How do I get it open? I don't know the code...

How do I get it open? I don't know the code. I'm not even sure how many digits it is; sometimes it makes a sound effect after I press 3 buttons, but sometimes it plays after only 2 buttons.

Cool bomb Ahmed.


give it back tyrone


> 3.25 MB

measure power consumption

Literally brute force it

check all common 4 digit combinations

put a paper clip in one of the holes and short some things. It is bound to do something

Use a dremel you fucking pansy, it's plastic

For starters.. Pictures from all sides would be nice.

just melt the border with a heater and open it.

God damn, nerds can be stupid sometimes

Oh my god! JC! A bomb!

Is this a challenge?
Does this belong to someone you want to know more about?

Heat up a knife with a lighter and literally just cut it open.
But if you want to be a haxx0r you can pry off the buttons solder wires onto the contacts and brute force it with an arduino in a few min.

A bomb!

There is a slot for batteries on the bottom. There are some screws, I might be able to remove the entire bottom panel with just a screwdriver.

does it include the schematics? I guess it would be cool to make the image of something that also includes the schematics of what is pictured.


>hand is clearly white

Really makes you think.

OP here. I got it open.
So as I mentioned, there are two sound effects that play. One of them sounded distinctly "pass", the other sounded distinctly "fail". I must have been wrong when I mentioned 3 digit codes, the sounds ALWAYS play after entering 2 numbers.
I found a bunch of different 2 digit numbers that resulted in a "pass" sound, then tried entering them in a random order. I found that if I were to get two "pass" sounds, then enter 2-9, the safe would open. It turns out that it actually doesn't matter which two come first, as long as 2-9 comes last.
The safe contained $2.43, and an amusement park penny.

What is the default behavior when the battery dies? Can you short it?

What's the cost to replace it? Is it more than the value of your time to pick it?

Does it need to remain intact? Does it have unique markings? If not, break it open. Buy a replacement and stick a dead battery in it. Owner might assume the dead battery caused the safe to malfunction.

Let the good times roll!