Why would anyone use this?

Why would anyone use this?

Why should anyone use this?

Because it's entry-level and usable on shared hosting services and I can't think of anything that is more easier to set up.

Because it's easy to use and people can spend their time doing more useful stuff?

>easy to set up
>easy to secure
>everything's standardized so super stable no matter how many plugins you add
>professional themes you can run on your own install
>can be reskined to form a decent CMS for news orgs
It's a good piece of software.

This. Also if you're a developer/designer, you need to have Wordpress experience if you want to be a freelancer.

>>easy to secure

You sound very delusional/Indian, I'd call it okay or decent, but not good.

If Drupal didn't exist, WordPress would be #1 for PHP exploits, there's almost millions of buggy plugins written by Pajeets.

And it is fucking slow, and when I say that I meant to say PHP is fucking slow. This is not up for debate. I don't give a shit how many super cache plugins you have enabled.

Okay Sup Forums,

What’s a superior CMS in 2017?

because you don't need programming skills to setup a webpage and don't have to pay developers insane amounts of money

*the drawback about this... you get a freaking wordpress page (slow, abuses database with millions of unnecessary queries, hard to deal with if you need custom functionalities -- its php and mysql ffs)


oh dog

The mulatto nigger on the left is actually logged in on a wordpress site.

i hated maintaining a web server + wordpress, cancerous experience

>its fast to build
>its easy to learn
>its easy to maintain
>its cheap to host
>it has tons of plugins
>it has tons of support, large community
>it has no license fees

>what is caching
Absolutely everything can be brought to its knees without caching. Sure a cheap'o $2 shared hosting plan might be slow, but thats what you paid for.

Caching is a fucking pain in the ass, that's what it is.
t. someone who, among other things, gets paid to manage a decent amount of wordpress sites.

I use WP because it sets up an admin panel with post rollbacks, media handling and multiple user capabilities by itself, so I don't have to code all that crap in.
From that, I build my own plugins/themes with features as needed. Only use plugins either for very minimal things (like regenerating thumbnails), or for extremely complex things which are simply not economical for me to write in the given time frame (like a webshop).

>If Drupal didn't exist, WordPress would be #1 for PHP exploits,
I'm pretty sure that phpBB still has the #1 spot.

>there's almost millions of buggy plugins written by Pajeets.
Yeah, and they are shit like Revolution Slider, that you do not need on your site.

>And it is fucking slow, and when I say that I meant to say PHP is fucking slow. This is not up for debate.
Name a CMS with equal capabilities that runs faster. Also, PHP7 fixes the speed issue anyway.

Required for a class.

Because boomers are still alive

WordPress is one of the most used CMSes. It has many companies supporting it.

The trouble starts as soon you need to do a major version upgrade or one of your plugins is no longer supported.

Personally I haven't used a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla in years and moved to things like Jekyll, Middleman and Hugo.

> more easier
> more
> easier

Honestly the only reason I use it is to make it easy for non-savvy people to create and edit webpages without asking me to do anything