Want to get first element in array

>want to get first element in array
wtf i hate programming now

it's not that bad

php's array(1, 2, 3) is shit tho

beautiful js: [1, 2, 3]


inferior languages that let you compile shit like this always crack me up

>he doesn't know it means *(array + 0)
Stick to baby languages.

>he doesn't access like 0[array]

>want to get a number from the user
>scanf("%d", n);
>segmentation fault
wtf i hate programming now

n = int(input())
Python masterrace

>using input instead of raw_input
>using python3


>being incompetent
>passing n by value
>expecting anything else

input is the same as raw_input in Python 3

(first array)


Is anyone here autistic enough to always ignore the [0] element and start filling it from [1] due to extreme OCD and irritation of having to -1 or +1 in certain functions due to the array starting from 0?

I surely can't be the only one

>want to get zeroth element in array
wtf i love programming now

>Why is my array starting with first number?

0 comes before 1.
there's an infinite number range between 0 & 1.
how do you just completely skip it.

>not using 0[array]
cmon, it's 2017 man

that's the mild to the slot. It's not vacant until there is a mold. That's a logical imperative, though. Not a physical one. Thus, rhis would be a discrete analogy.

Computers like 0.
Deal with it.

Fun fact. In Europe, the bottom floor of a building is the "ground" floor, and the floor above that is the "first" floor. This honestly could be why the beginning element of an array is the 0th element

wait, this isn't the case in America? In Australia we always have ground floor, then first

php array can be [1,2,3] too, if you dont use a php version from the stone ages

I thought everything is opposite in Australia, ground floor is 0 then you go up, -1, -2 etc...

Isn't this more of a British thing than European?

What kind of Europe are you talking about?
First floor is the first floor.

it's the "level ground" and the "one ceiling" idiot