Any tech that is so advanced that it looks like magic?

Any tech that is so advanced that it looks like magic?

Pretty much everything involving electricity or chemicals would guarantee you being burned to death back in salem time.



OLED or e-Ink displays
Wireless power transmission
X-ray machine

Any modern medicine/medical tech that seems to miraculously cure people.



Is that a still from the Legend of the Seeker tv show?

I remember watching 2 episodes of that and then giving up because of how badly they slaughtered the books

Its a fun show with hot waifus

Electrical engineer, electricity isn't magic at all. Except for RF antenna design. That shit is pure 100% black magic. It's so crazy that even after all of the computer models have been run and the final prototype is fabbed you still have to call over an 80 year old wizard to wave his hands and put random pieces of metal in different places to tune the performance.

I'm a' electrical engineer too, just that all technology that isn't just a plain tool could be seen as magic by uneducated plebs

Like those computer evolution designed antennae? Our understanding of waves is probably too simple.

so is avoiding accidental antennas

Anything computers.

Back in the 1800s some very smart guys were proving the transcendentalism of pi while only having calculated a couple hundreds of digits. Today, I can calculate 1,000,000 digits of pi in a couple seconds max, using a device most people have at home. It's insane.

Imagine how much more progress would the classic mathematicians have made if they had access to the data that we have today. Billions of digits of pi, surely Euler would have found a pattern in there by now. So much has been discovered simply through clever thought experiments and pure logical reasoning, but even then they could never really be sure whether they were right or making a subtle reasoning mistake. Today we can simply run a simulation to validate the Butterfly Effect and other extremely complex phenomena that has stayed as conjecture for years, something those thinkers wouldn't even dream was actually possible to verify.

But it makes absolutely no sense, whoever wrote the screenplay probably read a plot summary from a wikipedia page.

If only I hadn't read the books, I might have been able to enjoy it.

>Imagine how much more progress would the classic mathematicians have made if they had access to the data that we have today. Billions of digits of pi, surely Euler would have found a pattern in there by now. So much has been discovered simply through clever thought experiments and pure logical reasoning, but even then they could never really be sure whether they were right or making a subtle reasoning mistake.

Not this stupid meme again. The whole reason we have computers today is because of these mathematicians. There are geniuses in the current year probably smarter than Euler, and they can achieve more thanks to computers. But the systems they are working on are also way more complex, so you need computers and other modern tools to improve upon old designs

When you are clueless about programming and computers in general, procedural generation can look like magic.

In most cases, the "magic" impression comes from only looking at the end result, and ignoring all the steps to get there. That's true for magic shows too, I guess.

the internet.

Those tits look pretty magical.

You're surrounded by it. No amount of technological advance will cure the prosaic imagination. If a computer doesn't look like magic, that's because we're used to it. What makes you think technology of the future will be any different?
