Speccy thread, just installed my z170 board and evo 212 last night. I plan to overclock soon

Speccy thread, just installed my z170 board and evo 212 last night. I plan to overclock soon.

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I wonder how much it can overclock it to?

wtf do u autists do with all that disc space?

My guess is around 4.6ghz.

Things normalfags don't do.

Imagine what you normally do, then imagine multiple the effect 5-10x.

How are you liking the z170? I'm just about to get a PC with one and was wondering how well it works / how nice the BIOS setup is

It's nice, this board has a pretty nice bios.

I used this pc to play halo, and statecraft, might turn it into a media server or add more discks and turn it into a NAS, thoughts?

Forgot pic.





>mfw people say Macs don't have good specs

I moved my gtx 770 to a spare computer since my main pc died.

>an even more cucked version of a cuck gpu
way to contradict yourself....

Posted last night. If you post in one of these threads it's your duty to reply to someone else.

What's your main PC?

Literally nobody says macs don't have great specs, it's just a bad price/spec ratio. I wouldn't be surprised if that machine was $2000.

I'm surprised this isn't a VM.

I used to have a Q9650, that thing was great. Why are people with such old PCs in this thread?

What do you use this PC for?


We need Austria-Hungary again
t. Austrian XP user

ok m8

You can still upgrade to Windows 10, microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/windows10upgrade
It doesn't ask you to actually prove you're using it for assistive purposes.

>falling for the SLI meme
lmao'ing at ur life

>t. ubuntoddler

What are you, poor?

Why would you switch from a perfectly fine OS to a shitstain like Windows 10?

W8.1 still has the start screen, which is an abomination. W10 has a crappy start menu. Both can be replaced with startisback, classic shell, whatever, though. And you can turn off all the telemetrics on W10 easily.

>Windows 10
This is not a YLYL thread


>YLYL thread

Op, aren't you restricted from overclocking on that motherboard.

Why would he be?


I love winter


No, its a z170 board why would you think that?

I've always wondered if my temps were bad or not

Decent tempts.


Its the load temp that matters not idle.

If load is

Chinese cartoons

>he doesn't have AT LEAST 20GB of ram
What is wrong with you?!

fresh install

new build

>having an amount of RAM which is not 8, 16, 24 or 32.
Absolute heresy.


>having an odd amount of ram

Rate me.

The 1070 got celerOWN'd
If you want a Celeron with a 1070 at least go for the mainstream architecture

>screenfetch in a speccy thread

>ram at 1333mhz

its actually neofetch u poop

Neofetch might as well be a clone, it does the exact same thing.

i only use neofetch because screenfetch doesn't have the logo for kde neon

I don't see the point of getting better RAM. For Chrome and games it's fine.

Trying to get it work with Athlon 64 3000+
Didn't work with P4 for some reason (Loads to BIOS fine, but the OS won't load)

it's an ultimate lagfest. Took me 5 minutes just to load this website

It can't run the display driver though. It's not showing the 1070

Took me over 15 minutes to reinstall the driver, but it works fine now.

You should bench the gpu will all those outdated cpus and post results so we can find out how much bottlenecking actually matters.
For science, of course.

Might try to do that, but my CPU collection is rather limited (i have over 60 CPUs but most of them are from the 90s, some are from the 80s), several Core 2 Duos, few AMD CPUs similar to this one, i3-3220 and 3250 and that's about it
I don't even have that J1900 anymore, gave it to my mother

You're literally not going to be able to play modern games on CPUs like that. In a lot of modern games you get bottlenecked by a CPU that has over 1k in CPU-Z bench for single core.

>You're literally not going to be able to play modern games on CPUs like that
No doubt. Those are antics.

>In a lot of modern games you get bottlenecked by a CPU that has over 1k in CPU-Z bench for single core
Depends on the definition of bottleneck used. If we go with it being the then it obviously depends on the GPU used.
If we're talking something as big as 1070 then >1k score bottlenecking sounds approximately what I'd expect it to be.

It's the DX render thread combined with whatever physics and shit the game has that will bottleneck a processor with low performance. So the graphics card will be massively under utilized. Even if the card itself is quite weak, the load modern games place on processor is just way beyond what these old things are capable of handling.

yep, i'm aware of that
tried to play some games with that J1900
20-40FPS in CS GO
80-100FPS in DOOM, but it was dropping to 0 with frame times over 1 second very often
Borderlands 2 20-30FPS

It's a different story with that Athlon though
After i tried to add more RAM, it was having driver issues all over again, however, reinstalling it didn't help this time. It was not able to run anything.

Fucking federal holiday, ship the rest of my ram.

It's alright, dudes?


lel, a kike

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Last Speccy I got off my old laptop. I miss that laptop.

And from today.