Such a fucking waste of time. I should have learned something USEFUL instead like Java or Python

Such a fucking waste of time. I should have learned something USEFUL instead like Java or Python.
Don't listen to /g folks.

>This was a waste of time, but I know what wouldn't have been

How's grade school treating you?

You don't learn c to actually write c. You learn it to get a better image of how computers work, and the apply that knowledge to higher level languages.

>learning about stuff that only C has so you can apply that knowledge to higher level languages that do not have any of low level stuff from C

ok retard

>it's a C is too hard, so baby throws a tantrum episode

pathetic nigger

You really don't understand how this works.

>Stuff that only C has

Little boy, C teaches you how programming works, and shows you the intricacies that other languages handle for you.

Little retard,Why do you think that a programmer need to know shit about stuff that are done automatically without your control whatsoever? Its like it doesnt even exist from your point of view

If you want to gain an appreciation for what high level languages abstract away you should learn assembly, not C.

kys srsly you clueless arogant prick

Haha well memed

"C helps you become a better ugh programmer"
LMAO, why not learn asm at that point? It's about how useful the actual fucking language is. It's why you see DEMAND for JAVA and PYTHON but not C. Legit fucking waste of time and you autists are not fit to give advice to anyone.

Not a meme. It's literally the best reason to learn assembly.

>You do not see demand for C


You think you're going to get a job by learning Python as your first language and applying to positions?

It's like you're a hobbyist and not a professional

>I don't care about fundamentals I just want to be a leet coder

You have to walk before you can run, faggot.

why not learning electronics logic to get to appreciate asm

retards do you fucking ever read the shit you write?


I emulated a 32 bit additioner using two kind of transistors. Is it OK?

holy shit you retards got baited hard.

>I should have learned something USEFUL instead like Java or Python.
You've already got the basics of both languages.
If you want to see how a command works in python, you'll find C.
Java's syntax is basically C with added shit.

lel, PLENTY of $100k+ positions open with C (not C# or C++) as a requirement.

Im doing master degree with electronics and micro controllers, everything is in C/C++

I guess you are script kiddie or some sort of webster gayfaggot, in which case you need JS and Vue.Js

C is 100% useless

A waste of time why?

Because you want to be a code monkey with a worthless career?

Do you also prefer learning to operate a microwave to learning how to cook?


If you have actually learned C you're like halfway to knowing Java or Python. It's marginally different syntax.

Hiring manager checking in...

Oh wait, you call people faggots anonymously. Guess you failed social intelligence 101. Have fun working at the shittiest engineering firm imaginable.

BTW, I've written embedded web servers in C.

Also, there is no way you're working on a masters, maybe fudging your way through a BS, but no one with a masters I've ever met talks like you.

Look at this larping gaylord

Confusing C and C++. That's the mark of code monkeys.

>but no one with a masters I've ever met talks like you.

because they vent it anonymously on the internet
and you can't factor that into hiring decisions because it's anonymous

that guy could apply to a job tomorrow and you wouldn't know it was him by how polite and open minded he acted during the interview

isn't that great

ps: you're not a hiring manager, and the company you fork for can't afford one

>but no one with a masters I've ever met talks like you.
outed yourself right here retard

Oh the spaz will come out, it always does.

I'm not a hiring manager. I've founded 3 tech businesses that net me more than you make in working "a job".

what is your masters in?

Yes, and my dad is nintendo.

different user

C is used for system development. It's the most basic and important language. Without it you wouldn't have an OS to play your Java-shit games on.

LOL, thread dies because you cocksuckers know I'm right.
C is fucking obselete in the 21st century and will be a dead language soon

>trying this hard

>C is fucking obselete in the 21st century and will be a dead language soon
if it will die so your shitphones because their kernel is linux made entirely in C

>tfw dabbling with python during breaks from school
>next quarter I have to take C
>the next quarter I take matlab

Someone shoot me.

I don't know if my university is weird (I'm europoor), but we learned basics of like a dozen programming languages, C being the first. We already had C, JavaScript, PHP, C++, Java, Python, x86 Assembly, Ada, Smalltalk, Prolog, and Haskell and I'm only on the third semester, I think we're going to have Fortran at some point

You went by and learning the syntax but not programming otherwise you'd adapt quickly to java.
Learn to solve problems not learn how to shit on languages

I had a hard time believing this wasn't bait.

Engineering grad program was absolutely filled with shitposters and inappropriate jack holes.

Maybe you took too many humanities courses

>It's why you see DEMAND for JAVA and PYTHON but not C.
Guess you don't know about the embedded industry

With an exception for the datascience meme.

