I bought a digital vt-62 terminal because i thought it was an old pc is there a use for it at all?

i bought a digital vt-62 terminal because i thought it was an old pc is there a use for it at all?
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If you can figure out how to connect it to an electronic door lock you can do some really cool fallout 4 -esque door code thingy

Otherwise, not much, i know theres one user here who has it connected to a linux terminal for fun

guess you can connect it to a *nic computer and use it as a text only terminal via a serial port

ok follow up i plugged it in and it started smoking (the ground wire was cut) can i fix that

Depends what got hot and burned up

I think you would be better just trashing the thing.

I mean come the fuck on, you just plugged a 40 year old piece of equipment which sat in god knows what conditions to mains.

i dont see amything burnt

Pics with timestamp, else just shitty bait.

Salvage the keycaps for shits and gigs

here ya go

user that looks really cool. I would see if you could find a teardown then think of a way to put a raspberry pi inside.

>instead of using the serial pins on the Pi and using it as a terminal

>gets a VT terminals
>brakes it
Kek, why did you even get it if you're too dumb to know what to do with it? Even if it was actually a full computer, you still seem too dumb to know what to do with it.

Have you considered turning it into an aquarium?

they'll hook up to any properly configured *nix system and look nice while they do it, that's really all there is to it

I believe there were also PDP-8 compatible computers built within the VT52 chassis, maybe you can figure out how to turn it into one if you can source the parts

please don't encourage the further destruction of rare pieces of tech that still have useful parts or a chance to be resurrected

OP looks like he got one in pretty good shape and even if he can't fix it he can still part it out, there's a lot of beaten up working pieces out there that could use new shells and keycaps for example

it also looks like a pretty particularly rare VT52 variant that probably didn't sell in huge numbers to begin with, sure someone would love to get their hands on it if OP doesn't want to mess with fixing/using it.

i didnt know the ground was cut plus i found it in the trash at my library all i did was turn it on also are vts rare or something?
no and i dont wanna poor computer

VT's are just awesome, perfect serial terminals

it says vt-62 and where could i sell it
(fuck ebay)

Why are you bothering? These people don't care, they would smash it with a sledge hammer just for keks and butthurts of others.

op here i wanna preserve it as much as possible im a tech nerd that loves old tech

Good that you got it then, have fun!

Not OP but I also have an old terminal that I like. Do you know how to actually do this? I tried finding info on what to actually do on the nix/ux machine to connect the shell to the serial port but failed.

Right now the terminal is just plugged into an old network switch but that is pretty boring on the terminal. Id like to get it on a nix box and show some ascii art or something on it.

what region do you live in? maybe there's a DEC collector nearby that might be interested if you really feel you'd rather get rid of it

you could also try the vintage computing forums or maybe even nekochan since there are a few big iron collectors hanging around those parts

doesn't hurt to type out a paragraph expressing it, there are a lot of people out there who really just don't know about the stuff so assume nobody wants it, I deal with it all the time

look up a serial console tutorial for your chosen distro, did you try it with a null modem cable and make sure the terminal was properly configured as well?

whats a good forum?


As a first step, try setting up minicom or using gnu screen to talk back and forth between a window and the terminal, to verify that the connection works and you have the right baud rate.

mentioned two of them in there, vcforum's a decent bet since it has a wide audience
there's probably some others but I don't really know

Have it SSH into a network of raspberry pis/arduinos that control various parts of your house electronically

>Have it SSH

there's a lot of empty space in the chassis, he can probably throw an SBC in there with a serial GPIO expansion and do it that way


literally this easy

Or just hide a Pi in it, Pis GPIO has RS-232 serial and Pi 3's have WiFi on board, would make for an awesome terminal, even wireless.

yeah that was pretty much what I was saying
even DEC exploited that potential with the VT78, it would get OP that cool PC he was looking for at least

Sell they keyboard to some nerds from geekhack or deskauthority. Someone will probably give you a few hundred bucks for it.

>enabling keyboard hipsters
how about you go fuck yourself unironically