/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

Break out of the botnet:

Learn more about Free Software:

Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
Part II: Part I: archive.loveisover.me/t/post/707928/

/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part IV: Part III: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6785580/
Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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first for RMS as waifu(male)


I have an Nvidia card and I run GNU/Linux... and I use binary drivers. I know, I know... but nouveau is even worse.

Every time I suspend my PC and then wake it up, Xorg display driver goes insane and I have to press the reset sometimes because all I see is the black screen and sometimes I see random pixels moving when I move my mouse. It's driving me nuts because I have to shutdown every night.

Xorg is basically autogenerated by nvidia-setup and I basically just followed Arch wiki. Everything's fine and perfect... until I suspend the PC and then wake it up.

No idea how to solve this. been looking all over the web with no luck Does anyone know how to fix this? I can't be the only one experiencing this...

x11 rainbows!

while :; do xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '/ connected/ { print $1 }') --gamma 0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)):0.$((RANDOM%9)); done

What's /fglt/'s opinion on Chromium?
What email service do you use?


Shame because I like how fast is is compared to Firefox

FF isn't much better nowadays since it uses google services for retieving website blacklists, malware warnings and such things ( unless you tweak your about:config).

You can basically make FF as fast as Chrome, since Chrome is using techniques which FF has disabled by default, like, preloading links in the background before you even clicked them, network pipelining, multi-processes and all that stuff.

IMHO a tweaked FF or Icecat is the best solution currently, since all browsers are shit out of the box.

There's also "ungoogled chromium", but I didn't test it.

tl;dr chromium literally downloaded a binary that was listening to your microphone

What the fuck? How can I get rid of this completely do I need to reinstall or what

It's already removed. Don't panic.
(don't mean that it couldn't happen again tho)

Free Software > Open Source
Sexiest man alive.

I've used windows all my life, is there a big list of the best linux alternatives to commonly used windows software?

>installed i3
>Stuck on loading cursor, no keybinds work
I think I'm missing some dependency but can't figure it out

alternativeto.net is very good for that. But this is the wrong approach, don't look for copies of the programs you're using so far.
Instead, look for programs that do what you need to do. There is a difference (for example, there is no Linux alternative to regedit.exe. Why? No registry. Is Linux lacking this software? No.

If LTS releses are supposed to get the most support, why are bugs in ubuntu 16.04 fixed on later versions but not on the LTS? Where is the support?


Whats a good Linux alternative to autohotkey? Just need it to do something as simple as spam a key when I hold it down.


a) GNU/Linux*

b) We don't describe free software as an “alternative” to proprietary, because that word presumes all the “alternatives” are legitimate and each additional one makes users better off. In effect, it assumes that free software ought to coexist with software that does not respect users' freedom.

c) Check out xdotool.

d) Happy hacking.

afaik autohotkey is free

Just checked it, you're right. I'm sorry.

noice, thanks (not that user who asked)

What distro would you install on a PC circa ~2006 with 512mb RAM (or heck it could even be 256mb).

xdotool is pretty powerful. With some scripting you do window tiling, hot corners, auto-switch workspaces, ...

Have a fun script:
# mousemove spiral
x=0;y=0;while [ $y -lt 333 ]; do xdotool mousemove --polar $x $y;x=$[x+10];y=$[y+1];sleep .001;done

Whatever floats your boat. Maybe not a full blown KDE, but basically most GNU/Linux distros run on every toaster.
I'd go for Debian or Arch with a lightweight WM like Openbox, i3, bspwm, something like that.


fuck you i'm using freebased

What are the differences between Fedora, Debian and Arch? How can I tell which one I need to install

what distro are you using now?

Ubuntu. I'm not actually considering switching, I've just been reading about them. I've understood that the main differences for user are "how bleeding edge" they are, how often they're updated etc.

but is there like a, categorical differences between them that sets them apart distinctly for a average user.

Distro selection Strongly depends on how much you love memes.
>Fedora: cringe memes
>Debian: good memes on the weekend, business on the weekdays
>Arch: Living the memes
>Slackware: "Its pronounced 'maymay', Dad!"
>Gentoo: Embrace it

rm -rf /

to see how comatible you hardware is with heavier distros

How is 'rm -rf /' able to delete all files in the system?

I haven't tried this command on Ubuntu (for obvious reasons) so I am not sure if Ubuntu will allow its execution.

But it's famous for deleting everything. Just out of curiosity, what happens when the kernel and /bin are deleted? How does rm maintain a run time stack? How does rm manage to communicate with the file system and complete deletion? How does it communicate with hardware?

He's a retard; the command doesn't work, yet Sup Forums plebs are posting it everywhere.

GNU rm treats / specially, so rm -rf / will exit with an error, unless --no-preserve-root is given. You also need superuser privs in order to remove files owned by root.

>what happens
rm doesn't actually delete files, it unlinks them (files are still there, but not accesable anymore and free to overwrite). You will get lots of errors for a while, then the system finally crashes.

Check youtube, there are lots of videos where people do a sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / in a VM.

What's a good image editor for Ubuntu

The GIMP. And get the g'mic plugin, which is amazeballs.

>What are the differences between Fedora, Debian and Arch?

Fedora: comes free, but includes nonfree drivers, has a repo for nonfree software

Debian: comes completly free, has a repo for nonfree software and drivers

Arch: doesn't give a fuck, one repo for everything, not as many packages compared to Debian, but a large community-repo, the AUR

>How can I tell which one I need to install?

