Does anyone here work at Google, what is best way to prep for interviews?

Does anyone work for Google or Big 4? What is the best way to prep for the interviews?

Other urls found in this thread: the coding interview,6_KO7,24.htm,

No one is smart enough to work at google here

moot works at Google as Chief Meme Officer

google released a long video for this very question recently.

Take their interview prep quiz.

You will have 3-4 practical interviews where yoy will ve given a problem and told to write code to solve it.

They want ti know how you would approach the problen and whag are yoyr concerns (i.e you write a brute force solution then mention how its inefficient)

Yeah, I heard he passed 5 on-site interview questions on algorithms. Someone said he was the best they ever seen.

send a link to this the coding interview

I work at Google...[spoiler]in the mail room.[/spoiler]

You do realize that working at Google involves 50+ hours a week?
No more comfy NEET life

Do you open everyones mail and transcript it into emails.

>mfw nobody has thought of this scanner invention yet


looks like fun amirite

How much does google pay base?

1 eco friendly bicycle + all the starbucks you can drink

Depends on your level. My base salary is 140k right now. Not even in the Bay Area. Going for promo this year so I'll get more. That doesn't include stock grants and bonus.

>living in Mountain View
I would rather die than be forced to live in California.

depends on the team.

new grads about 110k base. ~165k total comp with no negotiation

Depends on how much time you have.

Read CTCI (linked in earlier threads). Then read EPI.

Then, you should tackle the google-tagged problems on Leetcode (will need a subscription, just get the monthly and use it for a month or two)

Is that your starting salary, what is your level? What location if not Bay area?

Recommendations on a junior trying to break into this? I am studying an entire discrete math & data structures book before moving onto CLRS + leetcode

goto bed moot

What if I'm good at interviews but don't have any impressive projects

>anons unironically willing to work for the new IBM

Not my starting salary, I'm at the level above the one typical for new grads, I'm in Seattle but you're pretty much paid the same everywhere in the US, despite the hugely different costs of living.
There's been some recommendations in this thread already like and . I assume you are already scheduled for interviews. If not, getting a recruiter to notice you may require a bit of luck but once that is done, it's up to you to not fuck it up, really. Just remember than interviewers want to understand the way you think so get used to vocalizing your thoughts as you write code. Brush up on data structure, parallel programming. Don't boast about shit you don't really know because they will ask you about it. And make sure you write code that's easy to read.

Thanks, I don't have an interview set up yet but a recruiter from Amazon Web Services expressed interest in me and said she'd share my resumes with a few managers to contact her. I didn't really follow up because I'm not ready to be interviewed yet.

My approach is: Complete the Discrete math book (it starts with propositional calculus goes up to algorithms & graph theory, combinatorics, trees, time complexity, that sort of thing) and then go through a complete data structures book. Once I'm done with that I plan to study algorithms using CLRS. Then I'd move into CTCI and EPI + Leet Code Problem sets.

The approach I'm taking is to build up rigorous mathematical foundations and truly understand the underlying principles of what I'm dealing with, not just see a bunch of problems and memorize solutions.

>because I'm not ready to be interviewed yet.

Any of you lads have additional advice for this? I feel permanently unredy

>tfw interview with google tomorrow and facebook the next day

i'm so ready for all to end

Wait, are you learning these rather than simply brushing up? It doesn't feel like a very sound strategy but I wish you the best of luck.

Heh, just go for it, really. I was amazed to be contacted in the first place and just decided to try it, not really believing I'd actually have any chances. I did get lucky though because I had an interview with Nintendo the day before, which I completely screwed up. But the experience was invaluable for the Google interviews.

