How can the best programming language in existence fall so hard?

How can the best programming language in existence fall so hard?

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>No dick
Trends and some other language will replace it soon
I bet on Python

>Implying python or any other language will start to replace C in creating operating systems.

>When even Assembly is a more widely used language than yours.

I wonder why Perl is failing so badly.

What's so good about java anyway?


This is a company which takes money to let people know that their code is good. Where did you even hear about them?

Its Pajeet's choice.

>tfw php programmer

feels pretty comfy.

Too many retards majoring in CS and only knowing Java.


That's okay if they are beginners and don't know about floating point arithmetics. No reason to be rustled

what's that supposed to do

it's just all sort of levels of retarded is the thing, first of all why don't they multiply by .01 and secondly why the fuck are they using a for loop

It got replaced by python/powershell for sysadmins
Wasn't updated in a long time.
Perl 6 is nothing like Perl 5
Perl is obtuse as fuck for beginners
Perl is obtuse as fuck for experienced programmers

the bigger problem is creating a loop to multiply x twice, instead of multiplying it by 0.01

So... Java is the most important programming language out there and everything else is thrash?

what context is that grap in?

It's basically a popularity contest:
>The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

More detail:

assembly is making a comeback because household electronics.

>C and Assembly become ancient wizard knowledge once the Old Guard of the 70s dies out
>High school kids today grow up on Python
>By the year 2050, nobody knows how computers work, but the whole world depends on them
>The remaining wizards who seek the forgotten arcane knowledge of the Old Ones get paid $300k starting because they're the only ones left in humanity who can debug a stripped binary

Because Go have replaced C

At the physics department here they still teach C as an introductory language, I'm glad it was the first language I learned. Fast as hell for all kinds of simulations, can't imagine doing the same stuff in Java or some shit, although python is better.

>although python is better.

The reason why the scientific python libraries often almost are as fast as C (but easier to program) is because it often is just a wrapper for stuff written in C. (numpy for example or even matplotlib if I am not mistaken)

In the same way that matlab is based on Fortran

>The index is calculated from the number of search engine results for queries containing the name of the language.

what? it proves nothing

It's an era of webdevs and shitty mobile apps, C was simply made for other purposes and for audience other than your average hipster "coder" who doesn't really like math.

>assembly language
what they mean by this ? all of them ?


Perl is still the best language for text manipulation the regex is great

Probably they changed how they parse the search data and this is just closer to the truth than it was before. Their methodology is broken as fuck anyway.

How about just writing 12.34 in the code?

Usually it's Fortran not C since they inevitably end up in some pre-compiled BLAS routines.

They're rarely "as fast as C" unless you're talking about useless 3 line examples and ridiculously inflexible.

many other languages have regex these days, like python.

Doesn't mean you should use it for regex, rather use awk and sed or perl instead of python.

Same reason why there is only a handful of people that know QED and god tier math

>its because rest of humans are brainlets

I don't see C++ falling anywhere in that graph

>All the languages are in decline

>Perl only language on the rise
1776 will commence again

We don't know the full context of the question.

Sure that looks retarded as fuck, but there's a good chance that guy removed a lot of code and only kept the core of the problem.

That's probably because some "uncharted" language is rising in popularity.

>inb4 Go


Php is the only one on the rise according to the graph

>What is assembly

>there's a good reason to do a for loop to multiply by .1 instead of just dividing by 100
No there isn't.

>C++ and C# btfo

People have been saying that C will be replaced for 30 years.

Pretty sure it can last another 30 years.

He may be trying to make a function to multiply by 10^-x and just picked out a specific example where the precision problem showed itself.

You forgot:
When there are updates there is little improvement to the language, yet it often breaks backward compability. It's basically in legacy mode, but without the stability.

Too bad text manipulation by regex isn't the only task. And even loading a file to a variable is so broken that you need to install File::Slurp and then even that is a piece of shit and it's all like JS from here.

>implying regexes are such an important task that they require a special tool
>implying regexes should be that complicated that Pythons implementation can't do them

Python has a painfully slow regex implementation, as does Perl, Ruby, and most meme scripting languages.
awk, sed, grep and all that are lightning fast.

If you need your regex to be fast, you are doing something wrong.
Same applies to interpreters.

We need to rally!

I'm talking about about it taking 500 years while grep and friends would do it in milliseconds.

>How can the best programming language in existence fall so hard?

Assembly is rising as far as i can see.
So you are incorrect OP.

Maybe pushing 2 gigs of text with a 100 line match through a regex instead of a specialized parser isn't such a good idea.

It's actually a point about the algorithm used to implement the regex.
The one used in Python, Perl etc. scales exponentially, while grep and that scale quadratically.
There is a nice chart about 2/3 the way down the page.

I know, right? Just use a real parser for something longer than 50 chars, as you should anyway.

You completely missed the point.

(You) completely missed the point.

It's very powerfull and verbose, meaning even a retard cant do uncomprehensible code.

I'm not an expert, but since a rise in Java is happening at the same time, I'd like to blame Indians.

This guy coded by himself Transport Tycoon and Rollercoaster Tycoon in Assembly, defining the business sim genre. Legend. Chris Sawyer.

