Learn programming

>learn programming
>learn linux
>learn networking

Congratulations! Now you're a hacker.

>learn linux

Congratulations! Now you're a fucking loser.

> tfw too intelligent to program

Same here bro. Like seriously, I feel like I just get it a little too well, you know what I mean? It's tough when you just know too much. Only a monkey can program without question, unlike you and me

Ctrl+E not working on file explorer windows 10

Press F3.


You didn't gain 250 pounds though. You'll never be the 400 pound hacker who hacked the DNC. Why even bother doing all of that if you're not gonna go all in?

It's Win+E, not Ctrl+E.

>Ctrl+E not working on file explorer windows 10
I want to select all the files in file explorer

That is Ctrl + A.

Like Ctrl+A?


lul wrong keyboards ...



Everyone knows a hacker is a train enthusiast.

>Now you're a hacker.
there isn't a single type of hacker. the only thing learning linux and networking will do is make it easier for you to ddos or exploit wifi, and most of that can be done by script kiddies.

if you want to be a REAL badass hacker, you need to know C/ASSEMBLY, Reverse-engineering, and know damn near everything about Windows(How else are you going to exploit something if you dont even fucking use it)

if you're into hacking websites, then you'll need additional knowledge of web dev.

>and know damn near everything about Windows(How else are you going to exploit something if you dont even fucking use it)
Wouldn't exploiting servers be just as useful?

most servers are linux based. fat chance exploiting those. you'll mostly likely need to exploit specific software it has and hope for privilege escalation

Install Gentoo


keyboard latin ...

is a keyboard latin LMAFO
the windows lie me ...

You must be a programmer

A hacker is someone so high on the spectrum that they take apart door knobs and alarm clocks for fun.

The autism spectrum?

I programmed once, I hacked the whole thing.
Electrical Engineering is so much more better.