Today I witnessed a blessed event - Terry added serial port routines to TempleOS

Today I witnessed a blessed event - Terry added serial port routines to TempleOS.

I also started writing the level editor for my Mega Man game. Basic tile editing is done, I will add player & enemy sprite placement sometime this week.

I post updates on my TempleOS blog:


port super mario brothers

What can you do with serial port? Jesus Christ, i tried this system, but i didn't understand it (at the moment) . I will try to practice when I can.

Also, how long you are using TempleOS? It 's amazing what you are doing ..

fuck off pajeet go scam old ladies out of their money you heartless bastard


all indians run scam centers that trick people i to paying fake tax debt bit im sure you already knew this

What are you talking about? lol

you are a pajeet street shitter right?

Neat. I wanted to port my game to TempleOS but I couldn't even navigate the OS for shit.

No, i'm not a pajeet, user..

Also, how long you are using TempleOS

so whats this? why is you and are reversed?

Listen, I do not know what you want from me, I simply asked a question to the OP. I don't know English very well, and so I have to translate it. No, I'm not an Indian/Sand-nigger , lol ..

alright then i apologize i just got finished screaming at my grandma cause she payed her taxes with itunes gift card codes never once thought it weird

>Terry added serial port routines to TempleOS.
so does this mean i can play the most blessed megaman over a null modem cable with my good friend and saviour, jesus christ?

You could connect an Atari 2600/Sega Genesis controller and play with it, provided that you write the necessary drivers to use them.

Ebin bunp.

go to sleep terry

>Terry added serial port routines to TempleOS.

technically, now you can write a program that retrieves web pages and then sends the data via rs232 to templeOS.

templeOS Sup Forums application WHEN

More advanced.