How come you're not getting paid 110k right out of college, Sup Forums?
How come you're not getting paid 110k right out of college, Sup Forums?
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Because 110k in San Francisco is worth about 30k anywhere else in the country.
Why would you work in San Francisco?
because you have to be 1 in 1000 to be hired by one of these companies. for every 1 person who has what it takes, there are 999 other people who will never amount to anything other than making excuses for their lack of talent in threads like these
Because that's where all those shitty hipster companies are located other than Microsoft and Amazon.
so so interns earn more / month ?
(7.6+2.5)*14 == 141k > 103k
(or do you only get 12 salaries / year in burgerland ? )
I'm waiting for the basement dwelling anime watchers to blame being white for not having a job.
"Because I'm not a nigger spic woman so they won't hire me. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Because I've settled for mediocrity.
I'm just now really entering the full-time workforce, and I'm wanting to get into IT. I'm working towards my A+ and MTA, and maybe a third cert in hopes of getting a helpdesk gig or something, with the end-goal of a sysadmin position.
Right now I work at a grocery store, and from what coworkers and management have told me, they're keen on promoting me to a position that would pay roughly what a helpdesk gig would pay here, so I'm glad I seemingly have options.
My local community college offers the Associates degree with a 'specialization' in CS completely online as well, so working full-time is viable for me, at least for the first two years until I figure out if I'll transfer to an actual university or not.
Life isn't so bad. I'm fine with a mediocre career in IT and pursuing my interests, plus, the cost of living where I am is relatively low.
>Told about £32k starting salaries all throughout uni
>Actually go into the real world
>Decide to look it up
>Average grad wage is £22k
And even then the alternative is...Seattle, portland
It's 12/year. Why the fuck would you use 14? It says "per month"
Seattle and Portland are much much cheaper than SF and you're essentially paid the same.
I make mad dosh in Seattle and can save up easily. Total comp is about 210k/year and I'm up for promo next year.
because I am 12 yo
Because money doesn't motivate me. I rather do interesting embedded stuff for next to nothing than high-paid web dev.
In burgerland, you're paid every 2 weeks, which is annoying as fuck because all your bills / utilities / rent are paid monthly.
If you want to handle things properly, you have to consider you are paid twice a month and twice a year, you get a third paycheck in the month. I'm paid enough to not live paycheck to paycheck so I can say one paycheck goes to rent, the other goes to grocery / savings. But it must be fucking horrible if you're paid minimum wage.
I live in Indiana
Move away from that inbred shithole.
I'm for context. Is it the norm to be paid every two weeks? I've only worked one job where that's the case. I get paid weekly, my family gets paid weekly, and I know people who get paid once a month.
I live in Houston.
>living paycheck to paycheck
I just keep $4000 in my checking account and replenish it from my brokerage account which gets direct deposits every time it is empty.
>But it must be fucking horrible if you're paid minimum wage.
not everyone is still in high school
Almost certain those are California wages which means $110k is like $60k elsewhere.
Well, I've been in Virginia (DC area), the Bay area, and now Seattle, I've always only seen people being paid every two weeks. I'm actually surprised that's not the case everywhere. I'd love to be paid monthly, honestly, but payroll is set that way.
I come from Europe so I was used to monthly paychecks. But I'm paid twice as much for the same job in the US now so whatever.
fuck that's so much money
how does one get into those big ass companies?
>Because 110k in San Francisco is worth about 30k anywhere else in the country.
This is more than a little hyperbolic. The only real problem with California is the ridiculous income tax, but that is typically offset by the pay increases that come with working in the area. I would compare 110k in San Francisco to 85k in Seattle. The Bay Area is also a fucking shithole, so one must also consider if it's worth an extra 10k or so to have to live here.
i started at 75k right of college in the midwest. i pay $700/month for a 3 bedroom apartment that i have to myself
i want to get into IT but i dont know what kind of job options there are. i think coding of some sort seems like a great job for me but i dont know any thing about that so i dont even know what college classes to take or even what to google. i also dont know if there are any good jobs that pay like 50k+ / yr where i can just write code and work from home or mostly from home. idk. pointers?
I retired last year after 25 years in software engineering. My final salary was about $100K plus $20K bonus -- about the starting salary in Silicon Valley. But houses are a whole lot cheaper where I live (a suburb of Las Vegas), which allowed me to save about 40% to 50% of my paycheck.
