Sticker Thread
Sticker Thread
Poor mans macbook
It's a pretty fantastic computer, macbooks so underpowered it's not funny
looks nice too
>visual studio
what do you use that for. i tried that once. deleted in 10 minutes.
>macbooks are underpowered
When will the lies end?
Do you do ANYTHING productive with your computer or is it just for web browsing and muh games?
>gaymer shit
build a fucking desktop if you need MUH POWER, you fucking retard.
I do have a tower, i7 and 980ti, 16GB ram, 2x500gb ssds, 1tb hdd, and 6gbs of nas storage in wd reds.
I use my desktop for vr development and motion graphics, laptop for basically everything else
>vs code
It's alright, but still pretty shit. Still using the community edition for serious stuff, but I'm hoping microsoft will make it less crap in the future. I do like the extensions and the flexibility in the settings, although I haven't delved too deeply in it.
Albeit the only macs I've been forced to use were like 2010 macbook airs. Playing youtube videos would make the fan go full speed.
This doesn't really matter though, good stickers please.
my greasy x220
stoped reading there
>tfw Steven Wilson basically outright said PT is dead recently
/tpg/ helped me put this on.
>complains about underpowered computers
>uses his computer to run botnet code
Have you watched that video? His entire argument against the laptop is that it is uncomfortable to work on compared to a large desk. Has he ever considered using peripherals with the laptop? You don't need a tower to use monitors and a keyboard+m.
> stopped reading
> it was the last thing in the message
that's upside down brah
MSF is better anyways, diamond doge is trash within the MGS timeline regardless of who you're rooting for
It'll appear right side up when I'm using it to anyone looking from the other side.
Venom > BB around the time of MGSV though. BB didn't give a shit at that point and abandoned his fellow soldiers while Venom stuck around. I also like the DD symbol better.
kek nice double entendre
I have that same laptop I believe, does your track pad also bug out every now and again that only a restart will fix? If there is any moisture on my finger from a cold drink or anything mine will stop working entirely even if I dry it completely and won't work again until I restart it.
"Every great band is going to reunite eventually"
>Steven universe
what the fuck
I just put random banana stickers
I hope you people never go outside with this much stickers. You basically want people to know you're autistic
giving a fuck what people think of you is the first step into accepting you have autism
i take it to college everyday and take it skating :^)
Pretty sure it's the opposite of that, mate. Caring what people think of you is a sign of having social awareness, a trait autists lack.
No, but when I first got it, it had some really annoying coil whine
googled for 5 minutes, uninstalled intel's graphics driver and used the stock windows 10 one and all is well.
oh, i guess you care so much about what people think about you when you're probably overweight and ugly as fuck ;)
a wofford student?
Get the image here: I used, for 10 dollars you can get a 8.5x11" sheet with as many stickers as you can fit
i just set this as the backgroud on my T43 and i love it, i take it the sticker is your OC?
I got the files from someone else
wouldn't that look big as fuck as a background?
>two Energy Star stickers
No, you aren't.
it's somewhat stretched but it'll do until i make my own version, i've got a huge boner for GiTS stuff, GOAT japanese animated drawing
Noice sticker bruh. My ex gf made mine for me.
I like yours better. It doesn't have the HUEG white outline around it. How did she make it?
I also have a FOX one and 2 MGS ones. Got em from redbubble cause 3rd world shithole and no gf to make me any.
we love you too :*
She made it with her sticker maker and some laminate. She has a shitty pair of scissors which is why those two OC donut steel characters have so much white on them. But yeah they're really easy to make and I just scanned the page that has all of them from the MGSV artbook
Hugs and kisses user
Try using a sharp blade, like from an army knife, to cut out the white edges. Hold like a pencil and work your way around the figure. Not sure if it'll work on laminate though.
Question of sticker etiquette. On most laptops the logos are oriented so they are readable from the back when the screen is open. Precisely the opposite of how thinkpad logos are oriented. When you put stickers on your thinkpad do you do as this user did and put it on upside down in relation to the logos
Or do you orient them with the logos and let them look upside down when it's open?
Autism Thread
3/4 Thinkpad users in this thread have them readable when open, maybe 4/4 I don't know which way has it.
I'm going to try that with those atrocious whiteborders on those characters, thanks user
- Core i7 Vpro sticker
- Lenovo enhanced experience 2.0 sticker, no idea what the fuck that even is
I just got it off of redbubble.
And an EastNewSound sticker on my laptop.
maximum energy saving yo
That's a nice lowkey ghost in the shell sticker. It's not riced like half the faggots here.
i can't hide my autism anyway
Better to have it readable when open. You're not the one whos gonna be reading them. Make it so that everyone else can read it while you're using it.
Just cover the logo, Lenovo a shit.
ITT: Homosexuals.
Post background.
How do you make it so the white borders won't show? I had to cut mine out rip. And the site I used didn't print it out gray enough. It had a purple shade.
If you mean the white borders from redbubble stickers just grab scissors m8
Yeah I did rip. Is there a way to make it darker and not have a purple shade unless it's under the sun?
desu senpai I like subtle and realistic anime stickers like OP's, but there aren't that many.
Post background pic.
I would've put some stickers on it but then I decided to vinyl wrap it, and I think the outcome is thousands of times better.
That's the only time I really cringed ITT
Do you have Parkinson's?
here u go
Whoops, didn't see you too
you should have cut the white boarder off first user, it looks a bit silly with that on.
Behold the cringiest pic itt
Went for some 90's a e s t h e t i c
I know I kinda fucked up the sticker but it looks better than the ugly white Redbubble border.
I approve that mouse
why do you not like that show?
I need some ideas for what stickers I should put on my x220, any ideas?
>I'm a poor faggot that wants to express that through both my choice in computer and anime waifu stickers. What can I do to best show that side of myself?
-the post
Please leave Sup Forums, you're not welcome here if you don't express the same ideas and thoughts as everybody else.
EFF stickers, distro stickers and subtle weebshit like
Other imageboards are laughing at you all
H-hi can I join?
>white border
Stickers ruin everything they touch
It's really durable and comfy, especially for me since I'm left-handed
I participated in that thread.
The average age really did get down on the *chans
Was your girlfriend 12 when she made those?
(it's actually an i7)
>if i buy one of this stickers and put the shit on,
will i looks like badass hipster?
on T420
Are you retarded? Learn to use scissors.
>y2k sticker
good times.....
The only non degenerate place to put a sticker on a laptop is on the inside. It's just hard as hell to find any that are the size of an intel sticker and aren't fucking $7. Some stickers came with my arduino which is what I have a lot of right now.