
Falling for the meme here.

Recently finished vimtutor and 2 pluralsight modules. I can clearly see the potential of it but still feel uncomfortable with the look I'm not used of. (comming from notepad++ / VS)

Fellow vimtards, show me comfy plugins to use.
Some file explorer is a must for me. Nice syntax highlightning schemes and shortcuts that made your life more pleasant are welcome.

Also - basic c++ coloring is gay as fuck.

Check out neovim and spacevim.

actually use it before installing plugins. theres a learning curve that you need to get past first

>but still feel uncomfortable with the look I'm not used of
>comfy plugins
>nice syntax highlightning schemes
>basic c++ coloring is gay as fuck
Function over form, fagman. I you care about that then go back to fucking Notepad++.

>Fellow vimtards, show me comfy plugins to use.
Immediately jumping to plugins for vim is a really bad idea. You should at least know what every letter on the keyboard does before installing plugins.
They won't be as effective if you don't even know the vim basics. And learning vim can only be done by investing time and work until you're really used to it.

>Nice syntax highlightning schemes
try jellybeans (pic related)

>Function over form, fagman. I you care about that then go back to fucking Notepad++.
Shitposting over something that I openly admited to be first glance issues.
Thank you for your totally useless input.

I am. But actual project explorer would save my life as I struggle with working on multiple files using text browser.

They are more like standalone vim expansions rather than just plugins right? I'm currently on GVim as I'm using windows at work.

Ye I don't want to install everything at once.
I'm just curious about different posibilities for the future as my hype for vim is at its peak point currently.

>They are more like standalone vim expansions rather than just plugins right?
Neovim is a fork of vim that has minor improvements over vim. Usage wise, it's the same as vim.
Spacevim is a vim/neovim expansion, which bundles a bunch of plugins and configs.

Anybody got a ready to print cheatsheet with all the (most usefull) commands?


>Some file explorer is a must for me
Qterminal and Terminator has terminal splitting. Get a CLI file manager running in split view
>Nice syntax highlightning

Shit looks unmaintanable on a4.
Way more precise cheat-sheet than I expected but thank you.

posting muh vim

working on a way to control mpv from a unix socket.

Use vim with tmux.

here are some of my plugins:

Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plug 'mbbill/undotree'
Plug 'rafi/vim-tinyline'

Plug 'lifepillar/vim-mucomplete'
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
Plug 'Shougo/echodoc.vim'
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'

Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

Plug 'fatih/vim-go'

" web dev
Plug 'alvan/vim-closetag'
Plug 'ap/vim-css-color'
Plug 'posva/vim-vue'
Plug 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax'
Plug 'jiangmiao/simple-javascript-indenter'

like how many files at a time are we talking user? more than 10?

>more than 10?
More than 1000.

Right now I'm not in development stage yet but backward-engineering.
So I'm mostly traversing project subdirectories, jumping between various headers and sources. Sometimes typing my asserts or simply tweaking code to check stuff.

So yeah, directory tree is a must.

For now I'm lurking project tree using atom. I switch to vim if I have to spend more than 3 minutes on the file, to train the skills during the process.

NERDTree and ctrl-p or equivalent


Cool color scheme. 10 times more pleasing than base one.

From plugin list I can expect something like on his screen?

>HJKL is not an important part of vim navigation
What did they mean by this?

>I can expect something like on his screen?
Yeah, on the leftmost pane.
It's really the standard in vim file explorer category.
And CTRL-P let's you fuzzy search through files. Imo in most cases it's actually more productive than file explorer.
You just type in 2 seconds:
And you instantly open ProjectRoot/dir1/dir2/dir3/SuperLongFile.c

Do i have to be in a file placed in super directory regarding the file I'm looking for?

Will it work if I look for a file in /Project/Dir1111
while editing file in /Project/Dir2/SubDir2 ??
Do I have to specify some root project directory manually?

" Disable changing ctrl-p root directory
" so that it always searches from cwd.
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = '0'

This is from my .vimrc
This setting causes it to look from current working directory, that is usually directory from which you opened vim.
Basically I always do
`cd ProjectRoot`
and then ctrl-p always searches through entire project regardless of what file you have opened.

>Fellow vimtards, show me comfy plugins to use.
99% of plugins simply replicate existing Vim functionality, plugins should be a last resort, not your first port of call

Don't listen to this guy OP.
While you shouldn't install every plugin that catches your eye, because you will bloat your vim, this guy's meme line of thought is just retarded.
It's like saying "Why should I even use desktop environment if I can literally do everything in console?"

unfortunately i did this mistake.
what is the quickest way to get stock vim again ?
pic related

>2K+17, using a DE
I want the casual fags to leave

rm ~/.vimrc && rm -rf ~/.vim
werks every time

Get pathogen and vimcompleteme, thank me later

Vimtutor is a meme. I learned vim by forcing myself to use it while programming, getting frustrated because I want to do something specific, look up how to do that, and then move on to the next frustration.
Basically I can't remember anything unless I'm frustrated.


imap jj

>neovim defaults
>mapped caps lock to escape
That's it. I have no need for plugins.

Thanks. Valuable tips again.

I bet I'll have to go throu the same hell.