Me and my friends discovered a new way for archive information, and we called it Bittone. A Bittone is like a bit...

Me and my friends discovered a new way for archive information, and we called it Bittone. A Bittone is like a bit, but is bigger. It can represent more bits in one single Bittone. It will revolutionize the way we think about information technology.

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how old are you?

what exactly is the point of the bit bone

Have you heard of the "byte", friend?

A Bittone is a group of bit, for example 5 or 6, that can be used together as a single entity

What is a byte?


No, a bittone it's 2^tanti bit
Haven't you read about it??

def not over 15. my guess: 14.

So I spent 2% of my battery phone to read this


I'm in the first year of college in computer science. Maybe I haven't already done what a byte is

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.

Fucking lol

>college in computer science.

jesus. just quit the school you're going to because it's shit and you're a moron. save yourself some money, kid.

You guys are all stupid unintelligent fucks.
I have a degree in Gender Studies and only I can understand that this may be the best research in the whole 2K17.
Stupid males, I can't even.

Are you OK?

bite my bone

I'll nybble. What's a byte?

Tell me in words, hell use long words if you must. Block out some time and write a whole page if it would help. What's a byte?

He is your average CS student, don't kid yourself

Glad I could get in on the ground floor of this business oppurtunity.

I'm and investor from Sillycon Valley, I've just emailed you 1b dollars to get the first prototype working by midnight tonight

great work kid we're gonna change the world u and I.

Sent from my Blackberry.

So, tell us how using 2 bits instead of 1 is useful for us?

>I'll nybble. What's a byte?

Have you guys ever stopped and pondered what you're doing with your life? Like fully reevaluate your life choices that led you to this point?
You buy cheap mousepads with your favorite memes and anime girls on them.
That's sad. And not the kind of sad that makes you think of a young girl with cancer. I mean the kind of sad that makes you feel an amalgamation of pity, shame, and disgust.
You put memes on a piece of rubber so you can move your mouse over it.
I want you to really think about it. You may take me for sarcastic. I understand Poe's Law is a bitch. But I really do feel pity for you. Like actual legitimate pity.
You need help. The kind only some professionals can give. The kind that can show you the light.
Look at yourself in the mirror. Is this who you want to be? Is this who you thought you would be when you would grow up? Is this person someone who could make their younger self proud? Parents? Grandparents? Siblings? Are they proud of what you are right now?
You put memes on mousepads.
On Mousepads
I don't cry often. I've only cried maybe twice in my whole life.
But seeing you guys. Putting memes on mousepads. I well up. I can feel the tears forming. My eyelashes are the nucleation sites. I have a profound sadness for each and every one of you.
At your funeral. When you're gone. Do you think your parents would still respect you? Knowing you put internet memes on your mousepads?
I want you to think of the saddest sentence in the English language. Got it? I don't think you've found it. The saddest sentence; the one that makes a grown man cry; the one that girls weep at uncontrollably; the one that even starving African children hang their heads for: "I put memes on mousepads".
Stop what you're doing.
Let go of the mouse.
Don't even think about typing on your keyboard.
You can change right now.
I believe in you, I really do.
I don't think you're too far gone for saving.

The first step down this long journey…
Simply tell yourself "I will not put memes on a mousepad".
Get a job. Find a girl to wed. Have children. Grow old knowing you did something with your life. But to be completely honest with you. Honest with ever single one of you. You are getting nowhere putting memes on mousepads.
Believe you me, mousepads aren't the problem. If you want a cheap mouse, Godspeed. You deserve a pad to place your mouse on. But to be so sad and unfulfilled in your life as to put internet memes on them? Is it really worth it? Is it worth the 99 cents? Answer that for me.
Is your dignity and the respect of others really worth putting a goofy meme on a mousepad? One that you won't even laugh at.
You'll simply purchase it, wait for it in the mail, take a picture, and show it off to your internet friends who might smirk that you put a meme on a mousepad because they are knowledgeable of said meme.
Put a picture of your family; a monument; your favorite band, movie, or art piece. A rising sun. Flowers. Graffiti for you artsy types.
But what on God's green earth would posses you to put a meme on a mousepad?
I get it, we all go through tough times. I'm sure at one point in my life, I would've considered putting memes on a mousepad.
But I've pulled myself out of that rut. I have respect for myself. My self-esteem is higher than ever right now.
You can be that way too. There's no reason you can't be happier. Just stop putting memes on mousepads.
"Memes on a mousepad".
That is a sad, sad fucking sentiment.

you need a new phone (or battery)

>not calling it Bitthoven
You are not even trying

so, you must have 16 years.

>Is this person someone who could make their younger self proud? Parents? Grandparents? Siblings? Are they proud of what you are right now?

Thankfully, I come from a low IQ Puerto Rican family so the bar was set pretty low. They're proud, I've never been convicted of a crime before. Sister screwed up my zero arrest record though.

Ciao coglione

And you figured out that nobody thought about that before? What do you think a byte is?