Why is a mac better than windows


lets begin with different os versions, you have like 3 kind of window 10 versions XD

Protip; it is not

Because you set the bar as low as possible.

- based on unix, operates much more consistently with a remote *nix machine
- built in tools like bash, zsh, etc...

honestly that's all you need. windows doesn't do itself any favors. unless you need to play games or run certain engineering-specific software (like CAD), os x just gets shit working quickly.

this should be a discussion between os x and linux. if you're too scared of your computer to use a shell, then use windows. there's no point in discussing windows vs os x past that point.

Getting Timrolled that hard.

>why is X better than Y

Because of completely arbitrary and subjective reasons.

I like macOS because of the Unix base, then again I don't feel like buying Apple hardware (I don't have a laptop and I'm not going to buy an incredibly overpriced Apple desktop) nor do I have the desire to fuck around with Hackintosh, though apparently all my hardware works. So I just dual-boot Windows and Solus.

I'm very entertained by the idea that Apple was forced to rename their operating system from OS X to MacOS because it's buyers are too retarded to even know how the operating system was called. Now they are semi-correct with the naming scheme and they can say: "Oh I ment MacOS instead of Mac" we are talking about OS's anyway. Previously they would be shamed by comparing an OS to a brand name of a laptop made by Apple.

Because you're a fruit.

MacOS is polished and powerful at the same time, and Apple hardware is great.

>nor do I have the desire to fuck around with Hackintosh, though apparently all my hardware works
i have a rMBP and a hackintosh. a hackintosh really doesn't require very much upkeep these days. if you find yourself thinking about it, i recommend giving it a try.

(it definitely used to be a mess though. i'm not trying to rewrite history here)

lol its literally just a rebranded linux(bsd) distro sold for 1000$ for dumb people.

it even uses bash too


people complain that linux is shit because of x11 and that its very slow in adopting wayland while mac still uses x :^)

It comes pre-installed with unix. umm, the aluminum chassis is pretty slick on the macbooks. That's about it.

It's not especially now that it has become a symbol of homosexuality.

yeah, the fss crowd is a herd of cats. It really needs a single company to manage it and package all nicely with good support for it to work at the consumer level. Android and Apple for example. You can argue this and that about them is shit and you maybe right but both google and Apple have it figured out to where it all works well enough for consumers to adopt it.

Same for IOS on the phones. You have to jailbreak them to get full control of bash but it's there. I hope this isn't any sort of real news to anyone here.

To be honest, I never felt that Mac OS had X in its name (since it's just 10th version), so I don't feel anything how they dropped X from the regural name.
Then again, they changed major version of Mac OS a long time ago.

* Unix machine
* Better interaction design
* No OEMs preinstalling tons of bullshit
* Less crashing, instability, and obstructive malware
* Free OS updates
* Probably easier than linux to integrate with Windows PCs and servers

No telemetry or constant updates.
Microsoft and the NSA don't watch you fap
Must better and simpler interface based on Unix
Just works

[spoiler]It just werks[/spoiler]

It can line up its minimize, window, and exit buttons property


MacOS is more refined, the issue stems from apple effectively putting an arbitrary lock on using it to only their hardware. Even though hackintoshing exists, you shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to use a different operating system.
Anything is better than windows 10 though.

>why is x hardware better than y software
I think you have Down's syndrome. I have a Mac running Xubuntu. It's standard Intel x86 hardware in a nice aluminum case that has a glowing Applel logo on the back.

The only shitty thing about it is that it uses EFI, and does BIOS emulation for special snowflake wangblows, and so it uses hybrid MBR which is hacked together and stupid and you need a special boot manager to load bootloaders like GRUB. It's a pain to install but works fine afterwards. You can also use the Clover bootloader on real Macs from a USB flash drive.

>literally just a rebranded linux(bsd) distro sold for 1000$
I lost brain cells reading this.

It's a very outdated version of bash which is very limited in what it can do. There are also very few command line utilities ported to iOS, so there's really no point.

I have my camera disconnected internally. I used Mac OS for about a week. I got root access and deleted some of the applications like iTunes and the App Store that I didn't want. I rebooted and they all were back in my Applications directory like I had never deleted them. I noped the fuck out and installed Ubuntu. Don't believe me? Try to delete iTunes by right clicking in the file explorer, changing access to r/w for all users, then trashing it. It will come back within a day.

MacOS has a very nice aesthetic, great support, and gestures/programs that help with productivity
It doesn't come with pajeet bloatware like Candy Crush, which Windows has