How hard would it be to reverse engineer a CPU as powerful as knights landing using household items...

how hard would it be to reverse engineer a CPU as powerful as knights landing using household items? im looking for a project to kill some time.

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uhh they're very fucking microscopic transistors so.. do you have household items to magnify that?

The time it would take would be measured in thousands of years

given what you've just asked, i think knitting would be more your speed.

i have a canon printer. does that help?

Very hard you mentally retarded piece of shit

iirc the Game Boy BIOS was dumped with a microscope and a pen and some paper
it was only 128 bytes though

don't be rude to me please. im drinking tea.

LITERALLY impossible

come on it can't be that hard. it's just a bunch of circuits slapped together using a printer right.

Not impossible, just not possible with household items.

I hope you burn your tongue

do you have industrial microscope? no? then no

You're going to need other people's household items if you want to complete this task in any reasonable amount of time. Just your own household items won't be enough.

You can decap a microchip with the right chemicals and look at it under a microscope.
The only thing separating you from experts like Chipworks is that they have special machines to decap chips and strip away various metal layers one at a time. They also have pretty high end optics which you'll be sorely lacking, but that wouldn't stop you from giving it the old college try.

Impossible. Even with an electron scanning microscope the area to scan and computer vision needed to map each transistor would be a huge amount of work. You'd team of a hundred or so employees as well as enough CPU samples to analyze, maybe.
Try with a 6502, this one should be doable.

>using household items

I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to fully reverse engineer it at the hardware level with household items. You'd need an electron microscope. Even if you did have a $100K microscope just laying around your house, Knights Landing has an estimated 7 Billion transistors, it would probably take years, mapping out every single logic gate.

If you do want reverse engineer an IC you could try something like a Z80 or 8086. You should be able to see everything quite clearly with a decent light microscope. IIRC that was exactly how AMD reverse engineered Intel's earlier CPUs before they became an official second source.

>seeing bytes
Something similar to this I guess.

depends on what you mean on rev. eng.
if rev. eng. architecture (logic how processor works), sizes of ResStations, #units, lat/throughput, BTB, TLBs, etc - it's literally possible.
Rev. eng. the 'netlist' is impossible not only at home, but, like, at all.

Thats also how that one guy dumped a tamagotchi rom after decapping the chip with acid.

Reminds me of this.

shit's small yo

you can like make an upscale version or something but in order to make it practical it would have to be fucking huge, like how those autists in minecraft tier


before Citra was a thing, a group of hackers decapped the proprietary 3DS chips and bought some time with an electron microscope so they could see how it works, too*
Also, the SNES DSP-X chips were decapped when SNES emulation was in its infancy

*) there were two projects, the first one was a fundraiser and the guy jewed everyone lmao

Nvidia > intel > AMD

Mask ROMs are burned into silicon, you can see the actual structures but you have to decipher how the structures relate to data.