This man wants to dissolve net neutrality and no one on Sup Forums gives a rat's ass...

This man wants to dissolve net neutrality and no one on Sup Forums gives a rat's ass. You are all a bunch of corporate nutswingers after all.

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I gave a rat's ass. I voted against him, didn't work. Still give a rat's ass, but can't do anything. Still not gonna fucking protest though.

time for you to go back.

Correction: He doesn't give a shit about the internet at all, but people who have his ear don't like net neutrality.

when and where did he say anything related to net neutrality? i probably missed unless your some larping faggot.

>implying I'm dissatisfied with our meme in chief other than his FCC choice.

>Falling for the Net Neutrality meme
>Wanting the government to actively have some control over the Internet

>He doesn't give a shit about the internet at all

And he was still elected. How fucked are we?

Forgot pic

Fuck Net Neutrality.
ISPs holding regional monopolies thanks to the municipal governments are the problem. Get rid of the monopolies and there would be no need for your faggy net neutrality.

>Wanting the government to actively have some control over the Internet

We've gotten a taste of what happens when Comcast controls it.

>bullshit data usage caps
>traffic shaping Netflix to oblivion in an attempt to sell more cable subscriptions complete with ads every 5 minuters

I cared, that's why I voted for the shinier turd. In fact close to 3 million more people voted for the shinier turd. Didn't mean a thing.

>thanks to the municipal governments

you mean politicians bought out by the providers?

>implying Hillary "muh private email setup" would have been any better

Americans invented cucks

They are the biggest cucks

Capitalism is the ultimate cuck culture

You are giving way too much credit to Trump. It's not even close.

>Americans invented cucks

You know cuckolding is a Shakespeare thing right? And it's probably even older than that.

Hillary never brought up NN but there's basically no reason to expect her to have messed with it. She could have appointed terrible commissioners but the FCC is independent of the president so whatever they do she could just claim it was out of her hands.

Trump was actively against NN, he claimed it was a power grab by the president (which was obviously a lie). He is apparently interested in scrapping the FCC entirely.

>scrapping the FCC entirely.

That would be a total shit show. Just look at a spectrum analyzer on 2.4 or 5.8

>mfw every net neutrality discussion on the tech board turns into republicans vs democrats

we all want net neutrality, so get on the same team for this you retards. don't be so easily divided.

At this point he's going to scrap anything that obama ever looked at going by his first what, two days?

It's retards v retards here man don't even worry about it

Bullshit that shit holes in Europe and South Korea have faster and cheaper internet than the US.
The fact that the US is bigger and much more spread out isn't an argument either.
Force the ISPs to rent out their lines to other ISPs while still allowing them to lay down new line, but for newer, faster new lines that they lay down they should have a period of time where they don't have to rent it out.

FCC is also bought out. Just by different type of providers, the cost gets rolled on you in both cases. The net neutrality argument never was and never will be about which fucks over the common man. The common man is fucked either way because he hasn't bought any government organizations.

youbinow that Shakespeare was Amerixan, right?

To be fair I think later there was a proposal to leave the FCC but limit them to allocating slices of the RF spectrum.

>implying she wasn't 1337 Presidame for using private email away from the overlords.

>implying we shouldn't all use private secure email

I posted about it on Sup Forums and my thread got deleted. Nobody there even knew who Ajit is. I didn't expect it this soon, but we're literally seeing idiocracy in its infancy right at this very second. The LCD is growing and they're ruining everything.

The republicans are going to regret putting him in office. Not only is their own party split over him, but he will force public opinion back to democrat hands for the next 8 years when he inevitably fucks everything up for the next 4 years.

Redneck republicucks are the WORST cancer happened to mankind after jews

felt mildly concerned about his possible FCC appointee

then I turned on the TV and remembered that I voted for more than just how much bandwidth my personal telescreen will have available to it

see you again in 2024

Didn't Obama sign some agreement allowing nsa to share information with other private agencies or something like that right before he left?

Hey, at least you realize you've shot yourself in the foot. The overwhelming majority of trump voters are in for a very rude awakening once they realize they voted for someone that is going to affect them very negatively. Poetic justice, but it will still hurt all of us.


Yeah that's why she had the lowest bidding consultant set it up, right?

>implying we shouldn't all use private secure email

In that position you should use the infrastructure you're told to so your ass is covered when it is compromised. She ran off and built her own the second she saw something she didn't like with the system she was supposed to be using. Typical entitled snowflake shadow IT bullshit.

The republicans fought him every goddamn step of the way, they refused to fund his campaign after he was nominated. The man simply cannot lose.

>rude awakening

It'll be just like Kansas but on a national scale.

>the working poor elect conservatard governor promising lower taxes and smaller government
>suddenly no income tax on businesses
>public infrastructure turns to shit
>increased state sales tax on groceries on top of local sales tax

Guess we all just need to work harder.

