Does anyone else hate windows 10?

For the first time in my life I am switching to Linux and getting a mac because of the awfulness of back to back shitty OSs

it's garbage. I bought my new laptop and it came with 10 and no 7 driver support. I loaded linux on it and never looked back.

Why do you hate it though?

I love Windows 10
>great productivity
>fully supports all my games
>keeps me in the social loop
>I don't look like an autistic faggot

When I first got it I had some sound issue that I had to solve on my own....I had a sort of memory leak for over 6 months until I realized it was something with Spotify. Windows updated one day and it was fixed.

My computer wont sometimes randomly turns on if I do get it to sleep. I've had various hardware devices not work...but they worked on linux! My boot up time feels longer than any computer ive ever had. Sometimes when I game the task bar shows up on my screen...they sort of fixed this but it still comes back up. I have some problems with webpages crashing the computer where it has to restart. I also use an ipad, chromebook, and linux computer and none of these have the same issues...although they have their own problems :)

I see. Well I've had a good experience overall except some hiccups here and there. I've also been having the sleep problem lately, quite annoying.

You're in an echochamber for people who hate windows 10

ur still an autistic faggot tbhonest..

You know, for people that want nothing to do with Windows, I don't think there is a time I don't see Sup Forums talking about how terrible Windows 10 is.

just cause you don't look like one doesn't mean you aren't one

That's right, you look like a curry-smelling shill. Fuck off, Pajeet.

So with all that...has anyone here tried Mac? I enjoy my ipad but im a little nervous to hope onto the Apple bandwagon. Anything you guys/gals hate about it?

You're in an echochamber for people who hate Macs even more than Windows.

haha ya i kind of figured...ill still have linux but any reasons why you guys hate mac? In a few months that may be my next thread.

>this whole thread
Sup Forums's really gone, isn't it

yeah somehow it feels worse than 8/8.1
10 is really disgusting

what do you mean?

I hate WIndows 10 with a passion, I used WIndows 8.1 but I didn't like that atrocious start screen, so I'm using Windows 7, and will continue to use Windows 7 until I feel like a worthy predecessor has come, or I'll simply purchase a Macintosh in the future.

I like Windows 10, but you have to understand that everything about it is shiny and new to me because the last version of Windows I used was the win 95 beta in late 93-early 94. I switched back to 3.11 for a little while until I discovered Linux in 1995 and I've used that until about 6 months ago when I bought a new laptop with 10 pre installed. So far I'm really enjoying it, though I only use it about four hours a week for games that don't play well with wine.

Anyway, Sorry for the blog post. I am thinking about buying a Mac because I can install all three OSes on it since I switched to iOS after 8 years of Android

Windows 8.1? I member Windows 8.1. It was fantastic!

If the daily Windows hate threads are anything to go by, people here are obsessive about their hate.

I apologize! I haven't really hung around here too often. Oh well at least its good to see im not alone in not enjoying the product.