Which LaTeX compiler to use?


What OS do you use?

Botnet number 10

Been using sharelatex, but it can't seem to compile the right document right now and I'm going insane

Not a win user, but:

Is it a problem with you document or the compiler?

I've only ever tried miktex on windows. It has a portable version, so it should be quick to test.

I can create a new document and write, for example:


compile it, and it still compiles previously viewed/compiled code (a different document). I've cleared the cache, and I get 0 errors. Still keep getting the wrong document though.

Contact support, they're great at helping you out of a jam like that.

I've done that before and it helped, don't think I can do that any more as I no longer have premium. Can't find any tab/menu that points to support currently. Maybe I'm just blind / too caffeinated.

Nah man, if this is a bug they'll want to know about it, premium or not they help everyone out

Go up to the project list, there should be Help link at the top

Real men use troff.

Yeah found it now, thanks.

Real men use butterflies.

XKC :D!1!1!

It's objectively a good way to end this kind of meaningless discussions of what an individual prefers.

You're cool, I like you

Well the publishing industry Objectively prefers troff.

>Well the publishing industry Objectively prefers troff.

What is the origin of docbook?

sharelatex is neat if you're looking for a cloud based one
else miktex is probably the best for windowns

I have the feeling nobody in this thread understood the question.

Anyway, pdfLaTeX as long as possible because of speed, LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX for more complicated shit.

Who MiKTeX+TeXstudio master race here?