For 2017 I want to learn Python and Django web framework

For 2017 I want to learn Python and Django web framework.

Is this a feasible goal? Can I do it in a year?

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You could probably do it in a week.

So, yes.

Why is it so easy?

There's immense documentation for it everywhere.

Python isn't a difficult language itself and Django is also very well documented with lots of examples everywhere.

It's easy as heck but I'm more interested in making REAL things.

The step up to making programs or webapps that people will actually use and appreciate seems to be difficult.

Like how do i go from learning the basics to actually creating something of value to people?

First you have to know what you want to make.

just copy something that is already successful

All the good projects are either done by more talented developers or are extremely difficult works that require multiple PhD's to collaborate to get it done

Learning Python and Django doesn't take very long. Most web apps are nothing fancy. You could learn all of the skills necessary to build something like a Sup Forums clone in a couple of weeks.

If you want to learn about the crazy shit they're doing at some of these software companies that requires PhD-level scientists to complete, then learning a webdev framework isn't going to get you there. You need to study theoretical CS and software engineering in general, and by the time you get to that point you'll be able to switch languages and frameworks on the fly. You aren't going to magically pick up that stuff by learning Python and Django.

Do you have a programming background ? If you do, this will take you about two months. Realistically.

If not, maybe six months. Depending if you have the paciente to go through the learning curve.

Start with this.

Also I would learn Flask, maybe start with Bottle first. Django is legacy.

I hate that dumb nigger. I went through his C """book"""" it fucking sucked

No no I didn't I mean I WANTED or NEEDED to, just that prstty much every idea has been done.

Does the world really need another random Django developer? And besides, would I get a job?

Because Python was written with the intention of being read by humans as well as executed by a machine. Easily understandable code, crazy idea huh?

>Does the world really need another random Django developer? And besides, would I get a job?

No one can say really, it depends on your local job market etc. All I know is if you're gonna program as a profession, you better love it or it's gonna slowly kill your soul.

Most programmers would learn something like Django for fun, because they find programming and create things fun. Honestly you don't sound like someone who would enjoy programming as a profession.

django+python is a top-tier way of getting stuck in "i'm not getting better because I'm copypastaing everything" land.

This poster, Zed Shawl are trolls - that book/website itself is legacy because it recommends a *really* old version of Python to brand new programmers with zero code base.

You're basically asking if webdev will continue to be an employable field to go into, to which the answer is probably yes: according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field is projected to grow "much faster than average" over the next 7 years. Make of that what you will.

Most webdev isn't "cutting-edge" stuff that you would consider to be a good, novel idea. Much of it is just your local car dealership who needs yet another code monkey to help maintain their PHP backend, or something. The demand for that kind of work isn't going to fade anytime soon.

Well almost every other frameworks out there are that easy, too.

Except some enterprise shit.


If you start from the scratch, I'd say two month until you have a good level in Python and for Django it depends on your previous web knowledge. If you know a MVC framework like Rails, you can understand Django in a few days. If you haven' developed a single website in your life, add (at least) two moth for the simple basics of webdesign..

Assuming you start from zero, in the beginning there's a lot of stuff coming at you. What's JSON, AJAX, what are routes, models, what is cross site scripting, traversing attacks, SQL injections, client-server architecture, HTTP responses. How to deploy a website is a topic of it's own..

Also you need some HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The basics are simple, but to get decent is surprisingly hard in each of those. You can do crazy stuff with CSS3 and HTML5 alone And JS ecosystem alone is something to learn in a lifetime.

The good news: MVC-frameworks keep a lot of trouble away, so the learning curve is somehow easier. But eventually you want to understand what's going on under the hood.

Also each time you build something, you learn something new. A simple (static) "Hello world" site is up in no time, but try to build a message board, file uploading, dashboard.. there's a lot of details here. To say "I know Django" implies (for me) that you know the tooling, some of the most common libraries and can put down a simple Django app with custom configuration without breaking sweat.

So here's a game plan:
-take at least a few weeks month for python until you feel fluent. If you are able to write down a "Sup Forums programming challenge" in python without having to google anything, you are ready.

-make a simple Django tutorial (a hello-world site). Then try to understand the parts. Google a lot, look up in wikipedia whenever you encouter something you don't know.

-take a step back and take a few weeks for a solid grasp of HTML, CSS and maybe even JavaScript.

-Go back to Django and wirte some advanced sites.

Django fucking sucks.

Go with Flask instead.

Thanks boys ill do it!!!

because it isn't C++, lmfao.

Python is so god damn beautiful, it keeps things readable. "We ship features, not lines of code"-some dbag I watched a youtube lecture of

Yes, you can do it in a year

I don't believe this, not unless you are a genious. I was already a professional python developer before I started trying to learn django. And that still took me a long time,

Learn python the hard way is ok, but it uses a depreciated version of Python. It would be like learning windows 95 for someone who is trying to learn modern windows.

Seems to be enough Django jobs for everyone

Is it better to learn python3 right off the bat then?

What makes it better?

Python fucking sucks, horrible language that learns bad habits

The author is an idiot, recommending this book is actively harming Python3 adoption

>What makes it better?

It is the version that is being developed. You might still meet something that has python 2.7 if you are doing it for work. But it is rarer and rarer, everything is getting a Python 3 overhaul and most of it have it already.

Python 2 is depreciated and should be viewed like COBOL. Something you might find on old systems, but nobody should make new code with it. It is a language to fix old code.

Ok what resources should I use to learn it

this one is good recourse to learn basics.

it will explain everything and give you tasks to master them.


Ok thank you

It's a feasible goal for this week.

You can just learn Python 2, the differences between Python 3 and Python 2 is still small. I would recommend this

If you really want Python 3 then try this first:

then this:

My advice on this?
Stick to Python 3. is right, there's no point in sticking to 2 because everything that is significant is available for Python 3.

Learning python itself is simple and probably will take you a week or 2. Django requires a bit of additional setup because it has CLI tools that do shit for you, but in trade you'll have to learn the tools and how a basic django project is put together. You'll also have to deal with setting up CGI on a webserver, although that isn't difficult.

One other valuable tip I want to give is to understand the value of using virtual environments. These help you create isolated environments for projects, so you can have different projects using different versions of python and relevant libraries (like django). Read this for more info on that:

>One other valuable tip I want to give is to understand the value of using virtual environments. These help you create isolated environments for projects, so you can have different projects using different versions of python and relevant libraries (like django). Read this for more info on that:

This... I used python for a long time without it, but should just have started with this somewhere in the beginning. Don't overlook this advice.

Keep in mind, I have a background in ECE, but with my core competency being in electronics hardware design and the programming I would do is in C for embedded systems.

I went from 0 knowledge of Flask in September, to having a fully functioning Twitch Tip Tracker using Bitcoin with API hooks into Streamlabs by mid-November.

If I can do it, you can.

How'd ya learn it?

This is good starting point.