Being born in a third world shithole with no money or talent
My resume looks like a black hole. My grades are average. And I still have to finish my master thesis.
>In burgerland, you're paid every 2 weeks, which is annoying as fuck because all your bills / utilities / rent are paid monthly.
No -- it's better to get paid every 2 weeks. That way, you get 2 paychecks every 28 days, which guarantees that the money will be in the bank BEFORE you have to write the rent check every 30 or 31 days. It's always nice to have the money a little bit before you need it. I got paid every 2 weeks for like 11 years, and I loved it.
The secret is to live in your car to make big bucks then move the fuck out of Silicon Valley.
Because Silicon Valley is a shithole.
Money can't buy you a better environment.
Some of us got redeployed from field (2-weekly pay) to admin (monthly pay). Many couldn't manage their finances after that. A month's pay all at once broke their discipline.
what are these random "bonus" numbers? my current office slave job doesn't have anything like that...
because there are countrys where you get paid double the monthly salary twice a year
I get paid 2k a month for being a medior developer. Fuck you socialism.
I'm getting paid 100k right out of college, if it matters.
>believing any university about career prospects and wages
at this point the uk he sector is a fucking pyramid scheme
Same here. Well i get 1600€ a month after taxes as a new grad, southern Europe.
My time is literally worth 10 times less that of an american intern.
Thank you socialism. Got to support those gypsies, shitty healthcare i cant sign out from, the tuition of people that takes 10 years to get through college, refugees, immigrants and their education, housing and healthcare (reason why its saturated), unemployed benefits, other people's children, bazillion of shitty government workers, etc etc.
Then you read here that Seattle has literally no income tax and that they consider California's "ridiculous". Shit.
>wah I don't want to pay my fair share of societal costs.
my fair share of societal costs is the salary of the people i buy stuff from
gypsies, other people's tuition, other people's kids, gypsies, immigrants, other people's healthcare, unnecessary government workers doing a shitty job, arent my problem
Actually they are. Go live on a deserted Island if you don't want to pay any taxes
americans dont pay that kind of taxes, and their country isnt exactlya deserted island, in fact, its better than here
Which ones? Are you talking about Christmas bonuses and such shit?
>what is social security
>what is Medicaid
Educate yourself before you spout garbage.
they dont pay half of what they make as income tax, and they dont have all the overhead we do in europe, i heard about the medicaid thing but i dont think its like our public healthcare at all, same for social security
>southern Europe
You're lucky. I'm from The Netherlands so I'm fucked with insane taxes (21%).
same taxes here actually, dont know why you guys think we have less
An average Calfornian will pay 50% in income taxes.
I get paid 2600 euro before taxes. On top of that, if you have more than 22k at the bank, you have to pay an additional 4% on your saved money.
because I studied geosciences and it turns out nobody gives a shit.
I thought southern Europeans had to pay very little taxes. I guess we're all fucked thanks to the EUSSR.
>be me
>live in an almost third world shithole (Poland)
>work in printer """repair""" (honestly it's more of replacing/cleaning visibly broken/dirty parts than repair, these printers are what the printer manufacturer sends as warranty replacement units and sells as refurbished, they need to look "new" enough)
>have to use a lot of isopropyl alcohol at work, irritating my nose and making my hands dry
>5x8 hours a week
>effectively takes out 10 hours of my time on my workdays because public transport
>management constantly pushes us to """repair""" moar printers
>after work I'm so tired I don't even feel like playing vidya, not to mention doing anything productive
>all of this for ~380 burgercoins monthly
>after all taxes but before any of my actual spendings like bills or food
>yes, you read that right, an equivalent of about 380 burgercoins is what reaches my bank account every month as a "reward" for all that suffering
>burgers complain about earning like 50k burgercoins yearly while doing an easy desk job
>pic rel is mfw
It hurts to live.
Here in Poland older people have the guts to claim that communism was better than what we have now. This is basically Winblows XP syndrome/Stockholm syndrome in action.