Yes, I'm learning these as I never had a course in them. Is this not sound? I majored in math, got a degree like 5 years ago. Worked as an analyst. Decided I had enough and want to pass these interviews. Enrolled in a nearby college (which happens to be a top public school) and aced it. Taking a second semester programming course next semester, as this is a formal pre-req for the DS class. Decided this doesn't mean I cannot study DS and Algorithms on my own though. Made an A+ in Discrete Math when I took it like 7 years ago (but it was an upper division math course and material covered didn't overlap well with what's typically taught in a CS Discrete course).

Meant to say I enrolled in a nearby college and took a first semester programming course & aced it*

My best advice is to know what the question is. Don't just barge into a solution.

For example, if you're asked to count the number of different words in a file, poor candidates will read the file, split on spaces, and increment a hash table.

Good candidates will, before assuming anything, ask if:
>It's a plain text file
>If it fits in memory
>If it's doable on a single machine
>If it's a space separated language
>If it'll overflow a 32bit int
>If it would be case sensitive
>How to handle conjugations like cuck and cucked
>How to handle homographs like wind (noun) out wind (verb)

Obviously you don't expect as much from fresh grads as veterans, but there's no point in being mediocre

So my approach given this is to go through a discrete math book in its entirety to refresh what I saw years ago and cover the material my math discrete math course skipped entirely, then read an entire DS book (since I never had the course).

Then study algorithms using CLRS & MIT OCW rigorously as I read CTCI + EPI and solve leet code problems.

good candidates use languages that don't have to sweat most of these details

Like what?

>he's never written SW based on a customers' requirements.
KYS liberal arts newfag

Aha, I was under the impression you were going to apply like next month or something. Yeah, that sounds more doable. But keep in mind you would be competing with a lot of people and the interview process is designed to keep people out and weed out false positives. I suggest trying to apply for an internship first if there is an internship scheduled as part of your degree. It's much easier and you seem motivated enough to make it through.

Thanks man, I appreciate it!

>deliberately wanting to work for the botnet

Got offer in August 2015. Numbers were the same for either New York or Mountain View offices.

$110,000 Salary
$7,500 Relocation Bonus
$15,000 Sign-on Bonus
15% Bonus Target
250 GSU Grant (over 4 years), at current prices = $196,535

My salary just increased to $115k on January 1

> 250 GSU Grant (over 4 years), at current prices = $196,535

Can you explain what that means? I know shit about stocks.

What is your best advice for prepping for interviews? My approach is above I assume if Amazon Web Services is interested in me with a math degree then Google would give me a shot too.

Dunno how old you are -- why do you want to work for Google?

They take a lot of fresh grads and sometimes people from acquisitions, and in those cases it makes sense because you have an okay career start or a nice pair of golden handcuffs. Probably be bored out of your gourd though.

But it sounds like you're bright, a strong self-learner, and have years of applied experience in something important. Why not join a startup or something?

Cost of living at either location is terrible. 110k isn't enough.

good luck OP. tell mootles he's a goddamn faggot when you meet him. or even better, get a picture of sigourney weaver and ask him to autograph it.

Nearly 30. Debating whether I'll complete a Masters or move onto a PhD. Right now I'm enrolled at a top public university taking part-time courses in CS and made a 99 in my first programming course there. I am coding all the time and reading, doing problem sets and studying constantly.

I worked for a large fortune 500 company as an analyst, got laid off (not my fault, company treats workers like cogs) , had lots of money saved up and huge amount of free time so that's why I enrolled in the university.

I really hated my job as an analyst and always been interested in the theoretical side of computer science (computability theory and computational complexity), but as I started self-studying I found this has expanded to data structures & algorithms. I am very, very interested in applying mathematical principles to programming.

Starting to get into category theory and curious to see its connections to functional programming.

Anyway, long story short... I want to work at a place like google because it seems like a mixture between academia and industry. Startups around here are mostly app development, or looking for web devs.

For people in flyover states: $7,500 won't even cover the broker fees for a run-down 6th floor walkup in Harlem.

I'd recommend tackling some projects you are interested in.

