Tech meme prevention hotline

> be me three years ago
> fall for Node.js meme
> do some projects with it
> shit works, but backend huge mess
> frontend too, not written by me
> focus on CS study and quit webdev biz
> now wanting to get into it again
> friends and internet advice Elixir
> don't want to fall for another meme

what to do Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Learn elixer op

>friends and internet advice Elixir
Bullshit. Reactive+mobxjs or inferno are the new hotness.

There is no "framework" that isn't a meme, my dude.

They're all literally shit layered on top of shit (JS, and the web in general). Literally just learn to use plain JS and introduce minimal outside libraries only when necessary. Use a proper scripting language (IE not PhP) for backend. JS is bad enough on frontend.

And for Stallman's sake, praise be upon him, please don't try to write your own webserver (referring to Go but that's not the only example).

Web development is constant memes. You won't get away from it until people stop caring about it and standardize it.

Elixir isn't a framework, it's a language.

But I feel it's heavily bounded with Phoenix like Ruby and Rails.

>friends and internet advice Elixir
stop wasting your time on Hacker News, you absolute dilettante

Elixir is pretty beautiful and expressive.
I like it.
But I'm not sure if it would come to the mainstream someday.
I also worry about the performance, elixir is slow compared with Go, Scala, etc...

Elixir is a really solid and efficient language but you may have to end up reinventing the wheel more times than necessary.

This is my elixir code.
Don't you think it's beautiful compared with other languages?

js, front end and just current web in general is fucking garbage shit and probably the only thing that genuinely makes me feel hatred

everything is bloated, slow, modern (shit)looking hot garbage

I should have just continued towards optoelectronics after finishing my EE degree
I fucking hate web development
fucking holy shit


>Built on decades of work in Erlang, with clean interop.
>Thousands of non-hipster-web packages to choose from for all sorts of problems.
What about that feels "bounded"? Why not just be honest and say "All the Hacker News links I see are about Phoenix, and I haven't bothered to investigate what else Elixir has to offer."?

Elixir is highly usable and versatile in itself and acts as a gateway into the world of Erlang and OTP, which could potentially land you a lucrative job being one of the handful of Erlang engineers on the planet.

Javascript on the other hand has barely even been usable prior to recent revisions and still has very serious issues compared to other languages. It introduces you to the janky, half-assed, NIH-plagued, standards-hostile, sanity-destroying world that is web front end. Becoming a JS engineer makes you a grain of sand on a beach of other JS engineers.

Doesn't take a genius to see which has better potential.

>Becoming a JS engineer makes you a grain of sand on a beach of other JS engineers.
in other words, it's the new java

I fully expect market rates for peeps who can only write javascript to fall through the floor in the coming years

What else actually?
Phoenix works well for making websites, APIs, communicating with DBs(it's actually done by Ecto), using websockets etc.
What else I have to bother about?

>Tech meme prevention hotline
Nigga, this is the only hotline you need:

How is scala doing for performance nowadays? I was thinking of writing something with it to check it out. But I don't want to waste my time if it's going to be slow

Scala is off course as fast as Java.
Elixir is, at least, 10x faster than Ruby which Elixir is intended to replace.

I would guess that Elixir could probably be used in place of Erlang in the LYME stack, which is Linux, Yaws, Mnesia, and Erlang. And that's been around for a while.

What Erlang fags think about Elixir?
I'm just curious.


Literally the 5min ramen bowl of respectable webdev. Avoid the angular 2?3??4? meme. Avoid PHP jquery zombies. Learning React and Node.js is future proof, every else on that list might have better alternatives.

meme free here

They hate it because it dilutes the pool of quality erlang programmers with web dev retards.

> ignoring 50 years of PLT
> memefree

What I like about Go is that you can hack your own project together without relying on big monolithic frameworks. Other than that it's a shit-tier language and you should feel bad for using it.


# 1..100 is a stream of [1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 100] 1..100 # Transform each item of this list using `map` |> -> # Create a {} tuple of {x % 3, x % 5} case {rem(x, 3), rem(x, 5)} do # Use pattern matching in `case`, which is like `switch` # If the remainder is 0, it's a multiple of that number {3, 5} {0, 0} -> "FizzBuzz" # _ means match any value and don't assign anything, so any number like # 1, 2, 3, 4 {0, _} -> "Fizz" {_, 0} -> "Buzz" # Just an _, to match anything, which returns the value of x, the number # itself, to display the number when there isn't a fizz or a buzz _ -> x end end) # At this stage we have a list of [1, 2, "Fizz", 4, "Buzz", "Fizz", ...] # Run IO.puts on each item in the list |> Enum.each(&IO.puts/1)

I am erect

fuck im retarded here.

This. Why do kids always have to follow the latest Hacker News maymay.js ?

Fun fact: Facebook originally built their chat system in erlang.

They later switched it to C++ due to lack of erlang devs but still erlang is not a meme

Of course Erlang is not a meme, but you got to admit this Ruby-inspired wrapper language is pretty suspect.

You have to understand one thing:
Programming langauges are tools. Don't blame the screwdriver if it's difficult to get those nails into the wall..

Yes, Elixir is definately a cool language.
No, it's not "the ultimate language to rule them all".
It depends on the purpose.

Elixir gives you powerfull Tools for concurrency and for most things YOU will ever programm it's probably overkill.
Elixir is cool, but it's a functional language. If you never programmed in a functional language before, it can be a little bit difficult to get it working.

AFAIK most Erlang guys like the publicity for Erlang and the better I/O.


Scala is ALMOST as fast as Java. Or let's say, if you know what you are doing you are about as fast as Java. If you mess up, it's slower.

It all depends on the tools you use, in Scala you can use a Tail recursion somewhere and think you're super clever, but then it suddenly slows down. Be carefull what you use and where. Abstraction always comes at a cost.

Scala is cool though.

>Elixir is, at least, 10x faster than Ruby which Elixir is intended to replace.

This is a gross oversimplification.
I take it you mean Phoenix is faster than Rails?
Yes, it is, but it all depends on the circumstances. Rails has much more tools and is battle proven. I don't think it's going anywhere soon. Also you still have other Ruby micro frameworks, just pick your poison, there's enough web frameworks for everyone..

I didn't and asked Sup Forums for advice instead.

And didn't you learn your lesson?

Learn Elixir and the underlying Erlang language. It's good stuff, like, really

> You should feel bad for using it

Nah. I'm busy getting shit done without jerking off over language features.

Use Meteor.

Elixir uses the BEAM VM, which is used by erlang; An old ass language based on old ass concepts that are dead. Like share nothing explicit message passing.

It's tedious and honestly you can do most everything in Erlang/elixir in JavaScript easier.