>still no proper pre-rooted phone with open-source drivers, software, etc for power users

nobody cares

Not everyone is Sanjay from Bombay

More money than it's worth for the companies, I suppose.

what do you mean? :)

Only a minuscule, niche audience cares about pre-root and other shit for "power users". Namely a portion of Sup Forums, maybe XDA etc.

Too much trouble for companies.

What is a power user? A tryhard procrastinator that indulges in "ricing"? In a hubris of his superiority at being barely tech literate?

There is no such thing as an enthusiast only people who get work done with the tools available to them and procrastinators who spend their time choosing their tools.

That personalised home screen you spent the entire day ricing
it's never gonna give you fulfillment or closure you are just procrastinating to bide your time to suppress your self contempt and distract yourself from your miserable existence.

Do you know why I am so bitter at hobbyists? I used to be one.

Then stop using a smartphone and get a flip phone

I don't really understand your bitterness

I mean do you go on nexusmod and autistically screech about how the whole site is just pointlessly ricing and everyone should just like everything how it comes because you say so?

because every good manufacturer knows that doing that is a quick way to turn the smartphone industry into just a hardware maker that makes it compete purely on price & virtually indistinguishable from each other. The only industry that made this mistakes was ISPs and they're just now starting to correct that mistake by being against net neutrality.

>extremely niche market
>no (good) hardware manufacturer would want to comply
>would probably cost a hell of a lot more than you'd be willing to spend

No man I am just a jaded fucker that sees the pointlessness, I regret wasting my time indulging in the sort of stuff hobbyists do.

I know my way of thinking would effectively doom innovation.
I just hate how pointless my youth was and how most of the people who "rice" are tumbling to the same fate.

Honest to god, get a job, occupy yourself even in your free time. Hobbies aren't worth a damn. That's the only way to be lastingly happy.

Also this is my first "autistic screeching" on the internet about hobbyists. Nobody popped the question before my eyes before this thread.

>power users
what a meme.

>pre-rooted phone.
Rooted phones can control more than what app developers want you to be able to do. no app dev wants you to have the ability to disable apps, alter their program to remove restrictions, or cheat their system in any way.

>open-source drivers , software, etc
Open source offers no financial benefit to hardware manufacturers

>occupy yourself even in your free time.
What do you mean by this?

And what do you mean by hobbies/hobbyists?

>Open source offers no financial benefit to hardware manufacturers

See that's where you're wrong kiddo


>occupy yourself even in your free time.
>What do you mean by this?
Do something like, take up sports and play in competitions, read books, watch movies things you can chalk up as achievements, things you can brag about have done. Ask yourself would you brag about ricing your home screen and distro to your grandkids? Or would you brag about having a cert. In *NIX and having read a certain author? Or winning some trophy at a sport?

>And what do you mean by hobbies/hobbyists?
I wasn't clear sorry, I meant worthless hobbies like "ricing" tech without being paid for it by someone like sysadmins and systems engineers would be.

collecting stamps, reading books and competitive sports is good.

Loonix kernel.

Has database of thousands of hardware drivers that official manufacturers cant maintain or wont maintain. Without those drivers, hardware manufacturers would lose customers.

open sourcing drivers and software would attract developers to flock to your brand. This creates a multiplier effect in that your phone will be the primary use case in the software that they develop, creates an online community of activists that help provides support for free and be an evangelist for your products at the same time.

>collecting stamps is more worthwhile than "ricing" tech

what in the actual fuck?

>watch movies things you can chalk up as achievements
What are you retarded?
And the only people who brag about reading books are pretentious cunts - literally one step above shits who buy works by 2deeb4u authors and never fucking read them
Also I literally couldn't give half a shit about some fag playing some gay ass sport or the trophy they got in it. Do you really see old men bragging about the sports trophies they won and thing "Damn, if only I was that guy"??
And collecting stamps? What the fuck nigga you trolling something fierce now.

Not everything in life must be done according to how much I would like to brag about it. Some people do things because they enjoy them. That said if ricing is causing you to neglect learning valuable skills and earning good money then you have a point but if not, who gives a shit?

I'm sorry but you guys seem unaware of the fact that smartphones are for retards

Those stamps are pieces of history mate, they will hold value hundreds of years from now. Perhaps even millions, good legacy to leave for the grand kids. That config file for your home screen? not so much.

Whatever man, live how you want, I just shared my lament.


>collect stamps
>major flooding & tsunamis when global warming finally hits the fan
>it's all turned to dust

>rice phone
>major floowding & tsunamis when global warming finally hits the fan
>alien race came to survey the now destroyed planet
>found a phone
>found ways to repair the water damage and voltage needed to turn on the phone
> because of the rice it has the calendar when it's dead, it has weather info, they also concludes that the human race is a creative and artistic people that needs to be cherished


>they also concludes that the human race is a creative and artistic people that needs to be cherished
More like we become the laughing stock of the galaxy and the future races because some retarded manchild from Sup Forums had an anime wallpaper

>mfw the $200 smartphone I bought for christmas turns out to be shittier than a fucking xperia tipo
If this is the future of smartphones, I want my fucking dumbphones back.

I thought the nexus 5 was supposed to be rooted

Because me and any large corporation needing secure shit would want one

>power user
>not a single Rom that lets me set max charge voltage
You are like a little baby. Basically this

user, I...

>verizon still doesn't have unlocked bootloaders and easy rooting capabilities on their new phones

Legal issues, OP. Legal security issues.

>Bought a $200 smartphone
>Didn't expect garbage


>leaving hardware in its default state is somehow harder than tacking tons of bloatware and locking off the bootloader
r u srs

>open source

So you can brag about being able to do anything you want, and yet all you do is wait for other people to do shit for you because you have no abilities of your own?

Sexy underage legs

I still use an old Moto Rapture VU30 phone. I wish in America we had flip phone form factor smart phones like they do in Japan (without having to ship it and dealing with other issues with importing) I want the best of both worlds. I mean just look how sexy pic related is that I saw on an import site.

because literally just whines about it here without actually making that phone themselves so noone builds it. get off your asses, Sup Forums