>why not learn asm at that point?

that's actually a pretty good idea for people who aren't retarded

learn C++ not C, jesus christ

>C is not needed
I know I'm being bated but holy shit you dumbfucks who think like this are just that.
Glad that the only thing """""""""java"""""""""""" """""""""programers """""""""""" can touch nowdays is fucking google play , and look at what a shitfest it is , not a single normal working properly optimized app , granted the general strategy on the mobile market is to shit out diarrhea constantly but that is no excuse to allocate a new backbuffer object and then release it after your rendering loop cycle ends.

Normal programmers should be thought everything from C to transistor logic and computation theory not to mention modern hardware implementation standards and OS design.
In fact all of the normal universities do that(assuming you are in an actuall CS program)
Those pajeet coding camps need to have a JDAM droped on them

>mfw people can't into asm

This holy fuck

but if you don't wanna go to college you can spend years of your life research this shit and reading books

>I've never written drivers

go try and use some WinAPI functions that use unions in C#, then say that again.

fuck microsoft for making it so painful to use some of WinAPI through C#.

What time? The language is more or less a subset of the two languages you list and is fucking tiny.

c# is painful in general

C# is just Java with a few failed embrace, extend, extinguish changes. A few of their extensions are legitimately pretty nice, but shit cross-platforms support makes it even more painful.

I would argue that Java is pretty painful, though.

Because if you don't understand what's going on, then you're programming based on magic, not knowledge.

I expect my doctors to know cell biology and chemistry. I expect my programmers to know C.

Op is just kid who doesn't know how to use malloc and free

A programming language is just a tool. Use the right tool for the right job.


Well what do you expect this is Sup Forums, most """"programmers"""" here are babbys

>not learning C++ instead of C
>hurr durr I'm so 1337 because I use only the most hardcore original of languages so fucking cool and hardcore
>look out, bad ass programmer come through
You are retarded and should be banned.

C++ is absolute garbage.

Sure sure, kiddo, that's why all browsers and all modern game engines are written in it.

>argumentum ad populum
Good one, retard.

OP said he wants the language to be "useful", which means that it could be used for a practical purpose. Browsers, and games are examples of the practical uses of the language. It was suggested that the features added to C++ were helpful in developing large and fast software.

Better than a straight up ignorant assertion that one of the most used and most popular languages of all time is garbage

Also, let me get this straight... you dislike an argument ad populum, but you used an ad hominem?

Good one, ignorant, retard.

Are you implying that C hasn't been used to write anything useful?
Are you confident that there isn't a single thing on your computer that's written in C?

You clearly don't know what ad hominem actually is. Off-handedly calling someone a retard isn't ad hominem.
Saying "you're wrong, BECAUSE you're a retard", would be closer to ad hominem.
What I actually did was argumentum ad logicam.

But really, if you know basically any other programming language, and then look at C++, you can clearly see that it's a poorly designed clusterfuck.

Go back to flipping burgers or "hacking up some bad ass HTML code".

Meanwhile everyone who solves hard problems and actually gets shit done will be using C++.

I assume you've been programming for less than 2 months, and the only language you have exposure to is C++.
Come back once you actually get some experience.

>t. Poojeet
I'm not even going to bother correcting your there's shitloads here already explained it better to counter your bait.

I've been involved in and or completed numerous projects in PHP, Ruby, Python, C#, Unreal Script, C++ and Javascript.

I've been a professional for over six years.

You don't know me.

Nobody believes you, moron.
Also, all of those languages are garbage as well. It would explain why you have such colossally shit taste.

All pajeet languages, come back later


Just code the union part in F#

>Disrespecting C

C and C++ are the most used programming languages in the world. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

Every good programmer should learn at some point
> A RISC assembly language
> A CISC assembly language
> How a simple RISC processor works
> How to define grammar for a simple language
> How to write a compiler for a simple language on said RISC processor

>Hiring manager
Gulag yourself.

I used to think like you OP, but you will eventually bump up against C if you want to do anything of consequence. It can't be helped.

Back to Hacker News please!

this thread is cancer

hey, that makes sense and I think of it that way yet

kek,have fun on your codemonkey job

You see, every programmer should be able to write some basic Java and C code.

Doesn't mean that those have to be your main languages for everyday purpose.

You just don't see the bigger picture (yet), keep on learning.

yeah but that's nothing, i'm the CEO of intel, microsoft, apple, and even google
beat that poorfag
>protip: you can't