Our healthcare is shit too. I have gotten a pretty bad cold this week and the local doctor was 1 hour late to work. I overheard from other people in the line that this doctor is notorious for doing that. She's definitely not notorious for leaving late though. Gee, I wonder if I would be able to keep my job if I did something like this without notice more than once. The """lines""" to specialist doctors are literally years long, by the way. The only way you'll reilably get in touch with a specialist is if you'll pay them at their private healthcare job at which they work after the public healthcare job hours. Then you'll have no such issues as waiting in line. Really makes you think, huh?
I should probably stop before I go full Sup Forums.
I think I have to say "because I haven't been to college", but I also don't really believe I'd get that much right out of college, or else maybe I'd go.
Living the NEET life struggling to learn to program ATM. Not gonna lie, it's pretty painful and boring. (life in general, not learning to program, although learning to program is not going well either)
Cause I live in Eastern Yurop and thanks to exchange rates my first full-time dev role paid ~$8k/year.
If it's anything like the military, it's money you get just for joining.
I've also heard of stuff like a "Christmas Bonus", though, where I think they just randomly give you extra money at certain periods of time.
Nice. What do you do?
>shithole (Poland)
b-but muh 500+!
>>have to use a lot of isopropyl alcohol at work, irritating my nose and making my hands dry
have you considered a facemask and gloves?
I had a friend who spent a summer in Poland fixing printers too. I'm not too sure about his feelings towards the company, but apparently he just slacked off and worked on his own pace. He loved Poland though. It's such a cheap country to live in that he was drunk most of his past time I hear.
>working for money
you're doing it wrong
>rent is not getting automatically deposited
what year is it? 1987?
well yeah, it's a cheap country if you got dolaroos/jewros/pounds.
Having spent some time abroad, the way I feel about Poland is similar to how I felt about my hometown after moving to a larger city: nice place to live, but not a nice place to make money.
Poland is a shithole, you're just exploiting their economy instead of investing in it, you're doing it wrong once again.
>The """lines""" to specialist doctors are literally years long, by the way. The only way you'll reilably get in touch with a specialist is if you'll pay them at their private healthcare job at which they work after the public healthcare job hours. Then you'll have no such issues as waiting in line.
You mean paying them at their private job as a bribe? Now that you mention it I think I heard similar stories in here too. And a friend once waited about a year to get a surgery, too. It's so sad that we have to pay those people.
I think Spain is almost third world too. It's supposed to be first world but damn, the healthcare definitely isn't, and the working conditions of some people...
your money should be working for you, dumbass
are you dumb?
Cause that pay is shit compared to what I get in Austin
money is a bad master but a great servant.
Besides, your salary is just a byproduct because you should be sincerely and blindly passionate about what you do and the money will follow you, heck you can hate money with a passion and money will like you. Comparisons and egos, the rat race everything is just empty if you don't click with what drives you and all you need is work ethic, that's why companies create these values and philosophies to latch on, it's just senseless because using cash as a metric to our evolving beings just commoditizes our labor into a standardized and fetishized cycle of need and want
Facemask in which I will barely be able to breathe?
Latex gloves which will cook my hands in a mixture of sweat and the god knows what cheap chemicals these gloves made of? No thanks.
>I had a friend who spent a summer in Poland fixing printers too.
>spent a summer
Well duh. The company wouldn't refresh the contract with him any further because he was not an efficient worker. There are way less expectations for a short time temporary worker than from a regular everyday worker.
>he was drunk most of his past time
Which skewed his perception of how life here actually is like. Then agan slavs don't drink as much as they do for no reason. Getting shitfaced on weekends is one of the easiest ways to forget how bad the life is from monday to friday.
And that's because the weak and corrupt government is allowing it to be exploitable. Poland needs a strong, heavy handed leader that will unite the people. That's how Poland always was throughout history, strong when united against a common enemy, weak and exploitable once there's no "uniting factor". Poland needs someone like Putin or Hitler.
God damnit, I'm going Sup Forums mode again.
Because I make that much by fucking around doing whatever I want and generally being godtier at investing in trends as a result.
>I'm a trust fund babby who got a large inheritance from my parents
>being white for not having a job.
this is actually a pretty serious issue.