Also, if you are good at interviews, you can also just network and get referrals -- super easy to get interviews this way (basically guaranteed)

Just finished my last interview for a tech team in Amazon corporate. Brush up on your theory as well as your practical knowledge. Do your research. Ensure the examples you are giving in regards to your work history are in line with the company's ideals.

Your desire for the will get you 80 percent of the way. Your experience and intuition will dictate the final 20 percent.

Best of luck. Much love.

GSU is called an RSU anywhere else. They're stock units granted to you that vest over a period of time; in this case four years. How RSUs work is that you are granted some amount of stock and they vest (become usable by you) on a regular basis over their time period, starting after a cooling off period.

Say I was granted 250 RSUs on January 1st, 2017 that vest over 4 years with a 1 year "cool-off" period. 250/4 RSUs would vest on January 1st, 2017 and the rest 250*3/4 regularly (every paycheck) for the next three years. The cooling off period is to prevent people from cashing out and bailing. Once RSUs have vested to you they are counted against you for tax reasons and become your stocks. You can then do what you wish with them: buy, sell, transfer, hold, whatever.

> What is your best advice for prepping for interviews? My approach is above
As for prepping for interviews. I went to various online programming problem sites: Hacker Rack, SPOJ, UVA, Euler, etc. and started doing as many problems as I could to practice-- pick the popular ones. If I couldn't figure out a problem I would study other people's solutions until I got the general idea. Over time, I got better and better and started to see patterns in tackling problems. Working through Cracking the Coding Interview type books, and really studying the solutions, helps as a start but you'll need to work at a harder level then the problems in those books. Brush up on basic data structures and algorithms or other topics if you're interviewing for a specific position. I interviewed in the middle of a Computer Engineering degree and I spent around 1 month of intense preparation (thats all I did after school).

Take out taxes and pay the $3000 deposit for your apartment because no-one will want to rent to a 22 year old and you're left high and dry. I feel like they skimped on relocation.

My offer had 0 negotiations, I might have been able to get more for that.

Good luck!.

Thanks for the explanation and study prep advice. Which coding site did you find the most bang for your buck in prep?

As I heard leetcode is pretty similar

I preferred SPOJ because they have good problems, solutions are easy to find online, and the comments sections tend to be good.

For SPOJ, I went down the list of most popular solved questions solving them as I got to harder and harder questions.

Cool, will check it out thanks.

Did you happen to get any variants of problems you previously solved during interview time?

Correction first batch would vest on January 1st, 2018

Brush up on your social justice

I got three interview questions that I had already worked through on SPOJ. When that happens don't immediately jump to a solution; start off with your standard clarifying questions to make sure you haven't missed any details, propose a good but maybe not optimal solution, and then finish with the optimal, correct solution. Take your time when solving these questions and be very clear on your thought process. Explain everything you're doing to the interviewer. Remember that they're hiring for people who can think through a problem not regurgitate a solution on command.

Okay, great advice. Thanks again.

>tfw we got to the point where people prep 4+ months day and night for interview at Google, Facebook, etc.

Why is the IT hiring process so fucked?

do you know if they are paying the same in London?

Its very competitive. You have CS graduates from all over the world applying for the same, limited number of positions at highly coveted companies.

You pointed out two of the top rated companies in the field and are complaining of how much prep people put into interviews. It is no different from the work people put in to get into top schools like MIT and Harvard.


They pay less in London. I don't know exactly how much, but it'll be about the same as any other big tech company out there.

Did you really get 250 GSU? That's a lot.


over 4 years

Are you an SRE? That's more GSU than anyone I know got.

Yes, SRE-SWE. For those who don't know about SRE I'm in the Software Engineer Category.

>depends on the team.
Chances are you'll work with Normies

>No one is crooked enough to work at google here.

Does Google care about the school you graduated from?

I'm on CS at what's basically a business/administration school. Their CS program isn't well known but it seems competitive and I'm basically at the top of my class.