Sup Forums can't even explain what net neutrality even is or how they would enforce it.

the world will keep turning as always and we've been shot in the foot for a long time, so you're really not striking that much of a sympathetic chord with me

honestly, blame your own camp that abused the shit out of popular media connections to manipulate and polarize the voter base to create this shit show of an election, maybe we would have actually gotten good candidates if the telescreens actually focused on the issues instead of the petty reality TV shit-flinging wars

Why does it matter? We're already buttfucked by ISPs and the NSA can spy on everything you do. The US government will lock you up if you don't decrypt a phone or hard drive. All calls and texts are recorded. Where is this magical "neutrality" you speak of? Even Sup Forums is monitored by the state, which is why moot left. You have no freedom, merely the illusion of it.

internet cannot be prioritized

it's that easy. no priorities = equal internet

fuck that. look at people like Sup Forums and r/thedonald breeding stupidity and memes like a terrible virus. of course he couldn't lose because he had a free workforce of millions of angry virgins delivering content right to his feet

>what is QoS

Certain types of data, like video or VoIP, are very sensitive to delays and retransmissions. Regular web browsing, not so much.

Sup Forums's understanding of net neutrality would break two major uses of the internet.

>suddenly no income tax on businesses


Or maybe the kompromat thing is the real deal and they are going to puppet him for the next 4 to 8 years. Who knows!

>Hillary wins
>TPP gets signed
>End up with net neutrality or worse anyways
Did Sup Forums collectively forget how fucking terrible the TPP was going to be for the internet and for freedom?

You're an idiot.

what do you expect from a bunch of dependent sheep whose only concern in the world is the delivery rate of their precious e-soma

It's apparent you don't know what "net neutrality" is.

Go educate yourself before expressing an "opinion".

So how will things be different once these changes take place? Simply use Tor.

doesn't matter who's in office, they all want to dissolve our freedoms

Fascism is inherently ridiculous and so are fascists. They are mediocre people who starve for ideology ,belonging and recognition by mere virtue of birth because they are unable to achieve anything of worth by themselves.
The only reason Trump won is not only because HRC is an unlikable human being, but also because the campaign surrounding her failed to portray her as a likable human being. YOU, the stupid voter, were supposed to be with her, not the other way around. And then she lost.

Sup Forums can''t find its way out of a paper bag, they didn't do shit, and they'll fade into irrelevancy once again when Trump steps down. Just look at how much of a laughing stock Spencer became in just a single day.

Here's a little secret.

Not everyone who voted for Hillary is an SJW


Why do you think encrypted data will be "unthrottled"?

It's apparent you have no idea. at all, what you're talking about.

This goes deeper than 'sides', my friend. That type of thinking is why we're in this mess to begin with.

Clinton was against TPP

Tor is already slow. So what?

Very few people are against the concept of net neutrality, they're against the idea that the government should enforce it.

fuck you, Sup Forums bootlickers don't signify Sup Forums consensus. you know those fucks have filters on to know when and where to spew their bullshit on everyone else who don't give a fuck about it.

And you'll have to do everything on TOR. We'll literally be back the stone age of the internet.
Clinton was "against" the TPP after what was in the TPP leaked to the public. Do you really think she was actually against it?

Looks like I'll have to start with the basics.

Do you know what a computer is?

Didn't Trump say that sending mail via snail mail in plain text was more "secure" than emails, and people here were agreeing with that statement? Fucking idiots. He could say the sky is actually red and they'll believe him.

>Americans could have voted for Bernie
>instead both the """""left""""" and """""right""""" went full retard



That is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

What do you mean by internet? What do you mean by prioritized? Do you even know how network infrastructure works?

that does sound a little stupid because I assumed I was replying to one of the people talking about how they "voted for the shinier turd" further up in the chain

nonetheless my point still stands, this was a garbage election and honestly outside of a vocal minority a lot of trump voters probably weren't really expecting much as you think they were, lots just wanted to keep the supreme court red, others figured they had nothing to lose anyway so they might as well go with the guy that at least expresses a bit of positive change in their direction as opposed to the other option which ignored many of their grievances and tried to make them feel like terrible people for having them

HRC was absolutely god awful and she can go fuck herself for putting us in this position, at least she'll make a good case study for why you never, ever attack the people you're asking to vote for you

>Jewish communist with no concept of money flight or brain drain
>Thinks taxing the rich at 100% will solve everything
>Owns 3 houses, has never held a private-sector job

>I cared, that's why I voted for the shinier turd. In fact close to 3 million more people voted for the shinier turd. Didn't mean a thing.
Trump actually won the popular vote too when you take away the estimated 3 million illegals and 5 million dead people that voted.

Trump does "alt-facts" only.

Trump and his supporters are walking, talking cognitive dissonance.

I'm so glad the Bernie would've won motto is catching on so quickly.

there were like a dozen other candidates besides HRC

personally, i was for Kasich, except the fact that he was completely unable to separate church and state. but he's good with money and he understands how to run from an executive government position.