>he's white, he doesn't need to be here! he must have money or someplace else to work, he's white!
have witnessed an employer saying this shit.
also there's the fact that there is legislation which forces places to hire people who are specifically non white... imagine that, a place which hires anyone, is now forced to hire someone so long as they aren't x race (white).
yet there's no colleges which are forced to hand out scholarships for white people..
if that isn't institutionalized racism, idk what the fuck is. you don't see any country other than majority white trying to impose "le multiculturalism" upon their population. if the western world became refugees, who do you think would take us in?
tl;dr racism has been reborn. and it's white people who are the victims neow.
I work DevOps at AWS in a major city. Your not going to make $103k/year starting out of school. These numbers don't even have a source listed.
>literally earning less money than new grads at the same position
Sounds like you're just jealous.
That's why you gotta get that veteran status. Makes you a minority.
>inb4 war for the jews
I was in the Navy, sat on a ship looking at radar screens and learned how to masturbate quietly. The most dangerous thing I ever did was go to some shady brothels in Asian lands.
What kind of ships?
>le cost of living
It's a myth. Shit costs the same basically everywhere other than rent. Your buying power living in San Francisco making 110k is vastly more than some dude living in Hicksville, TN making 30k a year.
Things like electronics, phone bills, cars, appliances, household items, and online services cost the same nationwide.
stop being an idiot
never went to college or graduated and get paid 30k a year to basically browse the internet for 40 hours a week
it's honestly not that bad, but i do live in coontown
Because being a NEET and getting money for free is better.
Don't forget gas, grocery prices, housing costs, taxes, and mother of all that is holy: traffic are all different.
Also some states have specific retailers others don't have such as Publix, Microcenter, Frys, Belk, etc.
Why would frequency of pay have any bearing on your ability to afford things?
Get good at math dude.
>because there are countrys where you get paid double the monthly salary twice a year
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
If you make 120k a year they divide that by 12 months in a year and give you 10k a month.
In what mathless shithole would they do things differently?
It varies by company. Tho the most common is probably once every two weeks since it cuts down on payroll costs slightly.
Try 55% income taxes and 21% VAT.
Belgium, the small country of getting politically fucked in the arse.
You will never achieve anything in these companies, except for becoming a good wageslave with a pretty comfortable life.
I would rather work for my own profit while being poor, then work there.
At least then I will have the chance to truly become successful.
I dunno. I work for a local company (well, it;s a giant ass company and you've likely dealt with our service in your life), but I make $20/hour. I don't do anything particularly important and I'm one of the very few interns, so I can't really say what I should expect once I graduate.
Some jobs, mostly the kind that want to draw the 'best and brightest' have sign on bonuses to help encourage people to join up. It is especially useful for jobs like these designed for recent grads that likely have little savings and would need to move for the position, which means down payment on apartment, security deposit, furnishings for apartment, possibly newer car, etc. Sign on bonuses help with those.
Those companies are both insanely selective and get a lot of applicants. Also I am lazy as fuck and don't care about muh career as long as I have enough to not have to worry about money.
>what is social security
>what is Medicaid
>state tax rate
0% - 13% depending on state, avoid commifornia at all costs
average is ~5%
>Federal tax rate
for someone making 100k it would be around 20%
>So total tax of
>I work DevOps at AWS in a major city
The average person even at those companies wouldn't make that much. Those numbers are for the 'recent grad program' or whatever each of those companies call it. The program they have where they seek out some number of top tier grads and pay them very well. They will also hire hundreds of other grads for lower rates.
Taxes alone are huge dude. California income tax rate is 13% if he were instead working for microsoft in Fargo ND that would be a 0% rate. Also a 100k house in Fargo would cost 1million or more in Cali.
Keep telling yourself that
>Your buying power living in San Francisco making 110k is vastly more than some dude living in Hicksville, TN making 30k a year.
Not when your rent is $1200 a month for a studio apartment and local taxes take 15% instead of 5% of your paycheck.
>for someone making 100k it would be around 20%
Holy shit no, it would be like 40% unless they have a ton of deductions.
Keep telling myself what?
That I'll be happier working for myself?
I think you don't understand how tax brackets work.
Income: $100,000
Tax: $21,071.25
Tax as % of Income: 21.07%
it's not just web dev. For example, Google has the Android division and Microsoft has a game studio... not to mention the loads of jobs in AI and cutting-edge R&D, most of which are on real time systems. So yeah, it's not only about web dev and you can get paid good money for doing crazy stuff that wouldn't be possible at smaller companies.