I'm scared I might not be able to get a good job when I graduate.

Also you get refreshed each year so up until the vesting period you get more each year. I forget the exact numbers but I think its like 50k vesting over two years for each year so at some point in the third or 4th years you have a stock throughput of like (200/4 + 50/2 * 3)k = 125k per year. mighta overestimated that, but ballpark that's right.

Have you talked to Chuck?

How many interviews did you have to go through in total? What was the entire process like?

>You do realize that working at Google involves 50+ hours a week?

You do know that's normal don't you?

They sell books about passing these horseshit interviews. All you need to do is drill yourself in CLRS or Skeina's Algorithm Design manual and you're in,6_KO7,24.htm

You first have to pass the pajeet phone screening where you have to program over the phone while some pajeet picks up his laundry and shit in the background. 'Ok, implement this and read me line by line the program'.

Then you go do those silly whiteboard interviews. Each one is like 45min long with different engineers. Everytime it's "Solve this ridiculous corner case problem" and then you have to optimize your solution to make it better/faster so obviously concentrating on optimization would be something you would want to do.

Then they don't hire you anyway because in actuality Silicon Valley is a big scam. There's always 200+ jobs open at Google so they can tell the Fed government they can't find anybody good to work there so please let us import pajeets and get H1B visas. If you do get a job it will be a shit starting wage and they will try to push you out with performance reviews to get more cheap students applying and plead for more pajeets from the feds


bump for this question


Fag from pic related here.
Everyone from school that talks about working at Google is a massive nigger that only cares about muh prestige of working at le big silicon dildo valley.
How do you fags deal with this shit? Is the west coast only for people with self inflated egos?
Also, how easy would it be to get a job there? All I want to do is say hi to mot and then fuck off.

40 hours is normal. Anything above that is bullshit, pure and simple.

I got 250 as a SWE straight out of college and started this summer.

35 is normal

when they talked to me, it's:
1 hr interview with basic questions
1 phone interview
4 onsite interviews over a span of a day

Thanks. How exhausting were the interview questions?

You may have answered this previously, if so you can just link to your previous response but were you asked anything you already studied on your own (i.e., you did the problem before and knew the optimal answer) -- if so what source did you study?

what company pays new hires 250k?

I was fucking dumb and failed at the phone question

but Cracking the Code Interview, leetcode, hackerrank,, plus anything else you can find

Thanks man. Are you going to re-interview? Is that possible?

It's 200k and spread out over 4 years.

Be as minority as possible. I suggest becoming a transgendered black jewish feminist. Also make sure you tell them you are a registered communist, and your mission statement should be something about forcing diversity of some kind down peoples throats as must as possible.

That should get you the job.

Also dress trendy and hip.

Communism is still a big no-no in the US, no matter what bullshit you believe about supposed SJW fags.

How much does Google care about a college degree?
Do they only hire ivy league?

>50+ hours a week
>Thinking that's a lot
Oh, my poor baby.

Yes yes, you work 80 hours a week, sure, so hardcore. Most people would rather work 40. You're not most people, you're better. Give yourself a pat on the back.

I bombed a Google phone interview. It was pretty much first talk a little about your resume followed by one coding problem.

They like to see multiple solutions. Solve the Robles with pseudocode or in plain English before you start coding. Ask questions and vocalize your thought process. Pay attention to any hints or suggestions they give you.

Good luck if your interviewer has an accent, mine did which kinda sucked.

Is it true that if you have ever searched for teen porn, they'll never contact you for an interview

I look up loli and hentai every night. I got an interview because I know a principal engineer there. Got a call from a recruiter in less than a week after applying.

Maybe it's more that they'll never contact you spontaneously. But thanks, that restores some hope to my heart.

My impression at Google has been that it doesn't matter. When you hire internationally, you can't just go by school names you recognize anyways.

I think they have a system for flagging unaccredited and otherwise suspicious institutions though.