This can't be life. All non INTJ's it is time to report in

This can't be life. All non INTJ's it is time to report in.

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He could have went to Services.msc > Windows Update and disable it, it literally takes 5 seconds, what a manchild.

Wait im intj whats your problem

non intjs is the problem

The fuck has it to being INTJ?

You don't even know what INTJ is.

Point being this guy lacks the personality traits to find a solution to his problem other than clicking later which he knows is not a solution.

>He fell for the windows scam

>All non INTJ's it is time to report in.

what did he mean by this?

i think he meant all stupid people using windows 10 and bitching about it should come to this thread

I got a laptop from my company with win 10 home pre-installed (I know, but I'm not allowed to change the OS). I fucked with the update settings for about 4 minutes. Using it for 2 months now, still didn't encounter this screen and yes there were updates installed but the only thing it does about it is giving me the option to shut down or restart with applying the changes in the shut down menu (I can choose to do it without updates if want to)

Intj a shit. istp good okay nice

INTJ reporting in.

who is this system daemon?

your dad


Original vid here since:

Daily reminder that people who can't be bothered to find a solution to their issue can't be trusted with running outdated software.

INFP here, fuck OP.

What do I do if I have no gpedit due to having home version?

Then you pirate enterprise.

I think that would be a bad idea since it is a work computer that.

>everyone here telling themselves they are INTJ to feel smart and special

it will just reset that setting later like it does with all the fucking others

>it will just reset that setting
Never happened. I've had this install since the anniversary update.



Audible kek at the ending. Having this shit pop up while rendering, I'd imagine, would be fucking infuriating.

Wut? Are you talking about MBTI?

>Published on 17 Sep 2015

WEW it's part of history now.

>actually believes in mbti
>literally consuming snake oil

Your fucking trash. Update on Tuesday immediately you fucking noob.

I work in IT when I see a PC thats not updated I update it without permission and act like it was an accident. Oh well you might as well take a coffee break. You fucking immbecile

>snake oil
It definitely describes a person to some degree. It is even usually possible to guess a person's type if you know them.

Don't use it. W7 does still perfectly fine and is lighter on the CPU. If you like that design there's 8.1 that's not so annoying and idiotic.

Other than the fact that you can very easily lie in personality tests and most answers depend on how you feel/how you wanna be, how much reliable is MBTI actually?
Is there some kind of source we can refer to in making the claim that MBTI is proven bullshit?

If the only reasons are the ones listed, then every single personality test will always be inaccurate and this is as good as... let's say Big Five/Global5

I don't understand why anyone continues to get mad at this, or keep making threads about it

you've known that windows 10 is not a real OS for nearly two years now, yet you all continue to use it?

>Being anything other than superior ISTJ.

Nothing is perfect, but I do believe that there is at least some level (albeit minor) of consistency

I have taken those tests multiple times, and I have always scored one of three things - INFP, INTJ, and INTP

lmao all intjs are autists

and im not saying that because im jealous and got a result i disliked

definitely not that


>not disabling Windows Updates

>not ceasing to use windows altogether

INTJ-A here.
You clearly have failed to recognize that Linux is the way to go instead of Wangblows because of it's obvious shortcomings and other problems.
You've called this upon yourself.

Literally the worst personality type

t. intp-a

Just noticed Bill Gates is one. Go figure.

>INTJ thinking he is above all

>All non INTJ's it is time to report in.
the fuck is this shit? get the fuck outta here.

Fuck no. All S literally stands for retard who can't into abstract thinking in MBTI


Late but some guy made a gpedit separate installer for win 10 home iirc.

Wew I love being introverted

T. Intp

>tfw INTP and to smart to fall for the Myers-Briggs meme

I don't know, but as a INTJ I still feel compelled to come here and call everyone stupid

what is intj?

Personality type.

introverted intuitive thinking & judging

This video is old

One if the 16 personality types of MBTI, a personality test based on Jung cognitive functions.

INTJ is pretty much the "mastermind behind the scenes" personality, a smart, critical, logical, scientific and creative thinker but mostly a loner because they dislike the majority of people. Because of this description, it's usually the favorite one of introverted guys, usually revered as the smartest one tied with INTP, that is pretty similar but different in many ways I don't feel like explaining.