How do i make a scalable svg for a wordpress header?

How do i make a scalable svg for a wordpress header?

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But will it scale properly? I already have a png image but i just need to convert it.

I looked at tutorials online but they are all outdated from like 2013.

I'm going to create a porn site called GEEKED where hot blonde babes are railed by Sup Forumsentlemen.

What are you talking about? SVGs are vector based, not raster. They are infinitely scalable.

Theres already a site were big thick milf chicks fuck and domnate skinny beta guys.

I forgot the name of it though.

>I forgot the name of it though
Fucking useless.

I mean if i convert a png to a svg will it just scale automatically?

The png i have now gets cut off when the site goes into mobile mode.

Now that I think about it, "Fucking Useless" would be a good name for such a porn site.

I saw an ad for it the other day. Some big blonde picks up this skinny guy and basically turns him upside down and sucks his dick then throws him on a bed and dildos his asshole.

I want to have consensual sex with Marissa in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation while holding hands. She needs to be impregnated with my superior 190 IQ seed.

You have to make sure it's set to scalable, and I'm not going to tell you how :3



is this for real or just a clever use of logo?

it's real.

Where do you think she is going after Yahoo?

The second she got fired she signed on with Blacked for a 10 billion dollar contract.

>10 billion
Learn to read zeroes. She got a 10 Million deal for the next three years, but they probably won't renew her contract as she slowly fades into irrelevancy.

You she's a BBC sex tourist. Im sure she spends a lot of time in Antigua.


>"web developer"
>can't into pictures
sounds about right

By not appointing Marissa Mayer as your CEO.

1. automatic conversion from raster to vector rarely produces good results, it's only good as a starting point for touching up proper manually
2. you can scale raster images as well, the difference isn't that one is scalable while the other isn't, but rather that vector images don't have a fixed resolution

it doesn't seem like converting to svg is the solution you're looking for