/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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you fageets really rush to make these

Still looking for help.

>fresh Fedora 25 install
>everything smooth and happy that wayland werked on my RX 480
>update and reboot
>stuck on boot

I can't boot it at all, not even with the rescue option. What the actual fuck is wrong with Fedora?

I really wanted to use it, but goddamn.

Its the freetards so they have to force gnu on the people in the thread

>all that bullshit propaganda of a buttmad terrorist...
stay mad mohammed!

Pretty sure there's an entire containment board just for your kind.

I am having trouble with my transmission daemon. Every download I add seems to fail with a "permission failed" error.

I don't understand what's going on since I've chmoded full permissions to the transmission daemon user/group. I have no idea why its complaining.

I'm downloading to a USB drive. Could that be an issue?

I liked old Sup Forums better...

Linux babby here, can someone tell me why spotify and other programs in general seem to be more responsive/less laggy on a linux based os compared to windows?

what happens if you don't download to a usb



where do i make bash aliases?
i tried using .bashrc and making a .bash_aliases but my term didn't recognize the command from either

did you source .bashrc after creating the alias?

it turns out i'm just stupid and had a hyphen in the alias
i should try to work things out on my own before i post
thanks, though

It works in the default /var/lib/..... folder.

You don't need NetworkManager to babysit you, all you need is wpa_supplicant, iw for discovering networks and dhcpcd (or dhclient) to acquire your IP address.
It's quite a simple config, here's how it looks

The greater the priority integer is, the higher the prioity for that network is.
If networks have the same priority, wpa_supplicant connects to the one with the stronger signal.
If, say network3 and network2 are your friends' home and your home networks (respectively), and you're at your friends', when you get home wpa_supplicant will automatically disconnect you from network3 and connect
you to network2.
And maybe network1 is your phone's wifi hotspot (when you need a second IP for shitposting), because it has the highest priority you will connect to your phone's network first and when you turn off the hotspot,
you'll auto connect to your home network.
It won't auto connect you to a network of higher priority if you're already connected to a network of lower priority, so you'll need to restart the service for that.

If you're using systemd, all you need to do is copy the systemd unit file from
/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]
and change this line
ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-%I.conf -i%I
ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i%I
because you'll probably use just that one config.
After that, enable wpa_supplicant service and the dhcpcd service like so
# systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlp3s0
# systemctl enable dhcpcd@wlp3s0
where wlp3s0 is my interface name, yours might be wlan0 for example, or something different.

You can always edit the config and restart the wpa_supplicant@ service as needed like so
# systemctl restart wpa_supplicant@wlp3s0
if you want to add a new network, for example.

[1.] wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_configuration
[2.] wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_network_configuration
[3.] wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd

what color ribbon do you want?

for some reason dhcpcd is slow as fuck on my system, mainly I mean it's delaying my boot a lot
using systemd-networkd.service seems to be much better wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/systemd-networkd


I'm a Windows user who wants to install linux and use it as my main OS.

I want to edit the OS to have custom messages which includes and text boxes.

I also want the desktop itself to be a black screen / terminal, while still having an aero theme bar at the top, )pic related except bigger text and smaller screen, the type of colour scheme I want). I want to be able to click a compiller launch button on the aero theme and it pop up as 1/2 of the desktop as split screen because I want to learn python, and I want the left screen to be the terminal for getting used to the shell commands and organizing stuff.

I also want to install a custom shell.

How easy are these things to do? If you could also recommend appropriate window managers / packages or custom code to do this, I would appreciate it.

Likely something else depends on dhcpcd having a connection and causes everything to wait until dhcpcd to connect

>which includes unicode and text boxes*

Pretty sure you meant to quote this guy


why is systemd-networkd fast though?

no idea. probably spools when systemd is called.

Or dhcpcd is deliberately stalled to encourage users to choose networkd

Is this supposed to be funny? Because it isn't.

Delusional liberals are funny.

>She's Muslim. She's not welcome.

Exactly. So?