There are two options.
1. Cut back existing regulations that make it incredibly difficult for new ISPs to enter the market. Introduce competition and there's now a reason for them not to fuck you over.

2. Introduce even more regulation because regulation makes everything better because the government is a hyper efficient entity that is perfect and shits rainbows!

If you treat data preferentially, based on origin, you have destroyed the internet.

We (well, most of us I think) lived that way before, we can do it again.

Yes. It's a box with a keyboard attached. It runs on unicorn farts.


same, I voted for him in the primary because I felt he was the least shitty looking turd in the bunch

the republicans keep putting up god awful weak-ass candidates and it absolutely infuriates me

>Since the start of her 2016 campaign, Hillary Clintonhasn’t taken a strong positionon the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal -- saying she would reserve judgment until the deal was finalized.
>Well, the negotiations recently came to a close, and Clinton promptly announced that she opposes the deal.

>yes let's throw away decades of advancement in QoS algorithms because reddit thinks it's a good idea!

3. Put an ex Verizon employee on the FCC and say it'll be good for competiton

The ISPs have already proven they do a shitty job of controlling it (data caps, cartels, forcing sites to pay them or get throttled), so the FCC definitely deserves to control regulation of it over the ISPs. And I say this as a libertarian.

You do know that telecoms were deregulated in the 1990s?

Normal market operation results in winners and losers. The hundreds of small ISPs gradually went out of business or were bought up by bigger players.

The current situation where a few big ISP dominate is the result of market forces.

The more you know, the less of a cunt you are.

>we all want net neutrality

No we don't. The internet worked just fucking fine prior to the FCC's power grab in Feb 2015, and will continue to work just fine after net neutrality is gone again.

If comcast and netflix want to fight it out, let them. Far better than giving the FCC the power to regulate the internet as a 'common carrier'.

>awful weak-ass candidates

I don't know....they've already sent the governors of Mass, Alaska, and Ohio into the foray and all of them lost.

The real bullshit part is that Clinton was the last president that actually won on merit. Bush just won because of his dad, Obama won because he's black, and Trump won because he's a celebrity.

The worst part is this stupid Age of the Meme is bringing down everyone's intelligence, so it's only going to get worse.

>doesn't know what net neutrality is...

Why are you conflating two different things?

Source? I'll save you some time. It's bullshit made up by trump.

Yeah, because businesses are magically much more efficient. The free market is a fairytale that was spoonfed to you by some dipshit that's farming you for clicks. Maybe the free market would work if it wasn't filled with neanderthals like yourself.

clinton was against a lot of things when it had the potential to bring the bernie demographic back into the fold

but politicians never lie, right?

You're an idiot.

>In the field ofcomputer networkingand otherpacket-switchedtelecommunication networks, quality of service refers to traffic prioritization and resource reservation control mechanisms rather than the achieved service quality. Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different applications, users, or dataflows, or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow.
Sure sounds like treating data differently to me.

Jeez, anything politics discuss it to Sup Forums. at least give it a bit of tech related if you want to discuss it here in Sup Forums

>worked just fine

that's because everyone was waiting to see what would happen with it, and when they saw devices like the Roku coming out that were going to use bandwidth to make money, the ISPs made a grab to get their share of the cash. The FCC kept them from adding on a 10% service fee to every internet action available.


net neutrality will have no affect on customer service. in fact it will probably get better for 98% of customers.

the only reason anyone disagrees with it is because they heard it 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand from articles which distort the real goals of such measures with their opinion on the matter, which is not based in networking science, but their perception of the companies that run the show.

and to you individuals: if you're so smart, why don't you start up a multibillion dollar company that services over a billion customers, and billions of host devices.

This can potentially be 100% tech-related, but it's too bad this is Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossies are running around rampant.

No, he's right.

Net neutrality means you can't prioritize real time traffic (streaming, gaming) over web browsing and other not time dependent traffic.

Eventually the internet will probably be a paid content portal. The real web will slowly be put into more and more obscure hidden settings in modern browsers until the option to access it disappears completely. Then a specific browser or version will have to be used to access it. Like the Windows 8.1 user interface.

>thinks net neutrality is simply treating data differently...

Please educate yourself.

Since when has Sup Forums been overrun by retards?

also, the educated people know that the network, and the technology behind it is meaningless. when they look at it, they're looking at meaninglessness, and they know they're looking at meaninglessness.

it is the customer who attaches meaning to it, and that is their folly.

pretty sure OP was the first one to bring Sup Forums into it with blatant disinfo that demonstrates he doesn't even understand the issue and is just parroting bullshit he read on facebook

So what is net neutrality, in your own mind?

since the speccy thread was overrun by wangblows 10 users.

Trump appointed an ex Verizon employee to eradicate net neutrality in the name of competition but at the same time, remove a bill that would have lifted all the red tape on starting an ISP and you know, creating fucking competition. You people are so misinformed and uneducated, it's almost comical. Neck yourself, as you edgy Trumpledytes like to say.