You will know yourself, until then, use Ubuntu.

ok fags, how can I get upload/download speeds with shell scripting for my bar? the script I'm currently using measures the difference between two peeks of /proc/net/dev, but the downside is that it's using a sleep, so it blocks. is there a better way to get the speeds?

What VNC server do people use?

Tightvncserver has a retarded and awkward configuration

All I want to do is connect to my machine with my Android using bvnc (over ssh)


but if you can I would ditch VNC in favor of x2go


I don't really care, I haven't used remote desktop software a lot with Ubuntu.
I don't know a lot about NX or how it really differs from VNC, but as long as it's secure and smooth and I can connect from an Android easily then that's fine with me. I might as well give it a try.

anyone know if the Radeon 8750M supports AMDGPU (-PRO)?

It does slightly bother me that it's not free software. I'm not a RMS-dicksucker but I feel that stuff that lets me remote into my machine should not be controlled by companies, I used to use Teamviewer and stopped using it because it's proprietary.

I use antimicro for this purpose.


Best Linux distro for gaymen?

How to gaym with Linux?

I want privacy desu.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

literally any

Windows in a VM.

install gentoo, it's especially made for gaming

Sorry I didn't get that, could you repeat it


how does /fglt/ manage rss feeds?


what is an rss feed?

End yourself.

I appreciate that AMD has open source drivers that aren't irredeemable shit, but why are they so behind Nvidia's proprietary drivers?
Also, why does phoronix benchmark the same shit over and over? He isn't even trying newer games or even emulators like dolphin for that matter.

amd open source drivers are written by people not employed by amd.
ever wondered why proprietary ones are complete garbage?

phoronix is a silly website that tests every single incremental driver/component upgrade to see if it "fixed something"

Hi, I just installed world of warcraft throught wine and battle.net and I'm having some graphic glitches with the OpenGL configuration. Also I get shit fps compared to my components and windows performace. Pls halp

Why not just say Linux thread?

How about you fuck off friend, and learn to troubleshoot your issues?

"running world of warcraft on linux" is not an obscure problem, there's plenty of articles that address it.

why not gnu/linux?

Uninstall Elementary and we might help you

Why the fuck did you not just install Ubuntu like everyone here told you to? The wiki makes it very fucking clear

Nice community and friendly thread ;)

Retard, whats the fucking difference? Its the same wine, the same play on linux, the same package managment and the same drivers

It started out as FLT until these stallman whores invaded us
You deserve it for not following the minimum requirements of what we ask people to do. If you want to be a retard go ahead,but expect us to smack the shit out of you for it.
>Calls the people whose help he is asking retards
The difference is that you are a cunt. Elementary gets beat down here for good reason. If it's the same package etc why the fuck don't you go to askubuntu first? We all know your particular issue has been solved already and you want to be spoon-fed. Guess what, you can fuck off.

It's "friendly gnu/linux thread" not "friendly pls spoonfeed my dumbass thread".

Like I said, wineforums and winehq are waiting for you.

Even if there's someone willing to help you if you expect that they will do something else other than "google the problem for you because you apparently are to dumb to figure it out" you're just being silly..

You're an adult, being proficient at using a search engine is an important skill in this world friend.

I have the AMDGPUPRO drivers, is there a huge difference on the open source driver?

amdgpu drivers are opensource radeon relabelled by amd.

amdgpupro are closed source components plugged to amdgpu

What are other cool programs with cli interface such as htop and ncmpcpp?

I see


ncurses isn't cli

Which Debian iso comes without a DE?

your computer does no support suspend.

Every service that requires Internet jams like hell when one service uses some bandwith. Help? This wasn't issue with Windwos. Can't even reload Sup Forums pages if something is downloading faster than 900kb/s (and the maximum speed is like 7mb/s so there's lots of room to go).

tweaking FF eats resources.

i'm using FF on TrueOS (FreeBSD for noobs).

no big issues yet.

every one. you just uncheck desktop environment during installation

post luna desktop or whatever it was called

test out TrueOS.

All of them give the option to not install one. The dvd comes with I think 5 different options, but you can select none if you want.

DSL or Knoppix


That's great. Why don't all distros do that?

because people come and ask which iso comes without a de.

it's easier to put an iso without a de and call it "server"

TrueOS installs the nonfree multimedia with your aid. RTFM

None of this "no proprietary software" fascism.
Sure, it is FreeBSD but none of the Linux fans here admit to using it.

wget gots speed indicator.

ditto for aria2.

I'm looking for a way to select files in the terminal without typing their names. Useful for large directories with gibberish named files. Is there some sort of a shortcut system, maybe assigning them numbers?

Heh, fair enough.

Just remember to rtfm.

The Linux faggot plebes here will flame you if you ask a simple question.

You want privacy, go clubbing and stop using your Android phone to take selfies during gaysex.

Are you the salty WoW fag? I'm actually one of the people who rekt him. I did at least try and get VNC working but it has a stupid fucked up config file and unhelpful errors. I usually do give things a solid try before coming here to get spoon-fed.
Nx worries me for more ethical reasons than technical. I could just as easily set up teamviewer or hamachi and not bother with vnc.

obviusly the host there needs OCD meds stat.

butthurt much

Yes, I agree: everyone with a stupid question can fuck off.

Even you, faggot.

yes, Google is your friend.

but anyone asking the stupid question that takes theuse of goodle is too hard for them to do due to sloth.

Mmmmm big black cock me sucky.

Yummy yum