
Install the font.
Restart terminal.

okay thanks

And then prepare for the joy that is trying to get those stupid fucking arrows to line up with the boxes next to them. Even on the picture there, they're about one pixel down and left of where they should be.Look near the top of the green one, the break is most obvious there.

I stopped using that theme for that reason.

What are the best distros for watching anime?

arch + gentoo

What about just one of them? And what makes them better for anime?

just dualboot

Do I need to install the Nvidia CUDA toolkit to get mpv to use the hwdec=cuda option?

>cinnamon menu
>are you sure you're not looking at the lxde menu?

how bad of an idea is it to upgrade kernel from backports on a server running debian stable?

stupid question, is the gcc installed by deafult in all linux distros?

yes, do sudo apt-get purge systemd

If the new kernel offers something you need/can make use of it's not a bad idea. Backports get updates too.



what's wrong with systemd? why don't people want to use it? is it proprietary?

yes, it was developed by microsoft and then parts of the code were made free

There are no security issues, Systemd is Free Software. The debate is more about the design of it. Peolple argue that it doesn't follow the "UNIX philosophy".

Is it possible to disable this ugly "gray when unfocused" thing they added in the recent update of KDE?

Grub Issues

I installed Debian (overwriting Ubuntu) and now the laptop boots to grub command line. How do I fix it? I only have a vague idea that something new has to be installed in /dev/sda1 but don't know how to go about it.


your issue has more to do with debian. i recommend you uninstall that piece of trash

i see, so free software = no security issues? what happens to the laws of this universe if i write some shitty code right now and post it here under the gpl?

If you don't fix the bugs, then people will fork it and fix it themselves.

10/10 contribution. Give this man an award.

i see, so those people can't possibly make mistakes?

How would I go about doing that? I can't seem to find anything and it's really pissing me off


saved, that makes a perfect css mascot

that was a genuine recommendation though, i think you need to learn what "bait" means

>he doesn't use cute anime girls like a true Sup Forumsentooman

Yeah sorry, it's not bait, it's actually straight cancer.

i agree, debian isn't even bait. it's literal trash and it's completely serious in its trashiness

System settings > colors > edit color scheme
or choose a different scheme

I'm thinking about setting up a linux from scratch system as my first linux system in many years (used to run arch about 4 years ago, have been back on windows since and will have a main windows machine). Is it a bad idea to attempt this as someone who hasn't used linux in a good while but isn't computer illiterate? Auxillary questions: is wayland worth looking into and how are package managers handled in LFS? (beyond lfs only briefly goes into them)

Is running linux on a 2-in-1 viable or a bad idea? And what should I look into if I want to?

Thanks but not thanks. I fixed it.

you uninstalled debian?

yeah, I'm running arch now, arch is the best

not sure if retarded or just samefag

Is there a reasonable (lightweight) set of tools for Linux for user switching, screen locking, and suspending?
For example, with the login manager LXDM if you switch user that new user can just press ctrl+alt+F7 and have access to the previous users session without entering their password. There should be some kind of screen locking or something to prevent this.

I think wanting user switching with screen locking, or suspending with screen locking is a very reasonable thing. But the only solutions I can find involve some delicate scripting and config file edits that don't feel very reliable.

I've only tried LXDM and tried setting it up with i3lock. Is there something else I should be using?
and I don't think I should have to be installing any gnome dependencies for something so simple.



It's more advantageous having thousands of people auditing code compared to a select few who know the ins and out.For example, not even the current M$ devs know how Windows works and you can see inconsistencies everywhere even without knowing the code.
Here's your (You)/(...).

I fixed the grub thing.

faggot here

Post inxi. I'd like to see what flt runs.

>Post inxi. I want to show off system.

But there's nothing to show off there. I don't have a huge NAS with 100TB+, I don't have a current generation GPU, I'm still on 1080p, etc. I'll post it on the laptop next time.


oh shit! REKT!


You are all completely stupid. Debian is outdated and insecure. More over, it's just a noobuntu spin that was made to attract power users. All it's maintainers are SJW and the distro is sponsored by jews and the liberal media.
The Debian project shows through it's public statements and manifests that it's clearly no aligned with the moral Christian values that made the US the great nation it came to be.
It's degenerate.

Arch Linux is superior to it in every way. It has bleeding edge packages, what means more stability and security, since you get all the last bug fixes.
It's rolling release, it doesn't randomly breaks during version updates.
It's also more configurable and extensible. On overall you just have more control over your computer.
Anyone that is serious about their OS uses Arch.

Install Debian

>wanting the botnet to fingerprint your hardware