How do I 100% DESTROY hard drive or SSD quickly so that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the data to be recovered at all

How do I 100% DESTROY hard drive or SSD quickly so that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the data to be recovered at all

Other urls found in this thread: pizza

Microwave and power drill

How much should I power drill it

Blast it with piss

Oh boy. Here we FUCKING go.

>Well my dad works for the government and he says there is this magic way that I won't tell you about, which totally works, and you won't find any documents about it or even one example where it worked because the "organization" he works for kind of suppresses that information, yep they can do that. So even if you obliterate every atom of the drive, they *could* use an electron microscope to put it back together somehow, the cost for this also isn't under $5 trillion because of the magic method I talked about earlier which I still can't mention but trust me it works so you're not safe

Only way to be 100% sure is with termites.

Edit: I meant thermite

Use a magnetic spinning disk hard drive and hit it with a mini EMP

Crack the case open

Smash all the platters with a hammer

Gather the pieces, put them in a blender and turn them into ashes

Then mix them with whiskey and drink em up

Liquid metal.

Physically destroy the storage medium. Why is this even a question?

What did you do, OP?

you're better off hiding it than trying to destroy it. Have a dummy HDD ready to replace original so they won't suspect it's missing/hidden. Have a good hiding spot planned, like in toilet pipes.

A certain type of pizza, I presume


holy fuck how new are you?


i started using Sup Forums a month ago... why? pizza

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


i'm 19.
oh wow, that's fucked up.

What how can you edit something you already posted, and if you can edit then wouldn't be easier to just correct the word?

elemental sodium

quickly is a relative term, for me under 20 minutes is a quick destroy since I'm not worried about being worried, but big magnets, power drill then microwave in that order

I should mention you can get magnets that require power so you could wipe them by hitting a switch under your desk, then if you are worry about raids you can wipe it and claim it was an accident
people downvote if you edit your post without clearly showing it's edited

I would mount your hard drives in pic related loaded with a 1" spade bit. When the feds kick your degenerate door in you can just flip it on and punch a huge hole through through your loli collection.

Whoops :^)

until it looks like a fucking cheese grater

Just hammer it, dumbass

giant magnet

Spotted the newfag who doesnt know posts can be editted