ESEA, the company that cares so little about its users it let a rogue dev ship a bitcoin miner in an update...

ESEA, the company that cares so little about its users it let a rogue dev ship a bitcoin miner in an update, let their CUSTOMER DB get hit with ransomware. They paid $50k and still had the database leaked.

CSGO players STILL defend these idiots and go running back to pay ESEA to install rootkits on their PC in the name of anticheat.

When will anti-cheat face legal charges because it's no better than spyware and when will people stop willingly giving their computers to companies just so they can play games?

when there's competition among distributors

its an established brand and none of the other services can compete

go bitch at valve for not spending their infinite money on anything but a shitty MM system for pubbers

Stop being a face IT cuck

rootkit users spotted

video games > willingly handing your computer over to someone else

>CS:GO in current year
Stop playing yourself and use CS:CO instead.

this is Sup Forums now?

i would actually but not many pugs

you seem alittle upset friendo.

Did you get neg karma when playing ESEA because you're Silver Elite?

Stick to MM bub

>you seem alittle upset friendo.
>Did you get neg karma when playing ESEA because you're Silver Elite?
>Stick to MM bub

Why are you nerds here
>>Sup Forums

Why are you posting this on Sup Forums?
Nobody cares

>Why are you nerds here

I believe you answered that yourself

They didn't pay a dime to the hacker

Bitcoin thing that happened in 2013 was a plot by the old owner

They have a monopoly going due to the fact the quality of other services like CEVO and Faceit are complete horseshit, alongside the fact that a majority of the pro scene excluding Europe perfer ESEA for obvious reasons.

Tl;dr you pay 7 bucks a month to get fucked in the ass

Security breaches and spyware aren't tech?

It's really strange that you decided to post on this board. You seem like an attention whore.

esea shills out in FORCE

>let their CUSTOMER DB get hit with ransomware
It wasn't ransomware you fucking retard, it was a direct ransom.

csgocucks in a nutshell
>hurr you're just bad

That's pretty good buisiness plan.
Make software people would use (something to integrate with popular Sup Forumsidya)
Create your botnet
Mine bitcoins

For users to defend you, give them something in return for installing botnet. (like some stupid "items"/features in your malware)

When CSGO players (Valvedrones) stop being mentally handicapped

Aka never

fuck off kid and post in Sup Forums. No one here cares about stupid video games or valve, reporting post.

>not playing faceit
they got a new anticheat recently, I wonder if it's any good

anti-cheat is spyware

vac, warden, faceit, esea, incompetent indie game implementations

it's all spyware

do you remember how people lost their minds about ESEA anti-chat always running in the background?

I'd bet 80% of those people had PnkBstrA running

then CSGO itself is spyware because I don't remember faceit needing an installation of a client or anything similar

>anything below global paying to play

Don't even try to reason with ESEAtards when they tolerate an """""""anticheat"""""" running all the time in the background.

>can't wallbang like in 1.6
It's shit.
I mean, what's the fucking point lol. At least the maps and economy is much better in GO why degrade?

Then disable all of it and play with cheaters all day long? It's your choice, no one is forcing you to play on VAC secured servers, and even less on ESEA or FaceIt. Alternatively, just don't play at all, since CSGO requires Steam. Why are you even complaining about this in the first place?

FaceIt recently made their own client with integrated anti-cheat. Still in testing phase, but they've had good results to far, from what has been communicated. From what I know, it's still not enforced on everyone to play on their platform, but they can flag certain players suspected of cheating to be forced to use it (and they've done this already).

>paying more money to play a game for which you already paid
No thanks.

So far I've made money on CSGO. I paid $15 for the game, then sold cases and skins I got dropped in the game in the community market. In October I made about $30 selling skins and cases. Before that I made about $20 selling skins and cases. Still have $12 left over in my steam account, waiting for some game I want to go on sale. I know it's not a lot of money, and seeing as it takes a while to accumulate the skins and cases and have them appreciate in value, it's not a big deal. But it's better than spending $7/mo. so I could play a video game.

I know I'll never be a pro at CSGO, the MG2-4 level in which I'm currently playing is fun enough and challenging for me. So sometimes hackers come and I lose, I report them and then I get a report saying one or more players I reported got banned. Even if I derank I go back up in rank in a game or two. So it really doesn't matter. I laugh at the Russians, French, Germans who scream like autists when they lose. If a game is stressful, it stops being a game and you should consider playing something else.


>No one here cares about stupid video games

i mean i agree with you that it doesn't belong here, but saying nobody here cares about video games is naive at best. every other thread is discussing a graphics card or pc build with some riced out new graphics card completely unnecessary for anything other than games.

I just wanna play 1.5 in CAL again

but think of the hashes you could crack with your gay man card

i bet u were a fuckin cal-o scrub


Honestly this. I used to play oldschool arena shooters competitively, and it fet like 99% of anti-cheat implementations are utter garbage.

>they have a performance hit because they're so poorly coded
>they're a major invasion of privacy
>lots of morally questionable hidden shit inside them

Anti-cheaters are nutters as well. I'd rather play vs a blatant aimbot versus someone who wants to have full control over my computer just to make sure I'm legitimate. Online "tournaments" are a joke as well, its LAN or nothing.

>When will anti-cheat face legal charges
ESEA got a million dollar fine for the bitcoin mining thing