Sup Forums codes OOP with java

Write a java class, one post at a time?

Ill start:

public class 4chanClass
private boolean faggotry = True;
public int postsUntilClassIsFinished = 20;

public decreasePostsRequired(boolean APostHasOccurred)
if (APostHasOccurred)
PostsUntilClassIsFinished --;


you just completed the class, asshole

fuck, i feel trolled

abstract class user {
static final boolean IS_FAGGOT = true;

private boolean isFaggot;

void setFaggot(boolean fag) {
isFaggot = fag;

boolean isFaggot() {
return isFaggot;

// TODO: You implement this.
absract void killYourself();

user op = new user();
while (op.isFaggot()) {


>instantiating an abstract user

> abstract class user
> op = new user ()

> class name starting with a number

throw new SyntaxError(

public class OP {
OP() {
while(1) {
System.out.println("I AM A MASSIVE FAGGOT.");

so far none of these would be able to compile. learn syntax faggots

>the inconsistent camel-case
>the newline curly brace in java

yes, this is Sup Forums indeed.

If this thread used a meme language, it would have a ton more responses

reading java makes me want to throw up

the contents of the main function is already indented twice

You must be new.

You right, tho.

That was like one of the first things I learned in my first programming class.

import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Arc;
import javafx.scene.shape.ArcType;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class OP {
//The object of OP's desires.
public Circle leftNut = new Circle(25, 25, 25, Color.PINK);
public Circle rightNut = new Circle(50, 50, 25, Color.PINK);
public Rectangle shaft = new Rectangle(25, 25, 15, 50, Color.FLESH);
public Arc head = new Arc(40, 25, 25, 25, 45, 180);

i know only Python

from imageboards import yotsuba
from cocksuckers import OP

class Sup Forums(yotsuba):
def measure_faggotry(person):
dick_counter = 1
for dick in Dicks.objects.filter(sucker=person):
print('%d dick that %s has sucked was %d cm long' % (dick_counter,, dick.size))
dick_counter += 1
if dick_counter < 1:
print('%s isn't a faggot' %
elif dick_counter < 3:
print('%s is a moderate faggot' %
elif dick_counter < 8:
print('%s is giant faggot' %
elif dick_counter < 15:
print('%s is a massive faggot' %
print('%s is an indescribable faggot. Congratulations.' %

Sup Forums.measure_faggotry(OP)

what am i doing with my life

from imageboards import yotsuba
from cocksuckers import OP

class fourchan(yotsuba):
def measure_faggotry(person):
dick_counter = 1
for dick in Dicks.objects.filter(sucker=person):
print('%d dick that %s has sucked was %d cm long' % (dick_counter,, dick.size))
dick_counter += 1
if dick_counter < 1:
print('%s isnt a faggot' %
elif dick_counter < 3:
print('%s is a moderate faggot' %
elif dick_counter < 8:
print('%s is giant faggot' %
elif dick_counter < 15:
print('%s is a massive faggot' %
print('%s is an indescribable faggot. Congratulations.' %



>using % for string formatting

Is there any reason why you still do this? The new way is pretty slick.

print(f'{} is a massive faggot')

Less code and you can read it inline, obviously. Pretty nice.

if Sup Forums is full of deviant homosexual cross dressing faggots, where do all the heterosexual people go to?

didn't know about this, used it out of habit

1. No constructor
2. No return types
3. True instead of true
4. No actual use of your written functions
5. Java

Fucking kill yourself

>see one of those "let's write a java programm" threads
>immediately know the first reply will be something like "}"
>open thread
>see the first reply
>life is good

What python version does this work in?

when will you faggots learn a real programming language like html or apache

Your meme already died