College Project, Help??

Hey guys, so i have like 10 days to do a project for my programming class, the project is in C but my prof sucks, so i have to learn everything from scratch. Is it possible? And do you know any online courses like Code academy or something for C? Thanks
Ps: Anyone interested in helping me with this project?

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I know a bit of C but bumping this thread so I can learn stuff I might have missed

Do you absolutely know no C OP?

I know some stuff, but just the basic

The problem isn't about you not knowing C so much as you not knowing how yo program.
C is the simplest programming language possible. It has no bells nor whistles.
If you knew how to program, you would only need to look up syntax and the standard library.
Codecademy and other websites will not fix this. They teach languages, not programming.

Can you show me the project you need to complete? I might be able to help

To add to this, code school and all these dumb jew sites that steal your shekel after 1 vague programming """""""lesson"""""" is that they literally give you a retard dumbed down lessons by asking you to fill in the blank after showing you the answer

you learn nothing from these sites

Share the assignment you doofus.

I agree. I believe that regardless of the field of the graduation, you only take out of it what you learn by yourself, things that you really think is interesting and willingly put effort to learn it on your own, and I think this is especially true with programming.

tl:dr OP, you should learn everything you think you will need from scratch, especially CS and IT related

The assignment it's in portuguese but i will do my best to translate it

>500 word essay due in a week
>havn't even started

that's less than 100 words a day, user. You can do it.

So Must haves in the project:
-Read and write of ASCII files
-Vectors Matrix
-dynamic allocation (memory)
-write symbols in ASCII (Out put may have letters like this one "รง"


The program should define for each day of the year (COMMON or BISSEXTO according to the year provided by the user) and randomly a capital letter from A to Z among the set of 26 letters of the Portuguese alphabet
(A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z}) generated from the use of the functions (srand () and rand () from the stdlib.h library) as explained in the theoretical-practical classes and practices of the Computer Programming Curricular Unit.
The values of the capital letters resulting from the generation of random numbers (for example from 1 to 26) will remain hidden until their written presentation is requested.
The program should also implement the set of operations requested in this statement in order to fully respond to the statement.
All data must be provided by the keyboard or by file at the user's discretion, BUT WITHOUT ACCENTING NO CEDILS, and all results must be written on the monitor screen and in an ASCII file for later consultation and visualization of all interactions of "input / Output "during the processing of the program.
Throughout the program in language C, the code must observe the rules described in this statement.

How is elementary school these days? 500 words is literally just a little bit over one page. Just begin the damn thing and finish it off before the day is over.

I bet you write way more than 500 words when you shitpost on Sup Forums for a hour.

Sorry for the poor english on my translation to English

Uh, so you want every day of the year to be assigned a random letter?
I don't get the part about your retardo accented characters. Those aren't in ASCII

It is intended to implement a program in C language developed in Visual Studio environment, that allows to implement the filling of all the elements of the matrices referring to the different days of a common or leap year indicated by the user, and that it uses in a comprehensive way all the theoretical knowledge And practical classes acquired in the Curricular Unit of Computer Programming.
The program should randomly assign an uppercase letter from A to Z of the set indicated in 1.1.1 to the functions of the library. Of this statement, for each of the days of the several months of a year defined by the user.
All the different letters generated by the program (one letter for each day of the year) must be stored in the elements corresponding to the various days of the year and will remain hidden until the user asks the program to show them according to the criteria chosen in the operating menu.
The program should end when the user selects the main menu that wants to exit the program.

OP,grow a pair and do the damn thing already.
Be a good Portuguese student.


Take this lewd bullsh*t off Sup Forums.

Read this page. Skip the history section
Next, read this:

Figure out IO on your own.

Man i used google translate it's too many things to translate to english


go through this

and after that start doing your project and use google for stuff you still don't get

Thanks again!

OP, this is a good intro to C but at first glance it seems to spend little time on explaining dynamic memory allocation (which you will need for your assignment apparently).

Once you've done this tutorial look up 'dynamic memory allocation' on wikipedia and also look up how to use the functions malloc() and free(). You will need them.

Fuck, I meant.

500 words? Lol, we had 500 word papers in my philosophy class based on philosopher's arguments and I wrote them the morning they were due.

I feel this 100 word essay due by next year. And here I am shit posting on Sup Forums.

I will do your entire project for you if you put on a fursuit and let me cum in your murrhole.

500 is not fucking hard at all. Imagine a thousand.