Python shills go away.

There is more then that bloated language
>import shills

>Java barely impacted by explosion of Android devices

If I understand, I should drop Perl regex system to C NFA structures ?

>saving the thumbnail

>Implying that creating operating system is the most important thing to do with programming

isn't that amazing

there was a time when everything was written in assembly

python is slow at run time but fast to write

it's more of a productivity tool, kind of like excel

C will stick around for as long as computers exist.

Was good until C# came out and Java got purchased by oracle.

1) College students learn Assembly so there's a lot of stupid questions posted about it
2) Perl has been largely replaced by Python for simple scripting tasks
3) Perl 6 is not compatible with Perl 5
4) Well written Perl code is often incredibly fucking hard to decipher to people who aren't used to it

Indexer? Is that you?

It's actually a really good question. The issue he's asking about isn't loop or the added precision, its the actual arithmetic error introduced by the fact 0.1 isn't representable in IEEE floating point.

Actually I bet the loop was an attempt to mitigate that issue.

I love C but why is it so fucking high on this chart?

What did you expect from this normie filled chan?

The only true comment in this entire thread.

Because it's essentially "how often people google for C".

It has a large body of programmers. That's it. Companies will continue to use it because they're able to easily swap out programmers whenever they want, which keeps their programmer salaries relatively low. That also makes it desirable to know for some programmers because there's lots of other jobs they can take if they're unhappy with the one they have, or if they lose it.

It's a more than acceptable tradeoff between people who were never really passionate about programming but could do it and want something safe, and companies that don't really care about programming and just want something usable in the end.

If only because of the humongous amount of code that is already written in C and will have to be maintained.

From a system's programming capability perspective, you only need the target platform's instruction set, and the system call interface if you're sitting on top of the OS. Only reason most modern languages like Python don't fit in is they define their own virtualized environment. The code can't talk to the host at all without magical features like FFI.

C is the only portable language that works exactly like an actual computer. Without it, there would be no way to write portable drivers and operating systems. As long as there are programmers, they will be writing C.

thank you.

Python is pretty much Perl 2.0, it does everything in a simpler fashion and with no downsides.

The only reason to use Perl now is for regexes.

>That's it

Not really. Java has a virtual machine implementation that is among the best available today and a ridiculous amount of code already written and debugged that you can leverage. An implementation that's now hosting a ridiculous amount of new, better languages that can interoperate with that code.

Java as a language is evolving too, having gained many functional programming features recently. Not at the rate of C#, but still.

>C is the only portable language that works exactly like an actual computer.

? It doesn't work "like a real computer" at all. The entirety of C is backed by an abstract machine, not unlike the virtual machines in other languages. High-level language constructs such as "if" are entirely non-existent in hardware, and a lot of hardware features simply don't exist in C. It works exactly the same way as any other language does. You need totally magic bits to talk to the operating system via system calls, not unlike the magic involved in the foreign interface mechanisms of virtual machines.

You can't do much in pure C other than kernel development and alike.

It's a meme language now.

Notice how all lower languages rise at the same moment when C and Java start to fall.

People are just discovering other languages.
That's a good thing.

Notice how C++ lost 2/3 of its popularity.

and C++, and Java, and...


>? It doesn't work "like a real computer" at all.
you know that "if" is not the only way to use this instruction in C, right?

Go replaced scripting languages. It'll replace C when the vast amount of software written in C is somehow converted to Go. Until then, you're stuck with cgo.

Of course. It was just a simple example. Nearly every language feature of C has no direct hardware correspondent. I say "nearly" because numbers are a feature of C and they're underspecified enough for there to be a direct match.

C was made to be more readable than ASM but it's pretty much just one step above. most functions in C are no more than 10 machine instructions and some (basic) go as low as one instruction. if you wanted, you could write code in C just like you'd do in assembler

"Pretty much just one step above" is still not "like a real computer".

C fails to reify any hardware concept within the language itself. Any hardware magic gets implemented in assembly and called from C, making it no better than any other language.

Also, you have to rely on the optimizer to figure out the best way to map your program's semantics to the hardware's. It's not different in any way from virtual machines with JIT compilers and intermediate representations. High level language functions can and often are optimized just as well. Clang proves it.

You can do whatever you want, the libraries exist, the compilers exist, the language is fast enough for any task you care to think of. It's not a question of what you can do, but rather of what you should do.

>google search == language popularity

linus plz

>a ridiculous amount of code already written and debugged that you can leverage
>hosting a ridiculous amount of new, better languages that can interoperate with that code

The libraries already written plays into reducing costs/having programmers be highly interchangeable and that those new languages will probably see huge adoption rates when companies see a large enough pool of developers to start using them in the same way that they use java devs as cheaper, replaceable parts now.

From what I've seen, read, and from the short time I spent as a java dev, the more interesting features that java's picked up since java 6 have very much felt like "me too" features, to keep those somewhat more engaged programmers using the language.

we aren't critiquing the question, (which is honestly answerable through 5 seconds of google so it isn't a good question) but his retarded implementation.

how's any of that bad

instructions in C are called instructions for a reason