Friendly Go and Rust thread.



These are the languages of the future. Lets discuss them and maybe come up with ideas of some projects to do collaboratively. Anyone want to make a gitlab for us to contribute to?

I'd love to work on a rust project of some sort, any ideas? Still trying to get the hang of rust but I'm open to trying anything

D > Rust and Go

D,Rust and Go are all shit languages

Does anyone have a pdf of kernighan's go book?

>Friendly go And Rust Thread


*posts swift*

Build a web server

says a fucking weeaboo

your opinion doesn't matter to anyone except other worthless weaboos.


So why would I ever use either of these? I already know C and Javascript.

How bout you throw a link ole buddy ole pal

why don't buy it yourself?

How about
>Friently Rust and Go thread

Go and Rust emphasize safety, and as modern languages implement strong concurrency.

For the browser, that's fine. However the language is plagued by poor practice, and doesn't have native concurrency. And of course, Rust and Go have significantly better performance.

It might be better to just transpile Go or Rust to WASM.

is Go a good replacement for PHP?

What is this meme I keep seeing everywhere and what is it good for

why are you even here?

Is it as practically useless as K&R is for C?

In layman's terms (seeing as you appear to be a layman): Telling your code to do more than one thing at once, instead of doing every line in order.
For example, if you build a server (like a website), you want that server to be able to manage several connections at once, instead of stalling at the first one until the connection ends.

libgen.io has any pdf you want of any textbook

If you're an experienced developer you won't learn much with gopl.io (check site for errata) and can finish it pretty quick just to get the basics of how to use the language down and it's tools. Then you want to go on to Hacker News and search for Go or Golang to find many, many pitfalls to avoid. Go is a great tool for certain things, like say you have an EdgeRouter and want to drop a binary on there that runs a very minimalist web server (running your own Go webserver is dead simple for anybody to try) to detect incoming connections and automatically change the VPN to different geolocations for your Chromecast TV/netflix or something. Go is perfect for this kind of work.

If you have a server and you want to automate a bunch of tasks or have websockets listening again Go is perfect for this. It would be great to write a personal firewall with, for either your phone or for Linux or BSD or whatever.

Rust is the best for ridiculously strong type safe concurrency where there are guarantees data race conditions can never happen.


-trading engines (either betting or financial)
-a large infrastructure to handle instant messaging (WhatsApp)
-any database (Look up Peloton, CMU's db concurrency example)
-an operating system. Your OS gives the illusion that each process gets it's own CPU thread when in reality it's a time sharing system.

why is go and rust the future?

Go is the future!

I'm not sure why OP mentioned Rust. Probably just a joke : )

Ah. Got it. Thanks for that.
3rd year CS student and they're literally teaching us to be pajeet tier students. I've learned more from my years of fucking around with video game modding and lurking here than at school.


Go? Is it short for Gtfo? Or maybe it was supposed to be 'go fuck yourself' but unfortunately the process was interrupted.

idk mang pretty optomistic about java desu