When windows 10 literally hides away your porn from you you just downloaded and literally have to download another file...

>when windows 10 literally hides away your porn from you you just downloaded and literally have to download another file manager(freecommander in my case)just to watch your files that are actually there just file explorer doesnt give a shit.

wew lad,every day microsoft pushes me closer to linux.

Why wouldn't it recognize a video file?
Sounds like you downloaded a virus.

no i didnt.its because my porn folder has over 700files in it,and from now on every picture i download just isnt there with file explorer while other file managers see them

>a virus that makes random files not appear with file explorer but appear with any other file manager

you retard,son?




NTFS is a piece of shit. When is Microsoft upgrading that fucking file system

Boohoo keep crying linuxfag falsefag

You certainly are.

when you stop using their thrash

Still the best os out there, certainly better than linshit

or you're just retarded, literally have it all in a folder in documents with no issues

just wait till google invests in fucking desktop OS

Pajeets have them in their might now

windows 10 is malware:

*turns off your computer without permission
*loads shit without permission
*monitors all your online and offline activity
*sends telemetry
*inactivates programs without your permission
*deletes files without your permission
*interrupts your program activity so it can "upgrade"
*downloads massive data on tablets which result in wireless access overcharges


Desktop OSes are dead, why would google waste money in them?

Considering they thought that making an OS that's literally nothing but a browser is a good idea, I don't think anything would come out of that.

But chromeos was good for its purpose.

linux still be shit then too

Also if GoogleOS will be like android then i dont have much hope for it which is pretty bad because googles ecosystem is nearly perfect

they're working on a new fs that they're testing on server 2016 iirc, supports symlinks by default which is nice

windows is still a shit tho

Windows 10 made my literal grandma ask me to install Linux for her.

Good job Microsoft.

>tfw you find an encryption breaking toolkit on your computer and all your fetishes are compromised

the fuck? i have folders with up to 8000 files in them and they work just fine
been filling those folders since xp
is it a win 10 thing? never cared to upgrade

if you dont game why are you not already on linux?

You say linux is shit, but you list no reasons.

Ubuntu is better than win10.

The settings are easier to find and all laid out in an easy to find place (super key>"settings")

Default web browser is firefox, not shitty IE or Edge (Web dev here. Get users off of these shitty browser, please).

Instead of going into the wild for programs all of your programs are approved by the community and accessible through the software center.

I've never installed antivirus on linux machine, and never gotten a virus. Not that they are perfect, but open source protects you from common threats faster than the speed of enterprise.

Shit is way easier to install on linux. Try running python scripts on windows. Took me 30 mins because of that ugly turd PATH variable. I mean seriously what is a long ass var like that doing in an ugly fukin interface on one line with no expandable text box. Fuckin retaurded.

Workspaces. Any keystroke you want to change between workspaces. As many or as few workspaces as you want, organised however you want.

Script folder, where you can add any script you want.

Shell is far superior to cmd. sudo.

Aliases and bash functions are fuckin easy.

You can make any script a command, and assign any command to any keystroke. You can make any keystroke do whatever the fuck you want. You can also make right click menu options that run scripts for you.

Ever tried to use git, composer, node, pip, vagrant on windows machine? Compare and contrast that experience with the same toolset on an Ubuntu machine.

Ubuntu does whatever you want it to be. Win blows.

it really is incredible that w10 legitimately meets the criteria of malware