Got this for 190 bucks. Did I do good?

Got this for 190 bucks. Did I do good?

You did poorly

Not even worth 190?

Is that a 10 year old laptop?

You got ripped off hard.

No. Worth $50 max.

$100 tops. And that would be generous.

No you did not.

For that much you could have gotten something much much better than a 9 year old Asus gaymen laptop. Hell, I got a mint condition T430 with an i7 for roughly $200.

I'd pay 20-30 for that if it came with a porn collection.

Hey guys I paid $313 for a fully loaded W530. Can someone please stoke my ego and tell me I did good.

I can get my money back for 7 days, any suggestions for how I can get better?
I feel a bit embarrassed now desu.

Fantastic like 4 years ago.

if subs stallman dies tonight

Nope, it's shit. Hang on a minute...

>Installed software: Office 2010
>complete silence
>rumble rumble
>door breaks down

You got robbed.


don't listen to them you fucking newfag. Sup Forums always tries to make you feel bad.

Thank god you mis-typed.

>pawn edition
lol did u get this laptop at a pawn shop

what is it about technology that attracts such fucking idiots

Return it.

Buy a T520 from eBay, if smaller t420, and need something smaller yet x220.

Then buy an SSD and more RAM and reinstall windows.

SSD and thinkpad should be had for less then $200, maybe even $150 if you look on eBay hard enough

Trips of truth

I just bought 4 Latitude E6400's with the same CPU, 8GB RAM, and 320gb HDD's for $5 each.

One of them had a broken USB port and a fucked up touchpad.

Getting stuff on Craigslist can be kind of risky, but it's not like the guy at the pawn shop knows anything about computers except for how much he can sell them for. He's charging you a premium because he doesn't know enough to be able really test for problems, he just runs some gay app he bought that probably doesn't actually do a whole lot. He knows there's a fair chance something is broken and he might have to take it back.

If something from Craigslist can post and boot into an OS, it's got the same chance of being legit as anything the pawn guy is going to sell you.

Look around ebay and local ads. Shortlist what catches your eye and then work from there.

Don't fall for gaymen gimmick. Out of 2 laptops with the same specs, the gaming one will be more expensive without adding anything of value.

If you have no idea about used laptops and how much you should pay, ask before spending your money.

If you are really hopeless and don't even know where to start looking check the Thinkpad general. They might not be the prettiest (subjective) but they are very well built and offer very good specs.

$200 should get you a 2nd gen i5 or i7 with money to spare for upgrades. You should be able to get a 3rd gen if you don't mind cosmetic blemishes.

Trips and dubs of truth. Get either a X220, T420, or T520. They are all basically the same on the inside, the only thing different is screen size.

Im fine with it looking like shit, as long as its good. Ill keep my eye on the classifieds and do more research.


You could have gotten something that runs at least 4 times faster for $90 less

>he actually wasted his hard-earned shekels on shit that he could've gotten for free

I used to play WoW and Crysis warhead on this bad boy back in like 2008

Mine was red and came with a fancy ROG backpack. It randomly fried one day while charging.

Sorry you got ripped off man.

>190 dollars
>10 year old dual core

lmao best deal ever :^)
>systemsaver pawn edition

They are 100$ here in fucking Turkey
find and beat the dude that gave you that

You could get a 2012 MBP for that

if dubs stallman dies tonight

op what you paid was fine

Why the fuck are you people forcing thinkpads on everyone? They are literary mediocre at best.

>t. mactoddler

Great argument. Even fucking "gaymun" laptops are better than your ThinkPad or Macshit.

>literary a thinkpad fag thing to say
now I know what kind of people post this shit

>t. gamertoddler

>never said I own a gaymur laptop
k, no arguments?

Buy a used asus laptop or whatever. Its what I got. Clean the fans, redo heatpaste, done. I can play battlefield 3 if I so desire, on my 200€ laptop

Consult your local Thinkpad general for the list of pros of a Thinkpad. No need to shit up a thread with "hurr x sux"

>literary same specs than any other cheapskate laptop of the same year
>literary using shitty screens and no special features
I have been lurking them for years user

But you can replace those shitty screens with nice ones. And while they have the same specs than other laptops from the same year, they have superior build quality and are often found for cheap on used stuff markets. But of course you already know this so why am I bothering

>using the smiley with a carat nose

I would pay a maximum of 25 for that computer honestly

Is this a fucking gaymen laptop

If singles Tim Cuck will lead Applel to it's demise.

People know that already faggot, no mactoddler likes the new shit anymore. Like the 2014 MBP is the fastest.

In my country you can get refurb enterprise laptops for 150-200$ that have modern Sandy / Haswell Core i5/i7 CPUs, 8-16gigs of ram, and some Quadro or other high end GPU.

Not a fucking 100 year old gamer laptop that must have fried itself for 10 times already.

> meme free internet diet

Yes, it's an old ROG.
It's on the pic.

I also have a ROG, a new one, and I know you have to clean and repaste regularly to keep it from frying. All gamer laptops are like this.
Chances are great that your laptop will break soon. Sorry OP.

Return it or sell it on CL?

No you can't

Please browse/search eBay and Craigslist before buying.

Not a very good deal. Should have listened to the thinkpad meme. 430 would be cheaper and blow that out.