Is Adblock Plus contrary to the DMCA?

Don't get me wrong, let me explain. I'm from a poor country and reading about how robots and AI will probably let billions of people unemployed around the world in the future I'm feeling guilty about piracy and adblocking because it's like I'm just taking advantage of people (producers, workers, etc) and accelerating the process.

Despite the fact that Trump would probably not like me because of my origin, I appreciate how he want to make people have dignity in his country.

So I found this work:

They claim that it can apply because Ad blocks can circumvent access controls, which is a violation, for example.

What's your views, Sup Forums? There are anything new about this discussion and how you deal with on a daily basis?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related. Credits to

> 2018: It is now illegal to turn off television during an advertisement
It is pretty obvious, that a vendor, who wrote an adblocker blocker will be mad about people blocking their product.
The abp site is right though. By default, the list is empty. You are a horrible person, if you use blocklists with their extension. It is just a simple http element blocker, not specifically designed to block ads.

50% of the cable subscribers in the US use Netflix instead of regular TV. By 2018 there may be no ads at all on TV.

>fucking a fucking jew over, who fucks over his employees
No, you were poor, you are poor, and you'll be poor forever.

Read the Bible, God bless.

They argument that the terms on each site should be accepted to gain access. I think that's how the guy justifies it. It's like if you break the website rules so you are a criminal.

Ads in cable tv are ridiculous. I sign this and even paying lots of money they have lots of ads and unfortunately most of the channels just show old movies and series that nobody cares anymore.

Yes I'm poor but what the bible has to do with all of this? Explain.

Yes, using adblocks is violation, since companies can't legally shill for buying their shit when you don't see their ads.

The Internet is a communication medium first and foremost.
Its purpose never was, and never will be, monetary in nature. It an be used as such, but that's not an entitlement on the Internet, but merely a privilege at the behest of its traffic.

For that reason the opinions of anyone on Adblocking are irrelevant, because all of them are whiny failures who fail where others who don't need ad revenue succeed.
Consider it Digital Selection, the cyber-equivalent of Natural Selection.
That's what adblocking is. It ensures that there is not an over-saturation of worthless idiots gaining money just because they arbitrarily decided that they are entitled to it, at the cost of user-end security, bandwidth, and even browsing performance.
If they can't adapt, then that means they simply fail at Capitalism.

Grow a pair you fucking pussy.

Its your computer and you can stop someone else from rendering shit on it if you like.

How trustworthy is adblock?
From my experience ads are leaking through on certain websites
I'm using ublock origin and it works on every website
Do I smell a conspiracy, is adblock corrupt?

use adblock plus

Adblock was bought out, uBlock Origin is still pure

you have my interest
any info?

>feeling guilty about blocking ads
You shouldn't feel guilty about blocking ads. Ads are unethical. They invade your privacy by tracking your browsing behavior without asking. Why would I allow that? Why would I pay with my privacy to keep some website afloat?
However, I don't mind ads that are simply images displayed as banners on a website. They don't track me, so I have nothing to complain

Facebook has reprogrammed itself so you cannot hide advertising any more. If that's what you mean about some "slipping through", then there's nothing to be done about that. It's shit but there you go.

I haven't seen a single ad on facebook in my entire life.

Yeah I understand you but I have some though about accessing a website and "break the rules" of the website's politics of ads you know, most of them are free to acess but need to earn some money to be available on the internet so the ads are there...

You should go on Facebook then. They have "sponsored posts", and "suggested posts", and Adblock Plus cannot stop them because they are the same element (or whatever) as your entire Facebook feed.

The image of being a 'lawbreaker' by disabling ads is sickening. It's your choice what you do with the content you pulled from the internet. The only thing required by law is to respect the copyright claims. I respect my privacy, so I disable ads that track my behavior. If companies want me to see ads, burn them into the content like those shady porn sites do.
Companies tell you that those ads are needed to keep the website afloat, but that's not true. There are plenty of alternative ways to generate income, but they always go for the low hanging fruit: serving ads. For instance, some news websites put their 'quality' content behind a pay wall. So you can read short articles for free, but you have to pay for lengthy ones. Some YouTubers that cannot get ad revenue from their content, have a Patreon for viewers to donate money on a monthly basis. I don't see why that wouldn't work for websites.

FB purity fixes that

Adblockers are essential because most ads are just straight up malware.